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Last active July 13, 2023 08:49
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// Backport SwiftUI.Toggle.init(_:sources:isOn:)
@available(iOS, deprecated: 16.0)
@available(macOS, deprecated: 13.0)
@available(tvOS, deprecated: 16.0)
@available(watchOS, deprecated: 9.0)
private extension SwiftUI.Toggle where Label == SwiftUI.Text {
init<C>(_ titleKey: LocalizedStringKey, sources: C, isOn: KeyPath<C.Element, Binding<Bool>>) where C : RandomAccessCollection {
isOn: Binding(
get: {
sources.allSatisfy { element in
element[keyPath: isOn].wrappedValue == true
set: { newValue in {
$0[keyPath: isOn]
}.forEach { binding in
binding.wrappedValue = newValue
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