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Last active July 16, 2021 11:22
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Idiomatic F# routing with ASP.NET Core

These are the bits and pieces you need to setup Suave-like URL routing on top of ASP.NET Core (currently v1.x). That enables you to use middleware (e.g JWT validation) for ASP.NET Core while still having F#-friendly routing for APIs.

Compared to Suave, this is not a purely-functional / immutable implementation, because ASP.NET's native HttpContext expects to be mutated rather than copied. But user routing code remains pretty functional.

module Combinators
// These are basic combinators that work with ASP.NET HttpContext.
// Feel free to add your own.
// most of this adapted from Giraffe v0.1.0-alpha025
// Some combinators adapted from Suave
// Both projects are Apache 2.0 Licensed
open System
open System.Text
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting
open Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
open Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
type HttpHandler = HttpContext -> Async<HttpContext option>
let inline isNotNull x = isNull x |> not
let inline strOption (str : string) =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty str then None else Some str
let inline warbler f a = f a a
let inline succeed x = async.Return(Some x)
let fail<'a> = async.Return(Option<'a>.None)
let iff b x = async.Return(if b then Some x else None)
let inline always x _ = x
let never _ = async.Return(None)
let bind (f : HttpHandler) (r : Async<HttpContext option>) =
async {
let! ctxOpt = r
match ctxOpt with
| None ->
return None
| Some ctx ->
return! f ctx
let compose (f : HttpHandler) (g : HttpHandler) (ctx : HttpContext) =
bind g (f ctx)
let tryThen (f : HttpHandler) (g : HttpHandler) (ctx : HttpContext)=
async {
let! rOpt = f ctx
match rOpt with
| None ->
return! g ctx
| _ ->
return rOpt
let (>>=) = bind
let (>=>) = compose
let (<|>) = tryThen
let rec choose (handlers : HttpHandler list) (ctx : HttpContext) =
async {
match handlers with
| [] -> return None
| handler :: tail ->
let! result = handler ctx
match result with
| Some c -> return Some c
| None -> return! choose tail ctx
let httpVerb (verb : string) (ctx : HttpContext) =
if ctx.Request.Method.Equals verb
then Some ctx
else None
|> async.Return
let GET : HttpHandler = httpVerb "GET"
let POST : HttpHandler = httpVerb "POST"
let PUT : HttpHandler = httpVerb "PUT"
let PATCH : HttpHandler = httpVerb "PATCH"
let DELETE : HttpHandler = httpVerb "DELETE"
let mustAccept (mimeTypes : string list) (ctx : HttpContext) =
let headers = ctx.Request.GetTypedHeaders()
|> (fun h -> h.ToString())
|> Seq.exists (fun h -> mimeTypes |> Seq.contains h)
|> function
| true -> Some ctx
| false -> None
|> async.Return
let authenticated (ctx : HttpContext) =
if not ( isNull ctx.User )
&& not ( isNull ctx.User.Identity )
&& ctx.User.Identities |> Seq.exists (fun x -> x.IsAuthenticated) then
succeed ctx
let path s (ctx : HttpContext) =
iff (ctx.Request.Path.Equals(PathString(s))) ctx
let pathStarts s (ctx : HttpContext) =
iff (ctx.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments(PathString(s))) ctx
let setStatusCode (statusCode : int) (ctx : HttpContext) =
async {
ctx.Response.StatusCode <- statusCode
return Some ctx
let setHttpHeader (key : string) (value : obj) (ctx : HttpContext) =
async {
ctx.Response.Headers.[key] <- StringValues(value.ToString())
return Some ctx
let setBody (bytes : byte array) (ctx : HttpContext) =
async {
ctx.Response.Headers.["Content-Length"] <- StringValues(bytes.Length.ToString())
do! ctx.Response.Body.WriteAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length) |> Async.AwaitTask
return Some ctx
let setBodyAsString (str : string) =
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes str
|> setBody
let text (str : string) =
setHttpHeader "Content-Type" "text/plain"
>=> setBodyAsString str
let json (str : string) =
setHttpHeader "ContentType" "application/json"
>=> setBodyAsString str
module Middleware
open System
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
let exceptionHandler (exHandler : HttpContext -> Exception -> unit) =
Func<RequestDelegate, RequestDelegate> (
fun (next : RequestDelegate) ->
RequestDelegate (
fun (ctx : HttpContext) ->
fun t ->
if t.Status = TaskStatus.Faulted then
// crashed while running on thread pool
exHandler ctx t.Exception
with ex ->
// crashed during invocation, before going on thread pool
exHandler ctx ex
Task.FromResult(false) :> Task
let requestHandler (handler : HttpContext -> Async<Option<HttpContext>>) =
Func<RequestDelegate, RequestDelegate> (
fun (next : RequestDelegate) ->
RequestDelegate (
fun (ctx : HttpContext) ->
async {
let! result = handler ctx
match result with
| None -> // go to next middleware
return! next.Invoke(ctx) |> Async.AwaitTask
| Some _ -> // we handled this, ignore next middleware
return ()
} |> Async.StartAsTask
) :> Task
(* This has just the pieces needed to setup idiomatic F# request routing.
Fill in with other bits like logging and auth middleware.
open Combinators
let handleRequest : HttpHandler =
choose [
authenticated >=>
choose [
path "/" >=> text "Hello world!"
setStatusCode 404
setStatusCode 401
let handleException (ctx : HttpContext) (ex : Exception) =
let loggerFactory = ctx.RequestServices.GetService<ILoggerFactory>()
let logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("MyApp")
logger.LogError(EventId(0), ex, "Unhandled exception on {method} {path}", ctx.Request.Method, ctx.Request.Path)
ctx.Response.StatusCode <- 500
let configureApp (app : IApplicationBuilder) =
.Use(Middleware.exceptionHandler handleException)
.Use(Middleware.requestHandler handleRequest)
|> ignore
// ...
let main argv =
.UseKestrel(fun options -> options.AddServerHeader <- false)
// ...
.Configure(Action<IApplicationBuilder> configureApp)
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