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Created March 17, 2022 15:52
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I used Python, geonames and folium to create a heatmap of the FARTers who have made orders around the country.
I used Python, geonames and folium to create a heatmap of the FARTers who have made orders around the country.
I used Mike Cunha's excellent example to aid in creation on the map.
import csv, os
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
import pandas as pd
import folium
from folium.plugins import HeatMap
geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="fart")
loc_hr_dict = {}
loc_dict = {}
with open("FartEtsySoldOrders2022.csv") as orders:
read = csv.reader(orders, delimiter=',')
n_cities = 0
for row in read:
city = row[2].lower()
order_loc = f"{city}, {row[3]} {row[4]}"
geo_loc = geolocator.geocode(order_loc)
if city not in loc_hr_dict:
loc_dict[geo_loc.latitude, geo_loc.longitude] = 1
loc_hr_dict[city] = 1
n_cities += 1
num = loc_hr_dict.get(city)
loc_hr_dict[city] = num + 1
loc_dict[geo_loc.latitude, geo_loc.longitude] = num +1
print(num + 1)
with open('lat-long.csv', 'w') as f:
f.write("lat, lon, Total \n")
for key in loc_dict.keys():
loc = ', '.join(str(lat_long) for lat_long in key)
f.write(f"{loc}, {loc_dict[key]}\n")
for_map = pd.read_csv('lat-long.csv', sep=', ', engine='python')
max_amount = for_map['Total'].max()
hmap = folium.Map(location=[35.539, -82.518], zoom_start=7, )
hm_wide = HeatMap( list(zip((, (for_map.lon.values).tolist(), (for_map.Total.values).tolist())),
radius=17, blur=15,
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