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Created January 24, 2018 09:41
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Appending query parameters to URI's in Vapor
extension URI {
public func appendingQueryParameters(_ parameters: [String: String]) -> URI {
let allParameters = mergeParameters(queryParameters(fromQuery: query), rhs: parameters)
let newQuery = toQuery(parameters: allParameters)
return URI(scheme: scheme, userInfo: userInfo, hostname: hostname, port: port, path: path,
query: newQuery, fragment: fragment)
private func toQuery(parameters: [String: String]) -> String {
let joined = parameters.reduce("", { result, next in
return result + next.0 + "=" + next.1 + "&"
return String(joined[joined.startIndex..<joined.index(before: joined.endIndex)])
private func queryParameters(fromQuery query: String?) -> [String: String] {
var params = [String: String]()
guard let query = query else { return params }
let comps = query.components(separatedBy: "&").reversed()
comps.forEach { str in
let expr = str.components(separatedBy: "=")
params[expr[0]] = expr[1]
return params
private func mergeParameters(_ lhs: [String: String], rhs: [String: String]) -> [String: String] {
var res = lhs
for (k, v) in rhs {
res[k] = v
return res
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homburg commented Jan 24, 2018

Nice 👍

Saw this on twitter :-)

How does vapor handle arrays in query strings? This varies a lot between languages/frameworks, ie. node/express:

I's totally legal to have the same query key multiple times, golang uses something like [string: [string]] for the parameter representation for this reason:

Also you should probably encode keys and values, ie.

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