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Created August 14, 2014 22:26
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K's Boxen personal module
class people::ksaynice {
# ----- First thing first make you chooice of editor(s)! -----
include textmate::textmate2::release # normal release
# include textmate::textmate2::beta # beta releases
# include textmate::textmate2::nightly # nightly releases
# # sublime_text For the latest build of v3
# include sublime_text
# sublime_text::package { 'Emmet':
# source => 'sergeche/emmet-sublime'
# }
# # sublime_text For the latest version of v2
# include sublime_text::v2
# sublime_text::v2::package { 'Emmet':
# source => 'sergeche/emmet-sublime'
# }
# include macvim
# include rubymine
# include textwrangler
# ----- Applications -----
include github_for_mac
include caffeine
include onepassword
include dropbox
include skype
include adium
# ----- Misc modules -----
include fonts
include steam
# ----- Configuration Setup -----
$env = {
directories => {
home => '/Users/K',
dotfiles => '/Users/K/cl'
dotfiles => [
packages => {
brew => [
# ----- Install Brew Applications -----
package { $env['packages']['brew']:
provider => 'homebrew',
# ----- Dotfile Setup -----
repository { 'ksaynice-dotfiles':
source => 'ksaynice/dotfiles',
path => "${env['directories']['dotfiles']}",
### This really shoudl be a shell script. DO IT!
-> people::ksaynice::dotfile::link { $env['dotfiles']:
source_dir => "${env['directories']['dotfiles']}/etc",
dest_dir => $env['directories']['home'],
# Misc Helpers until I can figure out where to put this
define dotfile::link($source_dir, $dest_dir) {
file { "${dest_dir}/.${name}":
ensure => symlink,
target => "${source_dir}/${name}",
# Start Config OSX Defaults
boxen::osx_defaults { 'Disable reopen windows when logging back in':
key => 'TALLogoutSavesState',
domain => '',
value => 'false',
boxen::osx_defaults { 'Secure Empty Trash':
key => 'EmptyTrashSecurely',
domain => '',
value => 'true',
boxen::osx_defaults { 'Always use current directory in default search':
key => 'FXDefaultSearchScope',
domain => '',
value => 'SCcf',
boxen::osx_defaults { 'Do not create .DS_Store':
key => 'DSDontWriteNetworkStores',
domain => '',
value => 'true',
boxen::osx_defaults { "Disable 'natural scrolling'":
key => '',
domain => 'NSGlobalDomain',
value => 'false',
boxen::osx_defaults { 'fucking sane key repeat':
domain => 'NSGlobalDomain',
key => 'KeyRepeat',
value => '0',
boxen::osx_defaults { 'Expand save panel by default':
key => 'NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode',
domain => 'NSGlobalDomain',
value => 'true',
boxen::osx_defaults { 'Expand print panel by default':
key => 'PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint',
domain => 'NSGlobalDomain',
value => 'true',
# End Config
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