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Last active March 21, 2018 15:44
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import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { NgxDatatableModule } from '@swimlane/ngx-datatable';
import { Router, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
import { DatatableComponent } from '@swimlane/ngx-datatable/src/components/datatable.component';
import { PatientService } from '../../patient.service';
selector: 'app-patient-list',
templateUrl: './patient-list.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./patient-list.component.css']
export class PatientListComponent implements OnInit {
@ViewChild('table') table: DatatableComponent;
patients: any[];
columns: any[];
rows: any[];
selected: any[];
filter: string;
filters: string[];
private _router: Router,
private _patientService: PatientService,
private _route: ActivatedRoute
) {
this.rows = [];
this.patients = [];
this.selected = [];
this.columns = [
{ name: 'id' },
{ name: 'First' },
{ name: 'Last' },
{ name: 'DOB' },
{ name: 'Phone' },
{ name: 'Email' },
this.filters = [
ngOnInit() {
rows => this.rows = rows,
err => console.log(err)
patients => this.patients = patients,
err => console.log(err)
onSelect({ selected }): void {
this.selected = selected;
filterBy(a) {
if (a._selected) {
this.filter = a.value.toLowerCase();
gotoChart(selected): void {
this._router.navigate(['../patient-chart', this.selected[0].id], { relativeTo: this._route });
onActivate(event) {
console.log('Activate Event', event);
updateFilter(event) {
const filterText =;
// filter our data
const patients = this.patients.filter((d) => d[this.filter].toLowerCase().includes(filterText) || !filterText);
// update the rows
this.rows = patients;
// Whenever the filter changes, always go back to the first page
this.table.offset = 0;
download() {
let csvData = this.ConvertToCSV(this.rows);
let blob = new Blob([csvData], { type: 'text/csv' });
let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);;
ConvertToCSV(rows) {
let array = typeof rows !== 'object' ? JSON.parse(rows) : rows;
let str = '';
let row = '';
for (let index in rows[0]) {
// Now convert each value to string and comma-separated
row += index + ',';
row = row.slice(0, -1);
// append Label row with line break
str += row + '\r\n';
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
let line = '';
for (let index in array[i]) {
if (line != '') line += ','
line += array[i][index];
str += line + '\r\n';
return str;
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