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Created June 28, 2018 23:42
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namespace Utils
module Async =
let retn x =
async { return x }
let lift f =
f >> retn
let lift2 f a =
f a >> retn
let bind f x =
async {
let! x' = x
return! f x'
let map f x =
//bind (f >> retn)
async {
let! x' = x
return f x'
let map2 f x y =
async {
let! x' = x
let! y' = y
return f x' y'
let tryEx fEx f x =
async {
return! f x
with ex ->
return fEx ex
let apply x f =
//bind (flip map x)
async {
let! f' = f
let! x' = x
return f' x'
let tee f x =
//map (tee f)
async {
let! x' = x
do f x'
return x'
let teeAsync (f:'a -> Async<unit>) (x:Async<'a>) : Async<'a> =
//bind f x |> bind (always x)
async {
let! x' = x
do! f x'
return x'
let sequence sq =
let append sq item = seq { yield! sq; yield item }
Seq.fold (map2 append) (retn Seq.empty) sq
let sequenceList list =
let cons = curry List.Cons
List.foldBack (map2 cons) list (retn [])
module Operators =
let (>>=) x f =
bind f x
let (>>!) x f =
map f x
let (<*>) g x =
apply x g
let (<!>) = map
namespace Utils
type AsyncResult<'T, 'TError> = Async<Result<'T, 'TError>>
module AsyncResult =
let retn x = Result.retn x |> Async.retn
let error x = Result.error x |> Async.retn
let ofOption err opt =
match opt with
| None -> error err
| Some x -> retn x
let lift f = f >> retn
let liftError fError = fError >> error
let liftEx fEx f =
Result.liftEx fEx f >> Async.retn
let liftErrorEx fEx fError =
Result.liftErrorEx fEx fError >> Async.retn
let either fError f = (Result.either fError f)
let bind f =
Async.bind (Result.either error f)
let bimap fError f x =
either (Result.liftError fError) (Result.lift f) x
let map f =
bimap id f
let mapError fError =
bimap fError id
let bimapEx fEx fError f =
either (Result.liftErrorEx fEx fError) (Result.liftEx fEx f)
let mapEx fEx f =
bimapEx fEx id f
let mapErrorEx fEx fError =
bimapEx fEx fError id
let bitee fError f =
Async.teeAsync (Result.either fError f >> Async.retn)
let tee f =
bitee ignore f
let teeError fError =
bitee fError ignore
let apply x =
bind (flip map x)
let map2 f x y =
map f x |> apply y
let zip = map2
let sequence sq =
let append sq item = seq { yield! sq; yield item }
Seq.fold (map2 append) (retn Seq.empty) sq
let sequenceList list =
let cons = curry List.Cons
List.foldBack (map2 cons) list (retn [])
let retnAsync x = Result.retn x
let errorAsync x = Result.error x
let liftAsync f = f >> Result.retn
let liftErrorAsync fError = fError >> Result.error
let liftAsyncEx fEx f =
Async.tryEx (Result.liftError fEx) (liftAsync f)
let liftErrorAsyncEx fEx fError =
Async.tryEx (Result.liftError fEx) (liftErrorAsync fError)
let eitherAsync fError f =
Async.bind (Result.either fError f)
let bimapAsync f fError =
eitherAsync (liftErrorAsync fError) (liftAsync f)
let mapAsync f =
bimapAsync Async.retn f
let mapErrorAsync fError =
bimapAsync fError Async.retn
let bimapAsyncEx fEx fError f =
eitherAsync (liftErrorAsyncEx fEx fError) (liftAsyncEx fEx f)
let mapAsyncEx fEx f =
bimapAsyncEx fEx Async.retn f
let mapErrorAsyncEx fEx fError =
bimapAsyncEx fEx fError Async.retn
let biteeAsync fError f x =
eitherAsync (fError >> Async.bind (always x)) (f >> Async.bind (always x)) x
let teeAsync f =
biteeAsync Async.retn f
let teeErrorAsync fError =
biteeAsync fError Async.retn
module Operators =
/// Bind a function to the Ok value. Inline operator for flip bind (aka flatmap).
let (>>=) x f =
bind f x
/// compose two functions which return Result
let (>=>) g f =
f >> bind g
/// compose two functions, one which maps the result value from the first
let (>!>) g f =
g >> map f
/// apply a Result success value to a Result success function.
/// useful for partially applying results to a function
let (<*>) g x =
apply x g
/// map the Ok value to another type. This is the inline operator for map.
let (<!>) = map
/// apply a mapping function to the Ok value. This is the inline operator for flip map.
let (>>!) x f =
map f x
namespace Utils
module Common =
let always x _ =
let tee f x =
f x; x
let flip f y x =
f x y
let curry f a b =
f (a, b)
let uncurry f (a,b) =
f a b
let tuple x y =
x, y
let tuple3 x y z =
x, y, z
let tryEx fEx f x =
f x
with ex ->
fEx ex
namespace Utils
module Result =
let ofChoice x =
match x with
| Choice1Of2 p -> Ok p
| Choice2Of2 e -> Error e
let ofOption none x =
match x with
| None -> Error none
| Some x -> Ok x
/// change a function or value into an Ok Result
let retn = Ok
/// change a function or value into an Error Result
let error = Error
/// change a function to return an Ok Result
let lift f = f >> retn
/// change a function to return an Error Result
let liftError fError = fError >> error
/// change a function to return a Result when it may throw an exception
let liftEx fEx f =
tryEx (liftError fEx) (lift f)
/// change a function to return an Error Result when it may also throw an exception
let liftErrorEx fEx fError =
tryEx (liftError fEx) (liftError fError)
/// evaluate either branch of a Result
let either fError f x =
match x with
| Ok p -> f p
| Error e -> fError e
/// apply a function returning a Result to the Ok value of another Result
let bind f =
either error f
/// map both branches of a Result
let bimap fError f =
either (liftError fError) (lift f)
/// apply a function to the Ok value
let map f =
bimap id f
/// apply a function to the Error value
let mapError fError =
bimap fError id
/// map both branches of a Result where the map functions may throw an exception
let bimapEx fEx fError f =
either (liftErrorEx fEx fError) (liftEx fEx f)
/// apply a function to the Ok value when the function may throw an exception
let mapEx fEx f =
bimapEx fEx id f
/// apply a function to the Error value when the function may throw an exception
let mapErrorEx fEx fError =
bimapEx fEx fError id
/// apply unit-returning functions on both branches of a Result
let bitee fError f x =
either (fError >> always x) (f >> always x) x
/// apply a function to the Ok branch of a Result but return the original result
let tee f =
bitee id f
/// apply a function to the Error branch of a Result but return the original result
let teeError fError =
bitee fError id
/// apply a Result success value to a Result success function.
/// useful for partially applying results to a function
let apply x =
either error (flip map x)
/// zip two success results x and y using the function f
let map2 f x y =
map f x |> apply y
/// zip two success results x and y using the function f
let zip = map2
let sequence sq =
let append sq item = seq { yield! sq; yield item }
Seq.fold (map2 append) (retn Seq.empty) sq
let sequenceList list =
let cons = curry List.Cons
List.foldBack (map2 cons) list (retn [])
let toOption x =
either (always None) Some x
module Operators =
/// apply a function returning a Result to the Ok value of another Result
let (>>=) x f =
bind f x
/// compose two functions which return Result
let (>=>) g f =
f >> bind g
/// apply a Result success value to a Result success function.
/// useful for partially applying results to a function
let (<*>) g x =
apply x g
/// apply an Ok value to a function
/// useful for partially applying the first result to a normal function
let (<!>) = map
/// apply a mapping function to the Ok value. This is the inline operator for flip map.
let (>>!) x f =
map f x
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