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Created October 31, 2022 11:10
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nixos 2
description = "My awesome system config";
inputs = {
nixpkgs2205.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-22.05";
nixpkgsUnstable.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
nixpkgsMaster.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/master";
home-manager.url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
home-manager.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nixpkgsUnstable, nixpkgs2205, home-manager, ... }@inputs:
system = "x86_64-linux";
pkgs22 = import nixpkgs2205 {
inherit system;
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
config.allowUnfree = true;
config.permittedInsecurePackages = [
]; };
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfreePredicate = pkg:
builtins.elem (lib.getName pkg) [
linuxHomeOverlay = (
final: prev: {
# from stable release
gnomeExtensions.you2ber = inputs.nixpkgs2205.legacyPackages.${system}.gnomeExtensions.you2ber;
rPackages.tsc = inputs.nixpkgs2205.legacyPackages.${system}.rPackages.tsc;
hydra-cli = inputs.nixpkgs2205.legacyPackages.${system}.hydra-cli;
# from unstable release
kdenlive = inputs.nixpkgsUnstable.legacyPackages.${system}.kdenlive;
lib = nixpkgsUnstable.lib;
in {
nixosConfigurations = rec {
hostname = lib.nixosSystem {
inherit system;
modules =
{ nixpkgs.overlays = [ linuxHomeOverlay ]; }
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