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Created January 24, 2014 21:45
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Unit testing using Rhino
public void Index_Action_Should_Return_BugsListVM_Object_With_Correct_Number_Of_Issues()
//IF the db has 2 issues of Location "SPRNT", the Index action should return 2 items in the Model/ViewModel
const int fakeTeamID = 1;
var _session = MockRepository.GenerateStrictMock<HttpSessionStateBase>();
_session.Stub(s => s["TB_TeamID"]).Return(fakeTeamID);
_session.Stub(s => s["CreateAndEditMode"]).Return(false);
var _context = MockRepository.GenerateStrictMock<HttpContextBase>();
_context.Stub(c => c.Session).Return(_session);
var projectList = new List<Project>();
projectList.Add(new Project { ID = 1, Name = "TeamBinPro", TeamID = fakeTeamID });
projectList.Add(new Project { ID = 2, Name = "kTable", TeamID = fakeTeamID });
var issueList = new List<Issue>();
issueList.Add(new Issue { ID = 1, Title = "js error", Description = "test", TeamID = fakeTeamID, Location = "SPRNT", CreatedBy = new User { ID = 1, FirstName = "Scott" }, Priority = new Priority { ID = 1, Name = "High" }, Category = new Category { ID = 1, Name = "Bug" }, Status = new Status { ID = 1, Name = "New" }, Project = projectList[0] });
issueList.Add(new Issue { ID = 2, Title = "db error", Description = "test", TeamID = fakeTeamID, Location = "SPRNT", CreatedBy = new User { ID = 1, FirstName = "Scott" }, Priority = new Priority { ID = 1, Name = "High" }, Category = new Category { ID = 1, Name = "Bug" }, Status = new Status { ID = 1, Name = "New" }, Project = projectList[0] });
issueList.Add(new Issue { ID = 3, Title = "error", Description = "test", TeamID = fakeTeamID, Location = "BKLOG", CreatedBy = new User { ID = 1, FirstName = "Scott" }, Priority = new Priority { ID = 1, Name = "High" }, Category = new Category { ID = 1, Name = "Bug" }, Status = new Status { ID = 1, Name = "New" }, Project = projectList[0] });
var repository = MockRepository.GenerateStrictMock<IRepositary>();
repository.Stub(s => s.GetProjects(Arg<int>.Is.Anything)).Return(projectList);
repository.Stub(s => s.GetIssues()).Return(issueList);
IssuesController accntCntrl = new IssuesController(repository);
accntCntrl.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(_context, new RouteData(), accntCntrl);
var result = accntCntrl.Index() as ViewResult;
var resultModel = result.Model as IssueListVM;
Assert.AreEqual(resultModel.Bugs.Count, 2);
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