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Last active July 9, 2021 07:47
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* Template Name: SIS Courses
* @link
* @package KSAS_Academic_Department
get_header(); ?>
<?php get_template_part( 'template-parts/featured-image' ); ?>
// Load Zebra Curl.
require get_template_directory() . '/library/Zebra_cURL.php';
// Set query string variables.
$theme_option = flagship_sub_get_global_options();
$department_unclean = $theme_option['flagship_sub_isis_name'];
$department = str_replace( ' ', '%20', $department_unclean );
$department = str_replace( '&', '%26', $department );
$spring = 'spring%202021';
$open = 'open';
$approval = 'approval%20required';
$closed = 'closed';
$waitlist = 'waitlist%20only';
$reserved_open = 'reserved%20open';
$key = 'Qrf9MQse2cdpgaYdPF23dkMaqrVKE5dP';
// Create first Zebra Curl class.
$course_curl = new Zebra_cURL();
$course_curl->cache( get_template_directory() . '/sis-cache/', 2592000 );
// Create API Url calls.
$courses_spring_url = '' . $key . '&School=Krieger%20School%20of%20Arts%20and%20Sciences&Term=' . $spring . '&Department=AS%20' . $department . '&status=' . $open . '&status=' . $approval . '&status=' . $waitlist . '&status=' . $reserved_open;
$course_data = array();
$output = '';
// get the first set of data.
$course_curl->get( $courses_spring_url, function( $result ) use ( &$course_data ) {
$key = 'DZkN4QOJGaDKVg6Du1911u45d4TJNp6I';
if ( ( ! is_array( $result ) && ! is_object( $result ) ) || ( is_array( $result ) || count( (array) $result ) == 0 ) || ( json_last_error() != JSON_ERROR_NONE ) ) {
// log the error or warning here ...
// $input = $result->body;
// $output = print_r($result, true);
// Only for PHP >= 5.3.0!
// json_last_error();
// json_last_error_msg();
return -1;
$result->body = json_decode( html_entity_decode( $result->body ) );
foreach ( $result->body as $course ) {
$section = $course->{'SectionName'};
$level = $course->{'Level'};
$parent = 'Undergraduate';
if ( strpos( $level, $parent ) !== false || ( $level === '' ) !== false ) {
$number = $course->{'OfferingName'};
$clean_number = preg_replace( '/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $number );
$dirty_term = $course->{'Term_IDR'};
$clean_term = str_replace( ' ', '%20', $dirty_term );
$details_url = '' . $clean_number . $section . '/' . $clean_term . '?key=' . $key;
// add to array
$course_data[] = $details_url;
// Now that we have the first set of data.
$course_curl->get( $course_data, function( $result ) use (&$output) {
$result->body = json_decode( html_entity_decode( $result->body ) );
$title = $result->body[0]->{'Title'};
$term = $result->body[0]->{'Term_IDR'};
$clean_term = str_replace( ' ', '-', $term );
$meetings = $result->body[0]->{'Meetings'};
$status = $result->body[0]->{'Status'};
$seatsavailable = $result->body[0]->{'SeatsAvailable'};
$course_number = $result->body[0]->{'OfferingName'};
$clean_course_number = preg_replace( '/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $course_number );
$credits = $result->body[0]->{'Credits'};
$section_number = $result->body[0]->{'SectionName'};
$instructor = $result->body[0]->{'InstructorsFullName'};
$course_level = $result->body[0]->{'Level'};
$description = $result->body[0]->{'SectionDetails'}[0]->{'Description'};
$room = $result->body[0]->{'SectionDetails'}[0]->{'Meetings'}[0]->{'Building'};
$roomnumber = $result->body[0]->{'SectionDetails'}[0]->{'Meetings'}[0]->{'Room'};
$postag = ' ';
$sectiondetails = $result->body[0]->{'SectionDetails'}[0];
$tags = [];
if ( isset( $sectiondetails->{'PosTags'} ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $sectiondetails->{'PosTags'} ) ) {
$postag = $sectiondetails->{'PosTags'};
foreach ( $postag as $tag ) {
$tags[] = $tag->{'Tag'};
$print_tags = empty( $tags ) ? 'n/a' : implode( ', ', $tags );
$output .= '<tr><td>' . $course_number . '&nbsp;(' . $section_number . ')</td><td>' . $title . '</td><td class="show-for-medium">' . $meetings . '</td><td class="show-for-medium">' . $instructor . '</td><td class="show-for-medium">' . $room . '&nbsp;' . $roomnumber . '</td><td class="show-for-large">' . implode( ', ', $tags ) . '</td>';
$output .= '<td><button class="button course-details" data-open="course-' . $clean_course_number . $section_number . $clean_term . '">More Info<span class="show-for-sr">-' . $title . '-' . $section_number . '</span></button></td></tr>';
$output .= '<div class="reveal course-description" id="course-' . $clean_course_number . $section_number . $clean_term . '" aria-labelledby="' . $clean_term . $course_number . '-' . $section_number . '" data-reveal><h1 id="' . $clean_term . $course_number . '-' . $section_number . '">' . $title . '<br><small>' . $course_number . '&nbsp;(' . $section_number . ')</small></h1><p>' . $description . '<ul><li><strong>Credits:</strong> ' . $credits . '</li><li><strong>Level:</strong> ' . $course_level . ' </li><li><strong>Days/Times:</strong> ' . $meetings . ' </li><li><strong>Instructor:</strong> ' . $instructor . ' </li><li><strong>Room:</strong> ' . $room . '&nbsp;' . $roomnumber . ' </li><li><strong>Status:</strong> ' . $status . '</li><li><strong>Seats Available:</strong> ' . $seatsavailable . '</li><li><strong>PosTag(s):</strong> ' . $print_tags . '</li></ul></p><button class="close-button" data-close aria-label="Close reveal" type="button"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button></div>';
<div class="main-container" id="page">
<div class="main-grid">
<main class="main-content">
while ( have_posts() ) :
<?php get_template_part( 'template-parts/content', 'page' ); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<ul class="tabs" data-tabs id="courses-tabs">
<li class="tabs-title is-active"><a href="#Spring">Spring 2021</a></li>
<div class="tabs-content course-listings" data-tabs-content="courses-tabs">
<div class="tabs-panel is-active" id="Spring">
<p class="show-for-sr" id="tblDescSpring">Column one has the course number and section. Other columns show the course title, days offered, instructor's name, room number, if the course is cross-referenced with another program, and a option to view additional course information in a pop-up window.</p>
<table aria-describedby="tblDescSpring" class="course-table">
<th>Course # (Section)</th>
<th class="show-for-medium">Day/Times</th>
<th class="show-for-medium">Instructor</th>
<th class="show-for-medium">Room</th>
<th class="show-for-large">PosTag(s)</th>
<?php echo $output; ?>
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
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