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Last active December 9, 2016 13:52
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  • Save ksoda/11364702 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ksoda/11364702 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sun Type3 keyboard layout
; maps layout JIS -> Sun Type3
; The keyboard hook monitors keystrokes for the purpose of activating hotstrings
; and any keyboard hotkeys not supported by RegisterHotkey
; (which is a function built into the operating system).
; It also supports a few other features such as the Input command.
Input, InputKey, L1 T0.5
Send, {Ctrl Down}{%InputKey%}{Ctrl Up}
*sc079::Ctrl ; henkan
*sc029::Esc ; han/zen
;BS::] ; exclusive w/ ANSI#BS
*"::Send, {@}
*&::Send, {^}
*~::Send, {+}
*+BS::Send, {~}
*+::Send, {:}
:::Send, {'}
sc073::shift ; extend right shift
; end ANSI
; Moving
sc07B & h:: Send, {Blind}{Left} ; mu-henkan
sc07B & j:: Send, {Blind}{Down}
sc07B & k:: Send, {Blind}{Up}
sc07B & l:: Send, {Blind}{Right}
sc07B & 0:: Send, {Blind}{Home}
sc07B & $:: Send, {Blind}{End}
sc07B & b:: Send, ^{Left}
sc07B & w:: Send, ^{Right}
sc07B & u:: Send, {Blind}{PgUp}
sc07B & d:: Send, {Blind}{PgDn}
sc07B & r:: Send, {Ins}
sc07B & s:: Send, {Home}{Shift Down}{End}{Shift Up}
sc07B & Space:: Send, {sc029}
; IME Tips
; context 直接入力
; - hiragana
; context 入力文字なし
; + Esc, IMEを無効化
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ksoda commented Apr 5, 2016

This script can be useful if you are using US keyboard.

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