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Created April 13, 2021 23:39
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Zagier's one-sentence proof for Fermat's two-square theorem
(* Zagier's one-sentence proof for the two-square theorem in Coq (SSReflect) *)
(* - D. Zagier, "A One-Sentence Proof That Every Prime p \equiv 1 (\mod 4) Is a Sum of Two Squares",
The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 97, No. 2 (Feb., 1990), p. 144 *)
Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Lemma odd_fixedpoints {X:eqType} (f:X->X) (D:seq X):
uniq D -> (forall x, x \in D -> (f x \in D) && (f (f x) == x)) ->
odd (size D) <-> odd (count [pred x | f x == x] D).
move=>Duniq Hf; suff: ~~ odd (count [pred x | f x != x] D)
by rewrite-[[pred x|f x != x]]/(predC[pred x|f x == x])
-(count_predC [pred x|f x == x])oddD=>/negbTE->; case:odd.
move:{2}(size D)(leqnn(size D))Duniq Hf=>n; elim:n D=>[[]//|n IH]D.
move:D cons_uniq=>[//|x D]->[]sz/andP[]/negP nxD Duniq Hf/=; subst n.
move fx:(f x==x)=>[/eqP|]/=.
-{ apply:IH=>//z zD; move:in_cons(zD)(Hf z)=>->->/(_ (orbT _))/andP[].
rewrite in_cons=>/orP[/eqP?/eqP|->//]; congruence. }
-{ move:mem_head in_cons(fx)(Hf x)=>->->->/(_ isT)/andP[]/=+/eqP/[dup]ffx.
move:eq_sym fx=>->+/[dup]/perm_to_rem/permP->/=+->=>->fxD; apply/negPn/IH.
+{ by move:size_rem leq_pred=>->. }
+{ by apply rem_uniq. }
+{ move=>z; rewrite(rem_filter (f x) Duniq)!mem_filter=>/andP[]/=/negPf.
move:(Hf z)=>+fxz zD; rewrite!in_cons zD=>/(_(orbT _))/andP[]/orP[|->].
*{ by move:eq_sym fxz=>->/negP?/eqP->. }
*{ move?:(f z==f x)=>[/eqP|//]/eqP; congruence. } } }
Require Import ZArith Lia.
Import Z Znumtheory. Open Scope Z.
Canonical Z_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType Z (EqMixin eqb_spec).
Section seqZ.
Definition seqZ x := [seq of_nat n | n <- iota 1 (to_nat x)].
Lemma mem_seqZ x y: 0 < x <= y -> x \in seqZ y.
case:(lt_ge_cases y 0)=>Hy; first by lia.
pattern y; apply natlike_ind=>//=; first by lia.
have seqZs: forall x, 0 <= x -> seqZ (succ x) = seqZ x ++ [:: succ x]
by move=>??; rewrite-add_1_r/seqZ Z2Nat.inj_add//iotaD map_cat/=; do 2 f_equal; lia.
move=>z Hz IH[Hx]/Zle_lt_or_eq[/lt_succ_r|->]; rewrite seqZs//mem_cat.
-{ by move=>/(conj Hx)/IH->. }
-{ by rewrite mem_head orbT. }
Lemma seqZ_uniq x: uniq (seqZ x).
Proof. rewrite/seqZ map_inj_uniq ?iota_uniq=>//>; apply Nat2Z.inj. Qed.
End seqZ.
Section Zagier's_Map.
Variable k: Z.
Let p := 4*k + 1.
Variable Hp: prime p.
Definition inDom '(x,y,z) := [/\ 0 < x , 0 < y, 0 < z & x^2 + 4*y*z = p].
Let inDomb '(x,y,z) := [&& 0 <? x , 0 <? y, 0 <? z & x^2 + 4*y*z == p].
Lemma inDomP xyz: inDom xyz <-> inDomb xyz.
move:xyz=>[[x y]z]; rewrite/inDomb/inDom; split.
-{ by case=>/ltb_lt->/ltb_lt->/ltb_lt->/eqP. }
-{ by move=>/and4P[/ltb_lt?/ltb_lt?/ltb_lt?/eqP]. }
Let cubeDom: list (Z*Z*Z) :=
[seq (xy, z) | xy <- [seq (x, y) | x <- seqZ p, y <- seqZ p], z <- seqZ p].
Definition seqDom: list (Z*Z*Z) := [seq xyz <- cubeDom | inDomb xyz ].
Lemma seqDomP xyz: inDom xyz <-> xyz \in seqDom.
split; last by rewrite mem_filter=>/andP[]/inDomP.
Ltac ex_mem v e := exists v; first(apply mem_seqZ; split=>//; apply:(le_trans _ e);
first apply le_mul_diag_r; lia).
move:xyz D=>[[x y]z][???]Ep; apply/flatten_mapP; rewrite-Ep; exists (x, y).
-{ by apply/flatten_mapP; ex_mem x (x*x); apply/mapP; ex_mem y (y*z). }
-{ by apply/mapP; ex_mem z (z*y). }
Lemma seqDom_uniq: uniq seqDom.
by apply filter_uniq; repeat apply allpairs_uniq; apply seqZ_uniq||case=>??[].
Definition f '(x,y,z) :=
if x <? y - z then (x + 2 * z, z, y - x - z)
else if (2 * y <? x) then (x - 2 * y, x - y + z, y)
else (2 * y - x, y, x - y + z).
Ltac caseLT_aux H := match goal with |- context[if ?b then _ else _] =>
case_eq b=>[/ltb_lt|/ltb_nlt]H end.
Tactic Notation "caseLT" := let H := fresh "_LT" in caseLT_aux H.
Tactic Notation "caseLT" ident(H) := caseLT_aux H.
Ltac caseDom := caseLT xLyz; last caseLT H2yx.
Lemma f_closed xyz: inDom xyz -> inDom (f xyz).
move:xyz=>[[x y]z][???]Ep; rewrite/f/inDom; caseDom; split; try lia.
-{ move:H2yx Ep=>/le_ngt/Zle_lt_or_eq[|->]; lia. }
-{ move:xLyz Ep Hp=>/le_ngt/Zle_lt_or_eq[|<-]; first lia.
have->:(y-z)^2+4*y*z=(y+z)*(y+z) by ring.
by move=><-/square_not_prime. }
Lemma f_involutory xyz: inDom xyz -> f (f xyz) = xyz.
by move:xyz=>[[x y]z][????]; rewrite/f; repeat caseLT; do 2 f_equal; lia.
Lemma f_fixedpoint x y z:
inDom (x,y,z) -> f (x,y,z) == (x,y,z) <-> [&& x == 1, y == 1 & z == k].
case=>Hx Hy Hz Ep; split.
-{ rewrite/f; caseDom=>/eqP; rewrite(mul_comm 2)=>[][]; try lia.
match goal with |- context[?e-x=x] => have<-:(2*y=e) by clear;case:y;lia end.
move=>{xLyz H2yx}_ Hxyzz; (have ?: x = y by lia); subst y; apply/and3P.
have ?: x = 1. {
move:Ep Hp; have->:x^2+4*x*z=x*(x+4*z) by ring.
move=><-/prime_divisors/(_ x(divide_factor_l _ _))[|[|[]]]; try lia.
move=>/eq_sym; rewrite mul_id_r; lia. }
subst; split=>//; apply/eqP; lia. }
-{ rewrite/f=>/and3P[]/eqP->/eqP->/eqP->; apply/eqP;
repeat caseLT; do 2 f_equal; lia. }
Lemma seqDom_odd: ssrnat.odd (size seqDom).
have Hk:1<=k by move:(prime_ge_2 _ Hp); lia.
move:seqDom_uniq=>Huniq; rewrite(odd_fixedpoints (f:=f))=>//.
-{ rewrite(eq_in_count (a1:=fun x => f x == x) (a2:=pred1 (1,1,k))).
+{ rewrite (count_uniq_mem _ Huniq).
match goal with |- context[nat_of_bool ?e] => have->//:e end.
rewrite/seqDom mem_filter/cubeDom; apply/andP; split.
*{ apply/and4P; split; apply/ltb_lt||(rewrite/p; apply/eqP); lia. }
*{ apply/allpairsP; exists(1,1,k); split=>//=; last by apply mem_seqZ; lia.
apply/allpairsP; exists(1,1); split=>//=; apply mem_seqZ; lia. } }
+{ case=>[[x y]z]/seqDomP/f_fixedpoint H; apply/sym_eq/eqP; move:H.
case:(f(x,y,z)==(x,y,z))=>[[/(_ isT)]/and3P[]/eqP->/eqP->/eqP->//|[_]H[]].
by move=>???; apply/notF/H; subst; rewrite!eqtype.eq_refl. } }
-{ by move=>?/seqDomP/[dup]/f_closed/seqDomP->/f_involutory/eqP->. }
Definition g '(x,y,z):Z*Z*Z := (x,z,y).
Lemma g_closed xyz: inDom xyz -> inDom (g xyz).
Proof. move:xyz=>[[??]?][]; split; lia. Qed.
Lemma g_involutory xyz: g (g xyz) = xyz.
Proof. by move:xyz=>[[]]. Qed.
Lemma g_fixedpoint_exists: exists xyz, inDom xyz /\ g xyz = xyz.
move E:([seq xyz <- seqDom | g xyz == xyz ])=>G0.
have: ssrnat.odd (size G0). {
move:E seqDom_odd seqDom_uniq g_involutory size_filter=><-???->.
by rewrite-odd_fixedpoints=>//?/seqDomP/g_closed/seqDomP->; apply/eqP. }
case E0:G0=>//[xyz?] _; exists xyz; have: xyz \in G0 by rewrite E0 mem_head.
by rewrite-E mem_filter=>/andP[/eqP?/seqDomP].
End Zagier's_Map.
Theorem TwoSquareTheorem k:
let p := 4*k + 1 in prime p -> exists x y, x^2 + y^2 = p.
move=>p; rewrite/p=>/g_fixedpoint_exists[][][x]y?[][]????[];exists x,(2*y); lia.
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