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Last active August 1, 2021 12:20
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Analyze discord usage
import json
import csv
from datetime import date
import numpy as np
from glob import glob
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
join_date = date(2017, 8, 3)
path_to_package_directory = "/Users/kskrueger/PycharmProjects/DiscordLearning/Personal/package-2/"
class Conversation:
def __init__(self, folderpath):
self.messages = []
with open(folderpath + '/messages.csv', encoding="utf8") as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
for row in csv_reader:
# Format: ID,Timestamp,Contents,Attachments
if len(self.messages) < 1:
raise Exception("Empty file provided!")
self.length = len(self.messages)
self.words = 0
for message in self.messages:
self.words = self.words + len(str(message).split())
def get_date_distribution(self):
messages_dates = np.zeros(( - join_date).days,
for _, time, message, _ in self.messages:
message_date = date(int(time[:4]), int(time[5:7]), int(time[8:10]))
days = (message_date - join_date).days
messages_dates[days] = messages_dates[days] + 1
return messages_dates
with open(path_to_package_directory + 'messages/index.json', encoding="utf8") as json_data:
name_map = json.load(json_data)
conversations = {}
all_running_total = np.zeros(( - join_date).days,
total_words = 0
for x in glob(path_to_package_directory + 'messages/*/'):
a = conversations[str(x[-19:-1])] = Conversation(x).get_date_distribution()
total_words += Conversation(x).words
all_running_total = all_running_total + a
# Plot function is used by others to plot all conversations in a plot_list variable
# total=False will plot the rate per day istead of running_total of messages
def plot(plot_list, total=True):
if len(plot_list) < 1:
print("Invalid list to plot")
legend_names = []
for id, value in plot_list.items():
if id in name_map.keys():
name = str(name_map[id])
name = id
if 'with' in name:
name = name[name.index('with') + 5:]
messages_day = [0]
for x in value:
messages_day.append(x + messages_day[-1] if total else x)
plt.plot(range(0, len(messages_day) - 1), messages_day[:-1])
plt.title("Activity by total")
plt.xlabel("Days since joining discord")
plt.ylabel("Total Messages")
# Plot only conversations that are over a certain threshold of messages (ex: plot_thresh(1000))
def plot_thresh(thresh, total=True):
plot_list = {}
for k, v in conversations.items():
if sum(v) > thresh:
plot_list[k] = v
plot(plot_list, total)
# Plot only conversations of target usernames/channels
# (this is a rough matching for username/channel name and could break for duplicates?)
# ex: plot_names(['Karter', 'general-robotics', 'Ilan 9421#0431'])
def plot_names(names_in, total=True):
plot_list = {}
id_list = None
for name_in in names_in:
for id, name in name_map.items():
if str(name_in) in str(name):
id_list = id
for k, v in conversations.items():
if str(id_list) == str(k):
plot_list[k] = v
plot(plot_list, total)
# Plot a running total of all messages sent
plot({'ALL HISTORY': all_running_total})
# Plot daily rate graph (by adding total=False)
plot({'ALL HISTORY': all_running_total}, total=False)
# Examples
plot_thresh(3000) # plot all conversations over 3000 message threshold
plot_names(['general-robotics', 'Karter']) # plot these conversations
# Scary statistics of days without discord and words sent
days = 0
for day_total in all_running_total:
if day_total < 1:
days = days + 1
print("Days without going on discord: " + str(days))
print("Total words sent on discord: " + str(total_words))
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