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Last active June 25, 2022 12:25
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Synchronously (well) wait for async Task value update
/// Wait for async operation to return value and call callback with the value
/// This class is intended to workaround/simplify async/await + actors isolation
private class AsyncWaiter<T> {
var didReceiveValue: Bool = false
let value: (T) -> Void
let operation: () async throws -> T
init(_ value: @escaping (T) -> Void, operation: @escaping () async throws -> T) {
self.value = value
self.operation = operation
func wait() {
Task.detached {
do {
self.value(try await self.operation())
} catch {
throw error
while !didReceiveValue { .default, before: .distantFuture)
func signal() {
didReceiveValue = true
extension Task where Success == Void, Failure == CancellationError {
struct ValueError: LocalizedError {
var errorDescription: String? {
"Didn't receive asynchronous value."
public static func wait<T>(operation: @escaping () async throws -> T) throws -> T {
var v: T? = nil
v = $0
}, operation: operation).wait()
if let v = v {
return v
} else {
throw ValueError()
let result: [String] = try Task.wait {
try await foo.getValues()
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