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Last active December 26, 2015 23:49
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This gist aims to collect as many inconsistencies as possible related to the cross-browser compatibility issues. They may be related to javascript, css, DOM etc.
1. A text node in Firefox allows only 4K data. So an XML Ajax response gets split up into multiple text child nodes instead of only one node. Its fine in Internet Explorer. For Firefox, to get the full data you either need to use node.normalize before you call node.firstChild or use node.textContent, both of which are Mozilla specific methods
2. Internet Explorer does not replace   or HTML char code 160, you need to replace its Unicode equivalent \u00a0
3. In Firefox a dynamically created input field inside a form (created using document.createElement) does not pass its value on form submit.
4. document.getElementById in Internet Explorer will return an element even if the element name matches. Mozilla only returns element if id matches.
5. In Internet Explorer if a select box has a value not represented by any of the options, it will display blank, Firefox displays the first option.
6. Array's inconsistency:
- Firefox & Chrome are fine with this: [1,2,]
- IE treats this as an array of 3 elements with 3rd element undefined
- Opera throws an exception
7. In IE, the innerHTML property is read-only on the following col, colGroup, frameSet, html, head, style, table, tBody, tFoot, tHead, title, and tr objects which essentially means you can't call innerHTML on these elements once they are created.
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