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Last active December 14, 2015 17:19
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Save ksafranski/5121608 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple, plain-english keycode combo handler
* Simple Plain-English Key Combo Listener
* Usage / Example:
* ======================================
* var konami = new combo({
* code: 'up up down down left right left right b a',
* timeout: 5000,
* callback: function(){
* alert('KONAMI!');
* }
* });
var combo = function(params){
* Assign combo code
this.code = params.code || null;
* Timeout before cur_combo resets
this.timeout = params.timeout || 3000;
* Callback
this.callback = params.callback || false;
* Holds currently entered combo
this.cur_combo = '';
* Starts the key listener, timer and check
this.init = function(){
var _this = this;
document.onkeydown = function(evt) {
evt = evt || window.event;
var name = _this.keycodes[evt.keyCode];
_this.cur_combo += ' ';
_this.cur_combo += name;
* Controls duration of time available to complete code
this.runTimer = function(){
var _this = this;
// Clear timeout
this.combotimer = setTimeout(function(){
_this.cur_combo = '';
}, this.timeout);
* Checks for code match and fires callback
this.checkCode = function(){
if (this.cur_combo===this.code && this.callback){
this.cur_combo = '';
* Library of keycodes
this.keycodes = {
8: "backspace",
9: "tab",
13: "enter",
14: "enter",
16: "shift",
17: "ctrl",
18: "alt",
19: "pause",
20: "caps",
27: "esc",
32: "space",
33: "pageup",
34: "pagedown",
35: "end",
36: "home",
37: "left",
38: "up",
39: "right",
40: "down",
44: "printscreen",
45: "insert",
46: "delete",
48: "0",
96: "0", //numpad
49: "1",
97: "1", //numpad
50: "2",
98: "2", //numpad
51: "3",
99: "3", //numpad
52: "4",
100: "4", //numpad
53: "5",
101: "5", //numpad
54: "6",
102: "6", //numpad
55: "7",
103: "7", //numpad
56: "8",
104: "8", //numpad
57: "9",
105: "9", //numpad
65: "a",
66: "b",
67: "c",
68: "d",
69: "e",
70: "f",
71: "g",
72: "h",
73: "i",
74: "j",
75: "k",
76: "l",
77: "m",
78: "n",
79: "o",
80: "p",
81: "q",
82: "r",
83: "s",
84: "t",
85: "u",
86: "v",
87: "w",
88: "x",
89: "y",
90: "z",
112: "f1",
113: "f2",
114: "f3",
115: "f4",
116: "f5",
117: "f6",
118: "f7",
119: "f8",
120: "f9",
121: "f10",
122: "f11",
123: "f12",
144: "numlock",
145: "scrolllock",
186: "semicolon",
187: "equals",
189: "minus",
188: "comma",
190: "period",
191: "forwardslash",
219: "openbracket",
220: "backslash",
221: "closebracket",
222: "quote"
* Start up on instantiation
var combo=function(a){this.code=a.code||null;this.timeout=a.timeout||3000;this.callback=a.callback||false;this.cur_combo="";this.init=function(){var b=this;document.onkeydown=function(c){c=c||window.event;var d=b.keycodes[c.keyCode];if(b.cur_combo.length>0){b.cur_combo+=" "}b.cur_combo+=d;b.runTimer();b.checkCode()}};this.runTimer=function(){var b=this;if(this.combotimer){clearTimeout(this.combotimer)}this.combotimer=setTimeout(function(){b.cur_combo=""},this.timeout)};this.checkCode=function(){if(this.cur_combo===this.code&&this.callback){this.cur_combo="";this.callback()}};this.keycodes={8:"backspace",9:"tab",13:"enter",14:"enter",16:"shift",17:"ctrl",18:"alt",19:"pause",20:"caps",27:"esc",32:"space",33:"pageup",34:"pagedown",35:"end",36:"home",37:"left",38:"up",39:"right",40:"down",44:"printscreen",45:"insert",46:"delete",48:"0",96:"0",49:"1",97:"1",50:"2",98:"2",51:"3",99:"3",52:"4",100:"4",53:"5",101:"5",54:"6",102:"6",55:"7",103:"7",56:"8",104:"8",57:"9",105:"9",65:"a",66:"b",67:"c",68:"d",69:"e",70:"f",71:"g",72:"h",73:"i",74:"j",75:"k",76:"l",77:"m",78:"n",79:"o",80:"p",81:"q",82:"r",83:"s",84:"t",85:"u",86:"v",87:"w",88:"x",89:"y",90:"z",112:"f1",113:"f2",114:"f3",115:"f4",116:"f5",117:"f6",118:"f7",119:"f8",120:"f9",121:"f10",122:"f11",123:"f12",144:"numlock",145:"scrolllock",186:"semicolon",187:"equals",189:"minus",188:"comma",190:"period",191:"forwardslash",219:"openbracket",220:"backslash",221:"closebracket",222:"quote"};this.init()};
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