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Created November 22, 2012 08:44
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XKCD style for matplotlib
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
XKCD plot generator
Author: Jake Vanderplas
This is a script that will take any matplotlib line diagram, and convert it
to an XKCD-style plot. It will work for plots with line & text elements,
including axes labels and titles (but not axes tick labels).
The idea for this comes from work by Damon McDougall
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
from scipy import interpolate, signal
import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
# We need a special font for the code below. It can be downloaded this way:
import os
import urllib2
if not os.path.exists('Humor-Sans.ttf'):
fhangle = urllib2.urlopen('')
open('Humor-Sans.ttf', 'wb').write(
def xkcd_line(x, y, xlim=None, ylim=None,
mag=1.0, f1=30, f2=0.05, f3=15):
Mimic a hand-drawn line from (x, y) data
x, y : array_like
arrays to be modified
xlim, ylim : data range
the assumed plot range for the modification. If not specified,
they will be guessed from the data
mag : float
magnitude of distortions
f1, f2, f3 : int, float, int
filtering parameters. f1 gives the size of the window, f2 gives
the high-frequency cutoff, f3 gives the size of the filter
x, y : ndarrays
The modified lines
x = np.asarray(x)
y = np.asarray(y)
# get limits for rescaling
if xlim is None:
xlim = (x.min(), x.max())
if ylim is None:
ylim = (y.min(), y.max())
if xlim[1] == xlim[0]:
xlim = ylim
if ylim[1] == ylim[0]:
ylim = xlim
# scale the data
x_scaled = (x - xlim[0]) * 1. / (xlim[1] - xlim[0])
y_scaled = (y - ylim[0]) * 1. / (ylim[1] - ylim[0])
# compute the total distance along the path
dx = x_scaled[1:] - x_scaled[:-1]
dy = y_scaled[1:] - y_scaled[:-1]
dist_tot = np.sum(np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy))
# number of interpolated points is proportional to the distance
Nu = int(200 * dist_tot)
u = np.arange(-1, Nu + 1) * 1. / (Nu - 1)
# interpolate curve at sampled points
k = min(3, len(x) - 1)
res = interpolate.splprep([x_scaled, y_scaled], s=0, k=k)
x_int, y_int = interpolate.splev(u, res[0])
# we'll perturb perpendicular to the drawn line
dx = x_int[2:] - x_int[:-2]
dy = y_int[2:] - y_int[:-2]
dist = np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
# create a filtered perturbation
coeffs = mag * np.random.normal(0, 0.01, len(x_int) - 2)
b = signal.firwin(f1, f2 * dist_tot, window=('kaiser', f3))
response = signal.lfilter(b, 1, coeffs)
x_int[1:-1] += response * dy / dist
y_int[1:-1] += response * dx / dist
# un-scale data
x_int = x_int[1:-1] * (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) + xlim[0]
y_int = y_int[1:-1] * (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) + ylim[0]
return x_int, y_int
def XKCDify(ax, mag=1.0,
f1=50, f2=0.01, f3=15,
"""Make axis look hand-drawn
This adjusts all lines, text, legends, and axes in the figure to look
like xkcd plots. Other plot elements are not modified.
ax : Axes instance
the axes to be modified.
mag : float
the magnitude of the distortion
f1, f2, f3 : int, float, int
filtering parameters. f1 gives the size of the window, f2 gives
the high-frequency cutoff, f3 gives the size of the filter
xaxis_loc, yaxis_loc : float
The locations to draw the x and y axes. If not specified, they
will be drawn from the bottom left of the plot
xaxis_arrow, yaxis_arrow : str
where to draw arrows on the x/y axes. Options are '+', '-', '+-', or ''
ax_extend : float
How far (fractionally) to extend the drawn axes beyond the original
axes limits
expand_axes : bool
if True, then expand axes to fill the figure (useful if there is only
a single axes in the figure)
# Get axes aspect
ext = ax.get_window_extent().extents
aspect = (ext[3] - ext[1]) / (ext[2] - ext[0])
xlim = ax.get_xlim()
ylim = ax.get_ylim()
xspan = xlim[1] - xlim[0]
yspan = ylim[1] - xlim[0]
xax_lim = (xlim[0] - ax_extend * xspan,
xlim[1] + ax_extend * xspan)
yax_lim = (ylim[0] - ax_extend * yspan,
ylim[1] + ax_extend * yspan)
if xaxis_loc is None:
xaxis_loc = ylim[0]
if yaxis_loc is None:
yaxis_loc = xlim[0]
# Draw axes
xaxis = pl.Line2D([xax_lim[0], xax_lim[1]], [xaxis_loc, xaxis_loc],
linestyle='-', color='k')
yaxis = pl.Line2D([yaxis_loc, yaxis_loc], [yax_lim[0], yax_lim[1]],
linestyle='-', color='k')
# Label axes3, 0.5, 'hello', fontsize=14)
ax.text(xax_lim[1], xaxis_loc - 0.02 * yspan, ax.get_xlabel(),
fontsize=14, ha='right', va='top', rotation=12)
ax.text(yaxis_loc - 0.02 * xspan, yax_lim[1], ax.get_ylabel(),
fontsize=14, ha='right', va='top', rotation=78)
# Add title
ax.text(0.5 * (xax_lim[1] + xax_lim[0]), yax_lim[1],
ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=16)
Nlines = len(ax.lines)
lines = [xaxis, yaxis] + [ax.lines.pop(0) for i in range(Nlines)]
for line in lines:
x, y = line.get_data()
x_int, y_int = xkcd_line(x, y, xlim, ylim,
mag, f1, f2, f3)
# create foreground and background line
lw = line.get_linewidth()
line.set_linewidth(2 * lw)
line.set_data(x_int, y_int)
# don't add background line for axes
if (line is not xaxis) and (line is not yaxis):
line_bg = pl.Line2D(x_int, y_int, color=bgcolor,
linewidth=8 * lw)
# Draw arrow-heads at the end of axes lines
arr1 = 0.03 * np.array([-1, 0, -1])
arr2 = 0.02 * np.array([-1, 0, 1])
arr1[::2] += np.random.normal(0, 0.005, 2)
arr2[::2] += np.random.normal(0, 0.005, 2)
x, y = xaxis.get_data()
if '+' in str(xaxis_arrow):
ax.plot(x[-1] + arr1 * xspan * aspect,
y[-1] + arr2 * yspan,
color='k', lw=2)
if '-' in str(xaxis_arrow):
ax.plot(x[0] - arr1 * xspan * aspect,
y[0] - arr2 * yspan,
color='k', lw=2)
x, y = yaxis.get_data()
if '+' in str(yaxis_arrow):
ax.plot(x[-1] + arr2 * xspan * aspect,
y[-1] + arr1 * yspan,
color='k', lw=2)
if '-' in str(yaxis_arrow):
ax.plot(x[0] - arr2 * xspan * aspect,
y[0] - arr1 * yspan,
color='k', lw=2)
# Change all the fonts to humor-sans.
prop = fm.FontProperties(fname='Humor-Sans.ttf', size=16)
for text in ax.texts:
# modify legend
leg = ax.get_legend()
if leg is not None:
for child in leg.get_children():
if isinstance(child, pl.Line2D):
x, y = child.get_data()
child.set_data(xkcd_line(x, y, mag=10, f1=100, f2=0.001))
child.set_linewidth(2 * child.get_linewidth())
if isinstance(child, pl.Text):
# Set the axis limits
ax.set_xlim(xax_lim[0] - 0.1 * xspan,
xax_lim[1] + 0.1 * xspan)
ax.set_ylim(yax_lim[0] - 0.1 * yspan,
yax_lim[1] + 0.1 * yspan)
# adjust the axes
if expand_axes:
ax.set_position([0, 0, 1, 1])
return ax
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Shimomura Kimihiko <>
import numpy as np
import pylab
import libXKCD
ax = pylab.axes()
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
ax.plot(x, np.sin(x) * np.exp(-0.1 * (x - 5) ** 2), 'b', lw=1, label='damped sine')
ax.plot(x, -np.cos(x) * np.exp(-0.1 * (x - 5) ** 2), 'r', lw=1, label='damped cosine')
ax.set_title('check it out!')
ax.set_xlabel('x label')
ax.set_ylabel('y label')
ax.legend(loc='lower right')
ax.set_xlim(0, 10)
ax.set_ylim(-1.0, 1.0)
libXKCD.XKCDify(ax, xaxis_loc=0.0, yaxis_loc=1.0,xaxis_arrow='+-', yaxis_arrow='+-', expand_axes=True)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Shimomura Kimihiko <>
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import libXKCD
def norm(x, x0, sigma):
return np.exp(-0.5 * (x - x0) ** 2 / sigma ** 2)
def sigmoid(x, x0, alpha):
return 1. / (1. + np.exp(- (x - x0) / alpha))
# define the curves
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
y1 = np.sqrt(norm(x, 0.7, 0.05)) + 0.2 * (1.5 - sigmoid(x, 0.8, 0.05))
y2 = 0.2 * norm(x, 0.5, 0.2) + np.sqrt(norm(x, 0.6, 0.05)) + 0.1 * (1 -
sigmoid(x, 0.75, 0.05))
y3 = 0.05 + 1.4 * norm(x, 0.85, 0.08)
y3[x > 0.85] = 0.05 + 1.4 * norm(x[x > 0.85], 0.85, 0.3)
# draw the curves
ax = pl.axes()
ax.plot(x, y1, c='grey')
ax.plot(x, y2, c='blue')
ax.plot(x, y3, c='red')
ax.text(0.3, -0.1, "Yard")
ax.text(0.5, -0.1, "Steps")
ax.text(0.7, -0.1, "Door")
ax.text(0.9, -0.1, "Inside")
ax.text(0.05, 1.1, "fear that\nthere's\nsomething\nbehind me")
ax.plot([0.15, 0.2], [1.0, 0.2], '-k', lw=0.5)
ax.text(0.25, 0.8, "forward\nspeed")
ax.plot([0.32, 0.35], [0.75, 0.35], '-k', lw=0.5)
ax.text(0.9, 0.4, "embarrasment")
ax.plot([1.0, 0.8], [0.55, 1.05], '-k', lw=0.5)
ax.set_title("Walking back to my\nfront door at night:")
ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
ax.set_ylim(0, 1.5)
# modify all the axes elements in-place
libXKCD.XKCDify(ax, expand_axes=True)
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