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Last active February 6, 2022 15:38
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// Created by Marcin Krzyzanowski
import Foundation
public protocol JSONEncodable: Encodable { }
public extension JSONEncodable {
func toJSON(using encoder: @autoclosure () -> JSONEncoder = JSONEncoder()) throws -> String {
try String(decoding: encoder().encode(self), as: UTF8.self)
public protocol JSONDecodable: Decodable { }
public extension JSONDecodable {
static func from(json data: Data, using decoder: @autoclosure () -> JSONDecoder = JSONDecoder()) throws -> Self {
try decoder().decode(Self.self, from: data)
static func from(json string: String, using decoder: @autoclosure () -> JSONDecoder = JSONDecoder()) throws -> Self {
try self.from(json: Data(string.utf8), using: decoder())
public protocol JSONCodable: JSONEncodable & JSONDecodable { }
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