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Created February 13, 2016 13:31
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Type-directed memoization
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
class Memo a where
data Table a :: * -> *
toTable :: (a -> w) -> Table a w
fromTable :: Table a w -> (a -> w)
instance Memo Bool where
data Table Bool w = TBool w w
toTable f = TBool (f True) (f False)
fromTable (TBool x y) b = if b then x else y
instance (Memo a, Memo b) => Memo (Either a b) where
data Table (Either a b) w = TSum (Table a w) (Table b w)
toTable f = TSum (toTable (f . Left)) (toTable (f . Right))
fromTable (TSum t _) (Left v) = fromTable t v
fromTable (TSum _ t) (Right v) = fromTable t v
instance (Memo a, Memo b) => Memo (a, b) where
newtype Table (a, b) w = TProduct (Table a (Table b w))
toTable f = TProduct (toTable (\x -> toTable (\y -> f (x, y))))
fromTable (TProduct t) (x, y) = fromTable (fromTable t x) y
instance (Memo a) => Memo [a] where
data Table [a] w = TList w (Table a (Table [a] w))
toTable f = TList (f [])
(toTable (\x -> toTable (\xs -> f (x:xs))))
fromTable (TList t _) [] = t
fromTable (TList _ t) (x:xs) = fromTable (fromTable t x) xs
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1)
fibonacci 0 = 1
fibonacci 1 = 1
fibonacci n = fibonacci (n -1) + fibonacci (n - 2)
f :: Bool -> Integer
f True = factorial 100
f False = fibonacci 30
g :: Bool -> Integer
g = fromTable (toTable f)
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