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ksamuel/ Secret

Created April 22, 2023 10:59
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import json
import secrets
import string
from pathlib import Path
import doit
from doit import tools
from import Interactive, LongRunning
from fabric import Connection
from import run_crawler
from import setup_var_directories
BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).absolute().parent
DIST_DIR = "./var/dist/"
BUILD_DIR = "./var/tmp/shiv/"
"default_tasks": [""],
"backend": "sqlite3",
# note to readers: This allows me to use a better format syntax
# for params instead of %(param_name)s
"action_string_formatting": "new",
def test_setup_var_directories():
return {
"actions": [
def task_lock_deps():
"""Lock dependancies using poetry, and export them as a requirements files"""
return {
"file_dep": ["pyproject.toml"],
"actions": [
"poetry lock",
"poetry export --without-hashes -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt",
"poetry export --without-hashes --dev -f requirements.txt --output all-requirements.txt",
"grep -Fvxf requirements.txt all-requirements.txt > dev-requirements.txt",
"rm all-requirements.txt",
"targets": ["requirements.txt", "dev-requirements.txt", "poetry.lock"],
def task_precommit():
"""Lint, format and test before commit"""
return {
"file_dep": [*Path("my_project").rglob("**/*.py")],
"actions": [
"black my_project tests",
"pylint my_project tests",
"mypy my_project tests",
"pytest tests",
def task_bundle_static_files():
bundle = str(BASE_DIR / "var/static/bundle.js")
static_files = Path("my_project/website/static/")
deps = [
def update_manifest_json():
# Because of a bug in vite, we can't use main.js as an entry point
# and must use a fake index.html. But a script can't load html files.
# So we do a little hack, duplicate the manifest index.html entry, but
# name the copy main.js
conf = Path("var/static/manifest.json")
data = json.loads(conf.read_text())
data["./src/main.js"] = data["index.html"]
return {
"file_dep": deps,
"actions": [
"mkdir -p ./var/static/",
"rm -fr ./var/static/* ",
"cd my_project/frontend/; npm run build",
"python collectstatic --noinput",
"cp -r ./var/static/* ",
"targets": ["var/static/manifest.json"],
def task_dump_dependencies():
return {
"file_dep": ["pyproject.toml"],
"actions": [
f"mkdir -p {BUILD_DIR}",
f"rm -fr {BUILD_DIR}*",
f"pip install -r requirements.txt --target {BUILD_DIR}",
def task_build_zipapp():
return {
"task_dep": ["bundle_static_files", "lock_deps", "dump_dependencies"],
"actions": [
# Make sure the directories are there and empty
f"mkdir -p {DIST_DIR} ",
f"rm -fr {DIST_DIR}*",
f"mkdir -p {BUILD_DIR}var/",
# Put the python project, deps and static files in there
f"cp -r var/static/ {BUILD_DIR}var/",
f"cp -r my_project {BUILD_DIR} ",
# Build the zipapp
f"shiv --site-packages {BUILD_DIR} --compressed -p '/usr/bin/env python3' -o {DIST_DIR}my_project.pyz -e shiv_entry_point.main",
"targets": ["{DIST_DIR}/my_project.pyz"],
"verbosity": 2,
def upload_setup_and_restart():
with Connection("contact@domain.tld") as c:
print("Upload pyz")
c.put(f"{DIST_DIR}my_project.pyz", "/opt/my_project")
print("Setup prod")"cd /opt/my_project && source .env && python3.9 my_project.pyz migrate_prod")
print("Restart python process")"sudo service my_project restart", pty=True)
def task_deploy():
return {
"actions": [
"verbosity": 2,
def task_build_and_deploy():
return {
"task_dep": ["build_zipapp"],
"actions": [upload_setup_and_restart],
"verbosity": 2,
# note to readers: LongRunning is a less costly version of Interactive
# for processes you don't expect to interact with
def task_serve():
return {
"actions": [LongRunning("python runserver")],
def task_vite():
return {
"actions": [LongRunning("cd my_project/frontend; npm run dev")],
def task_crawl():
return {
"actions": [LongRunning(run_crawler)],
"verbosity": 2,
def task_shell():
return {
"actions": [Interactive("python shell_plus")],
def task_load_test_users():
return {
"actions": [
"python ./ loaddata tests/fixtures/users.json",
def task_generate_password():
def gen():
alphabet = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
password = "".join(secrets.choice(alphabet) for i in range(20))
return {"password": password}
return {"actions": [gen]}
def task_create_pg_db():
return {
"actions": [
Interactive('sudo -u postgres psql -c "create database {db}"'),
"""sudo -u postgres psql -c "create user {db} with encrypted password '{password}'" """
'sudo -u postgres psql -c "grant all privileges on database {db} to {db}"'
"echo Database '{db}' created for user '{db}' with password '{password}'",
"params": [{"name": "db", "default": "my_project", "long": "db"}],
"getargs": {
"password": ("generate_password", "password"),
"verbosity": 2,
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