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Last active July 6, 2021 05:43
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Kusto Query for Plotting Pod Memory Usage in Grafana for Azure Kubernetes Service and Log Analytics
| where ClusterName == 'prod-aks-cluster'
| where isnotempty(Computer) // eliminate unscheduled pods
| where PodStatus in ('Running')
| extend podLabels = parse_json (PodLabel)
| where podLabels[0][''] == "payment-service"
| where Namespace == "payments-ns"
| where $__timeFilter(TimeGenerated)
| extend JustContainerName=tostring(split(ContainerName, '/')[1])
| extend InstanceName=strcat(ClusterId, '/', PodUid, '/', JustContainerName)
| summarize by bin(TimeGenerated, 1m),InstanceName, Name
| join (
| where ObjectName == 'K8SContainer'
| where CounterName == 'memoryRssBytes'
| where $__timeFilter(TimeGenerated)
| summarize UsageValue = avg(CounterValue / (1024 * 1024)) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1m),InstanceName, CounterName
| project-away CounterName
) on InstanceName,TimeGenerated
| summarize MemoryUsageMB = max(UsageValue) by bin(TimeGenerated,1m), Name
| order by TimeGenerated asc
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