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Created June 24, 2014 08:09
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Testing second NodeClient vs TransportClient
package test.elasticsearch;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.client.Client;
import org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient;
import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.InetSocketTransportAddress;
import org.elasticsearch.node.Node;
import org.elasticsearch.node.NodeBuilder;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger;
public class TestES {
private static Logger LOGGER = (Logger) LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestES.class);
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
((Logger) LoggerFactory.getLogger(LOGGER.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME)).setLevel(Level.DEBUG);
public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void testTransportClient() {
// on startup
Client client = new TransportClient().addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress("p2", 9300));
GetResponse response = client.prepareGet("twitter", "tweet", "1").execute().actionGet();;
// on shutdown
public void testNodeClient() {
try {
// on startup
Node node = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder().client(true).node();
Client client = node.client();
GetResponse response = client.prepareGet("twitter", "tweet", "1").execute().actionGet();;
// on shutdown
} catch (ElasticsearchException e) {
throw e;
413 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.plugins - [Blue Shield] [/Users/ksmets/workspace/plugins] directory does not exist.
416 [main] INFO org.elasticsearch.plugins - [Blue Shield] loaded [], sites []
430 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.common.compress.lzf - using [UnsafeChunkDecoder] decoder
929 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Blue Shield] creating thread_pool [generic], type [cached], keep_alive [30s]
937 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Blue Shield] creating thread_pool [index], type [fixed], size [8], queue_size [200]
941 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Blue Shield] creating thread_pool [bulk], type [fixed], size [8], queue_size [50]
941 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Blue Shield] creating thread_pool [get], type [fixed], size [8], queue_size [1k]
941 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Blue Shield] creating thread_pool [search], type [fixed], size [24], queue_size [1k]
941 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Blue Shield] creating thread_pool [suggest], type [fixed], size [8], queue_size [1k]
941 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Blue Shield] creating thread_pool [percolate], type [fixed], size [8], queue_size [1k]
941 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Blue Shield] creating thread_pool [management], type [scaling], min [1], size [5], keep_alive [5m]
942 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Blue Shield] creating thread_pool [flush], type [scaling], min [1], size [4], keep_alive [5m]
943 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Blue Shield] creating thread_pool [merge], type [scaling], min [1], size [4], keep_alive [5m]
943 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Blue Shield] creating thread_pool [refresh], type [scaling], min [1], size [4], keep_alive [5m]
943 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Blue Shield] creating thread_pool [warmer], type [scaling], min [1], size [4], keep_alive [5m]
943 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Blue Shield] creating thread_pool [snapshot], type [scaling], min [1], size [4], keep_alive [5m]
943 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Blue Shield] creating thread_pool [optimize], type [fixed], size [1], queue_size [null]
967 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [Blue Shield] using worker_count[16], port[9300-9400], bind_host[null], publish_host[null], compress[false], connect_timeout[30s], connections_per_node[2/3/6/1/1], receive_predictor[512kb->512kb]
969 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.client.transport - [Blue Shield] node_sampler_interval[5s]
990 [main] DEBUG - Using select timeout of 500
990 [main] DEBUG - Epoll-bug workaround enabled = false
1027 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.client.transport - [Blue Shield] adding address [[#transport#-1][mckoen.local][inet[p2/]]]
1059 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [Blue Shield] connected to node [[#transport#-1][mckoen.local][inet[p2/]]]
1175 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [Blue Shield] connected to node [[Firebolt][DqdgEEe8RwSyVDUuqmQw4w][p2][inet[p2/]]]
1186 [main] INFO test.elasticsearch.TestES - {
"user": "kimchy",
"post_date": "2009-11-15T14:12:12",
"message": "trying out Elasticsearch"
1189 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [Blue Shield] disconnected from [[Firebolt][DqdgEEe8RwSyVDUuqmQw4w][p2][inet[p2/]]]
1190 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [Blue Shield] disconnected from [[#transport#-1][mckoen.local][inet[p2/]]]
1228 [main] INFO org.elasticsearch.node - [Black Dragon] version[1.1.1], pid[9885], build[f1585f0/2014-04-16T14:27:12Z]
1228 [main] INFO org.elasticsearch.node - [Black Dragon] initializing ...
1228 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.node - [Black Dragon] using home [/Users/ksmets/workspace], config [/Users/ksmets/workspace/config], data [[/Users/ksmets/workspace/data]], logs [/Users/ksmets/workspace/logs], work [/Users/ksmets/workspace/work], plugins [/Users/ksmets/workspace/plugins]
1229 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.plugins - [Black Dragon] [/Users/ksmets/workspace/plugins] directory does not exist.
1229 [main] INFO org.elasticsearch.plugins - [Black Dragon] loaded [], sites []
1982 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Black Dragon] creating thread_pool [generic], type [cached], keep_alive [30s]
1982 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Black Dragon] creating thread_pool [index], type [fixed], size [8], queue_size [200]
1982 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Black Dragon] creating thread_pool [bulk], type [fixed], size [8], queue_size [50]
1982 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Black Dragon] creating thread_pool [get], type [fixed], size [8], queue_size [1k]
1982 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Black Dragon] creating thread_pool [search], type [fixed], size [24], queue_size [1k]
1983 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Black Dragon] creating thread_pool [suggest], type [fixed], size [8], queue_size [1k]
1983 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Black Dragon] creating thread_pool [percolate], type [fixed], size [8], queue_size [1k]
1983 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Black Dragon] creating thread_pool [management], type [scaling], min [1], size [5], keep_alive [5m]
1983 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Black Dragon] creating thread_pool [flush], type [scaling], min [1], size [4], keep_alive [5m]
1983 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Black Dragon] creating thread_pool [merge], type [scaling], min [1], size [4], keep_alive [5m]
1983 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Black Dragon] creating thread_pool [refresh], type [scaling], min [1], size [4], keep_alive [5m]
1983 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Black Dragon] creating thread_pool [warmer], type [scaling], min [1], size [4], keep_alive [5m]
1983 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Black Dragon] creating thread_pool [snapshot], type [scaling], min [1], size [4], keep_alive [5m]
1983 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.threadpool - [Black Dragon] creating thread_pool [optimize], type [fixed], size [1], queue_size [null]
1984 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [Black Dragon] using worker_count[16], port[9300-9400], bind_host[null], publish_host[null], compress[false], connect_timeout[30s], connections_per_node[2/3/6/1/1], receive_predictor[512kb->512kb]
1989 [main] DEBUG - [Black Dragon] using group [], with port [54328], ttl [3], and address [null]
1993 [main] DEBUG - [Black Dragon] using initial hosts [], with concurrent_connects [10]
1994 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen - [Black Dragon] using ping.timeout [3s], master_election.filter_client [true], master_election.filter_data [false]
1995 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen.elect - [Black Dragon] using minimum_master_nodes [-1]
1996 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen.fd - [Black Dragon] [master] uses ping_interval [1s], ping_timeout [30s], ping_retries [3]
2006 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen.fd - [Black Dragon] [node ] uses ping_interval [1s], ping_timeout [30s], ping_retries [3]
2034 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.monitor.jvm - [Black Dragon] enabled [true], last_gc_enabled [false], interval [1s], gc_threshold [{old=GcThreshold{name='old', warnThreshold=10000, infoThreshold=5000, debugThreshold=2000}, default=GcThreshold{name='default', warnThreshold=10000, infoThreshold=5000, debugThreshold=2000}, young=GcThreshold{name='young', warnThreshold=1000, infoThreshold=700, debugThreshold=400}}]
2034 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.monitor.os - [Black Dragon] Using probe [org.elasticsearch.monitor.os.JmxOsProbe@2e0d1396] with refresh_interval [1s]
2036 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.monitor.process - [Black Dragon] Using probe [org.elasticsearch.monitor.process.JmxProcessProbe@3e28ead4] with refresh_interval [1s]
2042 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.monitor.jvm - [Black Dragon] Using refresh_interval [1s]
2042 [main] DEBUG - [Black Dragon] Using probe [] with refresh_interval [5s]
2043 [main] DEBUG - [Black Dragon] net_info
host [mckoen.local]
en0 display_name [en0]
address [/fe80:0:0:0:6a5b:35ff:fe92:a1b1%4] [/]
mtu [1500] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [false] up [true] virtual [false]
lo0 display_name [lo0]
address [/fe80:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%1] [/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] [/]
mtu [16384] multicast [true] ptp [false] loopback [true] up [true] virtual [false]
2044 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.monitor.fs - [Black Dragon] Using probe [org.elasticsearch.monitor.fs.JmxFsProbe@3fc51d94] with refresh_interval [1s]
2334 [main] DEBUG - [Black Dragon] using [MERGE], with [20mb]
2345 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.script - [Black Dragon] using script cache with max_size [500], expire [null]
2351 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider - [Black Dragon] using node_concurrent_recoveries [2], node_initial_primaries_recoveries [4]
2351 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider - [Black Dragon] using [cluster.routing.allocation.allow_rebalance] with [indices_all_active]
2351 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider - [Black Dragon] using [cluster_concurrent_rebalance] with [2]
2355 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.gateway.local - [Black Dragon] using initial_shards [quorum], list_timeout [30s]
2372 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.indices.recovery - [Black Dragon] using max_bytes_per_sec[20mb], concurrent_streams [3], file_chunk_size [512kb], translog_size [512kb], translog_ops [1000], and compress [true]
2482 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.http.netty - [Black Dragon] using max_chunk_size[8kb], max_header_size[8kb], max_initial_line_length[4kb], max_content_length[100mb], receive_predictor[512kb->512kb]
2488 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.indices.memory - [Black Dragon] using index_buffer_size [364mb], with min_shard_index_buffer_size [4mb], max_shard_index_buffer_size [512mb], shard_inactive_time [30m]
2488 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.indices.cache.filter - [Black Dragon] using [node] weighted filter cache with size [20%], actual_size [728.1mb], expire [null], clean_interval [1m]
2490 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.indices.fielddata.cache - [Black Dragon] using size [-1] [-1b], expire [null]
2505 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.gateway.local.state.meta - [Black Dragon] using gateway.local.auto_import_dangled [YES], with gateway.local.dangling_timeout [2h]
2507 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.bulk.udp - [Black Dragon] using enabled [false], host [null], port [9700-9800], bulk_actions [1000], bulk_size [5mb], flush_interval [5s], concurrent_requests [4]
2509 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider - [Black Dragon] using node_concurrent_recoveries [2], node_initial_primaries_recoveries [4]
2509 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider - [Black Dragon] using [cluster.routing.allocation.allow_rebalance] with [indices_all_active]
2509 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider - [Black Dragon] using [cluster_concurrent_rebalance] with [2]
2510 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider - [Black Dragon] using node_concurrent_recoveries [2], node_initial_primaries_recoveries [4]
2510 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider - [Black Dragon] using [cluster.routing.allocation.allow_rebalance] with [indices_all_active]
2510 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider - [Black Dragon] using [cluster_concurrent_rebalance] with [2]
2516 [main] INFO org.elasticsearch.node - [Black Dragon] initialized
2517 [main] INFO org.elasticsearch.node - [Black Dragon] starting ...
2538 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [Black Dragon] Bound to address [/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9300]
2539 [main] INFO org.elasticsearch.transport - [Black Dragon] bound_address {inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9300]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
5558 [elasticsearch[Black Dragon][generic][T#1]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen - [Black Dragon] filtered ping responses: (filter_client[true], filter_data[false]) {none}
8559 [elasticsearch[Black Dragon][generic][T#1]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen - [Black Dragon] filtered ping responses: (filter_client[true], filter_data[false]) {none}
11561 [elasticsearch[Black Dragon][generic][T#1]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen - [Black Dragon] filtered ping responses: (filter_client[true], filter_data[false]) {none}
14563 [elasticsearch[Black Dragon][generic][T#1]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen - [Black Dragon] filtered ping responses: (filter_client[true], filter_data[false]) {none}
17564 [elasticsearch[Black Dragon][generic][T#1]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen - [Black Dragon] filtered ping responses: (filter_client[true], filter_data[false]) {none}
20566 [elasticsearch[Black Dragon][generic][T#1]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen - [Black Dragon] filtered ping responses: (filter_client[true], filter_data[false]) {none}
23568 [elasticsearch[Black Dragon][generic][T#1]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen - [Black Dragon] filtered ping responses: (filter_client[true], filter_data[false]) {none}
26570 [elasticsearch[Black Dragon][generic][T#1]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen - [Black Dragon] filtered ping responses: (filter_client[true], filter_data[false]) {none}
29572 [elasticsearch[Black Dragon][generic][T#1]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen - [Black Dragon] filtered ping responses: (filter_client[true], filter_data[false]) {none}
32553 [main] WARN org.elasticsearch.discovery - [Black Dragon] waited for 30s and no initial state was set by the discovery
32553 [main] INFO org.elasticsearch.discovery - [Black Dragon] elasticsearch/xWstT3V3Rsm7UlchoIwzJA
32553 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.gateway - [Black Dragon] can't wait on start for (possibly) reading state from gateway, will do it asynchronously
32559 [main] INFO org.elasticsearch.http - [Black Dragon] bound_address {inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9200]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
32564 [elasticsearch[Black Dragon][clusterService#updateTask][T#1]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.cluster.service - [Black Dragon] processing [updating local node id]: execute
32564 [elasticsearch[Black Dragon][clusterService#updateTask][T#1]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.cluster.service - [Black Dragon] cluster state updated, version [0], source [updating local node id]
32565 [elasticsearch[Black Dragon][clusterService#updateTask][T#1]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.cluster.service - [Black Dragon] set local cluster state to version 0
32565 [elasticsearch[Black Dragon][clusterService#updateTask][T#1]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.cluster.service - [Black Dragon] processing [updating local node id]: done applying updated cluster_state (version: 0)
32565 [main] INFO org.elasticsearch.node - [Black Dragon] started
32566 [main] ERROR test.elasticsearch.TestES - org.elasticsearch.cluster.block.ClusterBlockException: blocked by: [SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE/1/state not recovered / initialized];[SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE/2/no master];
32568 [main] ERROR test.elasticsearch.TestES - org.elasticsearch.cluster.block.ClusterBlockException: blocked by: [SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE/1/state not recovered / initialized];[SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE/2/no master];
at org.elasticsearch.cluster.block.ClusterBlocks.globalBlockedException(
at org.elasticsearch.action.get.TransportGetAction.checkGlobalBlock(
at org.elasticsearch.action.get.TransportGetAction.checkGlobalBlock(
at org.elasticsearch.client.node.NodeClient.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetRequestBuilder.doExecute(
at org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRequestBuilder.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRequestBuilder.execute(
at test.elasticsearch.TestES.testNodeClient(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(
at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(
at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main(
32573 [elasticsearch[Black Dragon][generic][T#1]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen - [Black Dragon] filtered ping responses: (filter_client[true], filter_data[false]) {none}
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