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Created December 14, 2017 15:03
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Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Req MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Resp MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[61] <Notice>: Nearby stop advertising of type: 16
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[61] <Notice>: Nearby start advertising with data: Advertising request of type 16, priority 1, UseFG 432 (270.00 ms), data <0b105afe 1e>, connectable 1, options {
} priority 0 mode 432 options (null)
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: Stop advertising for process sharingd (61) of type 16
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: Nothing left to advertise, stopping
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: Start advertising for process sharingd (61) of type 16 with advertising interval 432 (270.00 ms)
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: Adding data of type: 16, advData: <0b105afe 1e> advInterval: 432
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: Current advertisement packet: <10050b10 5afe1e>
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: AdvertisingRulesiOS: current advertisers: <NSMutableIndexSet: 0x104e00430>[number of indexes: 1 (in 1 ranges), indexes: (16)]
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: advertisingRulesiOS - advertising packets: (
kCBAdvDataAppleMfgData = <0aff4c00 10050b10 5afe1e>;
kCBAdvDataIsConnectable = 1;
kCBAdvOptionAdvertisingInterval = 432;
kCBMsgArgIsPrivilegedDaemon = 1;
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: Requesting to start advertising for clients 16 with (
kCBAdvDataAppleMfgData = <0aff4c00 10050b10 5afe1e>;
kCBAdvDataIsConnectable = 1;
kCBAdvOptionAdvertisingInterval = 432;
kCBMsgArgIsPrivilegedDaemon = 1;
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopAdvertising" from session ""
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Received 'stop advertising' request from session ""
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStopped" to session ""
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopAdvertising" from session ""
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStopped" to session ""
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopAdvertising" from session ""
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStopped" to session ""
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopAdvertising" from session ""
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStopped" to session ""
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStartAdvertising" from session ""
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Received 'start advertising' request from session "", with manufacturer data [ 0A FF 4C 00 10 05 0B 10 5A FE 1E ], interval 1B0, no name
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStarted" to session ""
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: Started to advertise for type 16 with error (null)
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Sending 'advertising status changed' event to local device listeners
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Sending 'advertising status changed' event to local device listeners
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone analyticsd[27330] <Notice>: [<private>] no observers; dropped.
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone analyticsd[27330] <Notice>: [<private>] no observers; dropped.
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone analyticsd[27330] <Notice>: [<private>] no observers; dropped.
Dec 14 09:39:42 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone analyticsd[27330] <Notice>: [<private>] no observers; dropped.
Dec 14 09:39:43 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x0051 Bin=['01 1F 00 80 03 04 04 5C 55 51 00 13 00 14 06 00 A9 F2 8A FF DC FF A2 01 00 32 A4 03 00 01 32 00']
Dec 14 09:39:43 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone nsurlsessiond[100] <Notice>: Triggering periodic update to powerlog for client <private>
Dec 14 09:39:43 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone nsurlsessiond[100] <Notice>: Triggering periodic update to powerlog for client
Dec 14 09:39:43 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -54 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 10/29/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Req MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Resp MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe7(ELQM) Ind MsgId=0x0002 Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Ind MsgId=0xe006 Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManager.dylib)[80] <Notice>: #I Sending <private> to <private> at 1513262384587
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter[80] <Notice>: #I received event kEventCTCellularTrasmitState
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter[80] <Notice>: #I contents <private>
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManager.dylib)[80] <Notice>: #I <private>
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd[63] <Notice>: {"msg":"kCLConnectionMessageOnBodyDetection", "event":"activity", "this":"0x1061af400", "registrationRequired":0, "registrationReceived":0}
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd[63] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter (0x1061af400) is unsubscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageOnBodyDetection
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd[63] <Notice>: #Warning Location connection invalid!
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd[63] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLConnection::handleDisconnection", "event":"activity"}
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd[63] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter disconnected
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd[63] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x1061af400", "property":"lifecycle", "old":"0x1061af400", "new":"0x0"}
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: eLQM: Updated cell states (payload = <02020000 00>): (LQM = 20, RRC = 0, INTF = 1)
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: eLQM: Posting RRC change notification with label = kNotificationCellLinkStateChange, state = 0, bitmask = 2, info = {
Detail = 0;
State = 0;
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: RRC State change
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: 0x102851c90 foreground: 1 primary: 0 for noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:no, isBuiltin:yes, loi:0, flags:0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: 0x102851780 foreground: 1 primary: 0 for noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: 0x10290cbe0 observed discretionaryTrafficInvited of object NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0, partial update to pid: 37705, change: {
kind = 1;
new = 0;
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: 0x1028da440 (voided)
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: RRC Update to OFF. mach time: 12366786734075 <0x102851780> (NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0)
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: _lastDisconnectTimestamp: 12366786734075
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: 0x102851780 foreground: 1 primary: 0 for noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: AWD RRC Metric: noi.isAny with no foregroundActivity flag became OFF (plugged in)
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: 0x1028265f0 foreground: 1 primary: 0 for noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:1
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[33825] <Notice>: Trigger: <private> is now [<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[33825] <Notice>: Trigger: <private> is now [<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: New RRC 0 when previous 1 from pdp_ip0, epoch interface pdp_ip0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: RRC ioctl sets 0 for interface pdp_ip0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x22(COEX) Ind MsgId=0x0021 Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x555b Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x01(WDS) Ind MsgId=0x0001 Bin=['01 10 00 80 01 0C 04 B9 53 01 00 04 00 18 01 00 01']
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x01(WDS) Ind MsgId=0x0001 Bin=['01 10 00 80 01 01 04 49 2B 01 00 04 00 18 01 00 01']
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterMCommandDrivers.dylib)[80] <Notice>: #I handleWdsEventReportInd_sync: Received WDS Set Event Report Indications
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterMCommandDrivers.dylib)[80] <Notice>: #I processWdsTlvDormancyStatus: Dormancy status: kDormancyStatusDormant
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter[80] <Notice>: #I setDormancy: from false to true
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x01(WDS) Req MsgId=0x0044 Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterMCommandDrivers.dylib)[80] <Notice>: #I EventReportInd, dormancy status: kDormant
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter[80] <Notice>: #I DormancyStatus event, success:true, status:kDormant
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[38] <Notice>: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[38] <Notice>: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x555b Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x555b Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter[80] <Notice>: #N Add Frequency List Failed
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x01(WDS) Resp MsgId=0x0044 Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterMCommandDrivers.dylib)[80] <Notice>: #I sendWdsGetCurrentDataBearerTechReq_sync_block_invoke: Data Bearer Technology status: current network (2) rat mask (32) service option mask (0)
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter[80] <Notice>: #I notifyDataBearer: dataMode kDataWirelessTechnologyLTE; fDormancy true; sending kRadioTransmitDCH(TxOff)
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(PersistentConnection)[80] <Notice>: Interface manager: WWAN radio power level notification; DCH status changed to inactive
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: Interface manager: WWAN radio power level notification; DCH status changed to inactive
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x109005bb0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x109607710> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x109607710> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x109607710> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-15 03:33:31 -0500] (90%) with fire date [2017-12-15 05:57:31 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 05:57:31 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 0.9, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x109005bb0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd[101] <Notice>: <private> <private> interface radio hotness changed to NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd[101] <Notice>: <private> isPowerEfficientToSendFilter changed to NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd[101] <Notice>: <private> <private> interface radio hotness changed to NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd[101] <Notice>: <private> isPowerEfficientToSendFilter changed to NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: Interface manager: WWAN radio power level notification; DCH status changed to inactive
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone SpringBoard(PersistentConnection)[30640] <Notice>: Interface manager: WWAN radio power level notification; DCH status changed to inactive
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x129e540e0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone SpringBoard(PersistentConnection)[30640] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x1c04e7e80> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone imagent(PersistentConnection)[65] <Notice>: Interface manager: WWAN radio power level notification; DCH status changed to inactive
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone SpringBoard(PersistentConnection)[30640] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1c08d90c0> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone calaccessd(PersistentConnection)[35091] <Notice>: Interface manager: WWAN radio power level notification; DCH status changed to inactive
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone SpringBoard(PersistentConnection)[30640] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1c08d90c0> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone sharingd(PersistentConnection)[61] <Notice>: Interface manager: WWAN radio power level notification; DCH status changed to inactive
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone identityservicesd(PersistentConnection)[49] <Notice>: Interface manager: WWAN radio power level notification; DCH status changed to inactive
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone SpringBoard(PersistentConnection)[30640] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1c08d90c0> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 10:00:00 -0500] (100%) with fire date [2017-12-14 10:00:00 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 07:40:27 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 1, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[23] <Notice>: Interface manager: WWAN radio power level notification; DCH status changed to inactive
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone sharingd(PersistentConnection)[61] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x10543f310> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone identityservicesd(PersistentConnection)[49] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x10136fec0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone SpringBoard(PersistentConnection)[30640] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x1c04e7e80> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[23] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x102a87cb0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone sharingd(PersistentConnection)[61] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1054b1d50> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone identityservicesd(PersistentConnection)[49] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10149bf50> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone nanoregistryd(PersistentConnection)[94] <Notice>: Interface manager: WWAN radio power level notification; DCH status changed to inactive
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[23] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x105bab950> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x129e151f0> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone identityservicesd(PersistentConnection)[49] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10149bf50> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone SpringBoard(PersistentConnection)[30640] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1c08c7e70> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[23] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x105bab950> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: Last system wake date (2017-12-14 09:14:01 -0500) was longer than half of the timer duration, so setting minimum fire date to fire date.
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone identityservicesd(PersistentConnection)[49] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10149bf50> Calculated minimum fire date [2018-01-06 15:31:17 -0500] (100%) with fire date [2018-01-06 15:31:17 -0500], start date [2017-12-13 22:04:24 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 1, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone SpringBoard(PersistentConnection)[30640] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1c08c7e70> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[23] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x105bab950> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 09:52:44 -0500] (100%) with fire date [2017-12-14 09:52:44 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 09:04:10 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 1, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x129e151f0> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x105fbec20> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone SpringBoard(PersistentConnection)[30640] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1c08c7e70> Calculated minimum fire date [2049-12-26 19:00:00 -0500] (100%) with fire date [2049-12-26 19:00:00 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 07:40:27 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 1, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[23] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x102a87cb0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x129e151f0> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 09:55:17 -0500] (100%) with fire date [2017-12-14 09:55:17 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 09:39:23 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 0, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x105fbec20> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[23] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x105a73830> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x129e540e0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x105fbec20> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 16:45:31 -0500] (90%) with fire date [2017-12-14 17:57:31 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 05:57:31 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 0.9, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[23] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x105a73830> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x129e6ce70> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x109005bb0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[23] <Notice>: Forcing timer alignment to fire date [2017-12-14 11:57:31 -0500]
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x129e6ce70> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10ad00970> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[23] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x105a73830> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 11:57:31 -0500] (25%) with fire date [2017-12-15 05:57:31 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 05:57:31 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 0, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x129e6ce70> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 10:30:49 -0500] (100%) with fire date [2017-12-14 10:30:49 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 09:39:23 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 0, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x129e540e0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10ad00970> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x129e9dbf0> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: Forcing timer alignment to fire date [2017-12-14 11:57:31 -0500]
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: Last system wake date (2017-12-14 09:14:01 -0500) was longer than half of the timer duration, so setting minimum fire date to fire date.
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10ad00970> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 11:57:31 -0500] (90.6085%) with fire date [2017-12-14 12:14:27 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 09:14:07 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 0.9, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x129e9dbf0> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x109005bb0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x129e9dbf0> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 10:00:34 -0500] (100%) with fire date [2017-12-14 10:00:34 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 09:31:56 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 0, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10ac53d70> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x129e540e0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10ac53d70> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x129da2320> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10ac53d70> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 10:37:43 -0500] (100%) with fire date [2017-12-14 10:37:43 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 09:37:43 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 0.75, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: Last system wake date (2017-12-14 09:14:01 -0500) was longer than half of the timer duration, so setting minimum fire date to fire date.
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x109005bb0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x129da2320> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10a898930> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[101] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x129da2320> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 09:59:34 -0500] (100%) with fire date [2017-12-14 09:59:34 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 09:39:17 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 0, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10a898930> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10a898930> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 21:53:53 -0500] (90%) with fire date [2017-12-14 23:41:53 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 05:41:53 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 0.9, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x109005bb0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1096b2440> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1096b2440> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1096b2440> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 11:58:30 -0500] (90%) with fire date [2017-12-14 23:58:30 -0500], start date [2017-12-09 23:58:30 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 0.9, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x109005bb0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10aafbde0> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10aafbde0> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: Forcing timer alignment to fire date [2017-12-14 11:57:31 -0500]
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10aafbde0> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 11:57:31 -0500] (90.6085%) with fire date [2017-12-14 12:14:27 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 09:14:07 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 0.9, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x109005bb0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10969c530> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: Last system wake date (2017-12-14 09:14:01 -0500) was longer than half of the timer duration, so setting minimum fire date to fire date.
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10969c530> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10969c530> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 09:42:43 -0500] (100%) with fire date [2017-12-14 09:42:43 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 09:37:43 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 0.9, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x109005bb0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10aceb700> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10aceb700> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10aceb700> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 18:52:24 -0500] (90%) with fire date [2017-12-14 19:56:27 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 09:15:53 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 0.9, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x109005bb0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 20 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10a834c60> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10a834c60> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[63] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x10a834c60> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-14 12:54:24 -0500] (90%) with fire date [2017-12-14 13:24:24 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 08:24:24 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 0.9, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone sharingd(PersistentConnection)[61] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1054b1d50> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Dec 14 09:39:44 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone sharingd(PersistentConnection)[61] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1054b1d50> Calculated minimum fire date [2017-12-15 09:36:16 -0500] (100%) with fire date [2017-12-15 09:36:16 -0500], start date [2017-12-14 09:36:16 -0500], minimum early fire proportion 1, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no
Dec 14 09:39:45 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x22(COEX) Ind MsgId=0x0021 Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:45 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[38] <Notice>: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:45 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[38] <Notice>: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:45 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone nsurlsessiond[100] <Notice>: Triggering periodic update to powerlog for client <private>
Dec 14 09:39:45 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone nsurlsessiond[100] <Notice>: Triggering periodic update to powerlog for client <private>
Dec 14 09:39:45 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone nsurlsessiond[100] <Notice>: Triggering periodic update to powerlog for client <private>
Dec 14 09:39:45 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone locationd[63] <Notice>: {"msg":"adapter details", "adapterDescription":"usb host", "batteryChargerType":"kChargerTypeUsb"}
Dec 14 09:39:45 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone coreduetd[37705] <Notice>: CDDBatteryMonitor: received batterycallback, currentPercentage:96.000000!
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x22(COEX) Ind MsgId=0x0021 Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[38] <Notice>: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[38] <Notice>: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x22(COEX) Ind MsgId=0x0021 Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[38] <Notice>: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[38] <Notice>: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x22(COEX) Ind MsgId=0x0021 Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[38] <Notice>: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[38] <Notice>: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x102f95360; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5E3D4B66F734>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x102f95360; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5E3D4B66F734>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] dump all assertions HWM:2 (deactivateAssertion): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x1038bec50; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&A617F5BF4F4C> [active]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] Scheduling allow-idle-sleep timer with interval: 180.0
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] dump all assertions HWM:2 (CPUMON check): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x1038bec50; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&A617F5BF4F4C> [active]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x102f95360; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5E3D4B66F734>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] dump all assertions HWM:2 (CPUMON check): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x1038bec50; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&A617F5BF4F4C> [active]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x102f95360>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Attempting to acquire assertion for <BKProcessAssertion: 0x10380a040; "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5ABDA277B02C>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x1038bec50; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&A617F5BF4F4C>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x102fac9b0; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&E4419B3FF36C>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x102f4ab60; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&3A88DEB39410>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x1038bec50; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&A617F5BF4F4C>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] no more active assertions, resetting _timedAssertionPermittedDuration, _timedAssertionReferenceTime, _timedAssertionDeadlineActive: NO
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x10380a040; id: 38170-CF3DA7A9-3985-4E50-ABBC-5ABDA277B02C; name: "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>"; state: active; reason: finishTask; duration: 180.0s> {
owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x103b36ec0;; valid: YES>;
flags = preventSuspend, preventIdleSleep, preventSuspendOnSleep;
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] No time-limited assertions remain
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x10380a040; "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5ABDA277B02C>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] New process assertion state; (none) (assertion 0x1038bec50 added: (none); removed: preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep)
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] Setting jetsam priority to 3 [0x10000]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] New process assertion state; preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventIdleSleep, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep (assertion 0x10380a040 added: preventIdleSleep; removed: (none))
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Setting jetsam priority to 9 [0x2010008]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] dump all assertions HWM:3 (CPUMON check): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x102f4ab60; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&3A88DEB39410> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x102fac9b0; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&E4419B3FF36C> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x10380a040; "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5ABDA277B02C> [active]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] Setting jetsam priority to 3 [0]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: Creating PowerAssertion on
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x1038bec50; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&A617F5BF4F4C>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: Created PowerAssertion on, sleep reverted
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x102fac9b0; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&E4419B3FF36C>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x1038bec50>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] dump all assertions HWM:3 (deactivateAssertion): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x102f4ab60; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&3A88DEB39410> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x10380a040; "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5ABDA277B02C> [active]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x10380a040; "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5ABDA277B02C>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Scheduling allow-idle-sleep timer with interval: 180.0
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone MobileSafari(PlugInKit)[38167] <Notice>: connection to plug-in <private>(A04741CD-3750-43CA-9A91-93759E89CAA3) lost
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone MobileSafari(UIKit)[38167] <Error>: request interrupted - error: Extension was interrupted
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone MobileSafari(PlugInKit)[38167] <Notice>: connection to plug-in <private>(<private>) lost
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone MobileSafari(UIKit)[38167] <Error>: Cannot connect to view controller in com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension - Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension.viewservice was interrupted, but the message was sent over an additional proxy and therefore this proxy has become invalid." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension.viewservice was interrupted, but the message was sent over an additional proxy and therefore this proxy has become invalid.} info {
NSDebugDescription = "The connection to service named com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension.viewservice was interrupted, but the message was sent over an additional proxy and therefore this proxy has become invalid.";
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone sharingd[61] <Error>: {"name":"","isAntisymptom":true} User chose an activity. Sending anti-symptom.
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[61] <Notice>: Submit AWD metric ID 0x400032 success
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone analyticsd[27330] <Notice>: [<private>] no observers; dropped.
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: 38250 com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension: BackgroundRunning (most elevated: BackgroundRunning)
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone mediaserverd(AudioToolbox)[27] <Notice>: 4174: { "action":"destroy_session", "session":{"ID":"0x24b69","PID":38250,"name":"BitwardeniOSExte","type":"Fig"}, "details":null }
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone mediaserverd(libAudioStatistics.dylib)[27] <Notice>:[CAReportingClient destroyReporterWithID:]: removing 1771491 from client and server
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone mediaserverd(AudioToolbox)[27] <Notice>: 203: destroying 1771491
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone powerd[36] <Notice>: Sleep revert state: 1
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone powerd[36] <Notice>: Process assertiond.66 Created SystemIsActive " [Called by UIKit, from <redacted>] [0x10380a040]" age:00:00:00 id:51539643363 [System: SysAct]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone coreauthd[28] <Notice>: Connection invalidated: <NSXPCConnection: 0x135d853a0> connection from pid 38250 hash: 35d853a0
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone coreauthd[28] <Notice>: -[ContextProxy dealloc] on <private>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] dump all assertions HWM:3 (CPUMON check): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x102f4ab60; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&3A88DEB39410> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x10380a040; "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5ABDA277B02C> [active]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x102fac9b0; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&E4419B3FF36C>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] dump all assertions HWM:3 (CPUMON check): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x102f4ab60; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&3A88DEB39410> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x10380a040; "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5ABDA277B02C> [active]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[30640] <Notice>: [FBProcessManager] Removing: <FBExtensionProcess: 0x1c015c040; BitwardeniOSExt (com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension); pid: -1; typeID:; host: MobileSafari:38167>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone SpringBoard(WiFiPicker)[30640] <Notice>: WIFI PICKER [com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension]: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 1
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x102f4ab60; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&3A88DEB39410>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] dump all assertions HWM:3 (deactivateAssertion): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x10380a040; "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5ABDA277B02C> [active]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Longest remaining time-limited assertion is <BKProcessAssertion: 0x10380a040; "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5ABDA277B02C> with duration 180.0s
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Setting up BG permission check timer for 180s
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] New process assertion state; preventSuspend, preventIdleSleep, preventSuspendOnSleep (assertion 0x102f4ab60 added: (none); removed: preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority)
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Setting jetsam priority to 3 [0x10008]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] dump all assertions HWM:3 (CPUMON check): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x10380a040; "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5ABDA277B02C> [active]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Setting jetsam priority to 3 [0x8]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] dump all assertions HWM:3 (CPUMON check): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x10380a040; "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5ABDA277B02C> [active]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] setpriority success for resource GPU to PRIO_DARWIN_GPU_DENY
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] setpriority success for resource CPU to PRIO_DARWIN_BG
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x102f4ab60; "" (extension:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&3A88DEB39410>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Setting up BG permission check timer for 180s
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] dump all assertions HWM:3 (CPUMON check): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x10380a040; "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5ABDA277B02C> [active]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x10380a040; "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5ABDA277B02C>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] no more active assertions, resetting _timedAssertionPermittedDuration, _timedAssertionReferenceTime, _timedAssertionDeadlineActive: NO
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] New process assertion state; (none) (assertion 0x10380a040 added: (none); removed: preventSuspend, preventIdleSleep, preventSuspendOnSleep)
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] suspend success
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Not checking lock on special file: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Not checking lock on special file: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Not checking lock on special file: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Setting jetsam priority to 0 [0]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] pid_shutdown_sockets(1) success
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: Releasing PowerAssertion on from update
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x10380a040; "Called by UIKit, from <redacted>" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5ABDA277B02C>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x102fac9b0>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x102f4ab60>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[27] <Notice>: -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension with pid '38250' is now Background Running. Background entitlement: NO
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone mediaserverd(AudioToolbox)[27] <Notice>: 1170: pid 38250(BitwardeniOSExte)
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone powerd[36] <Notice>: Process assertiond.66 Released SystemIsActive " [Called by UIKit, from <redacted>] [0x10380a040]" age:00:00:00 id:51539643363 [System: SysAct]
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter[80] <Notice>: #I BundleID: <private> is no longer a foreground app
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: 38170 BackgroundTaskSuspended (most elevated: BackgroundTaskSuspended)
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone SpringBoard(WiFiPicker)[30640] <Notice>: WIFI PICKER []: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 1
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x10380a040>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[27] <Notice>: -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client with pid '38170' is now Background Suspended. Background entitlement: NO
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone mediaserverd(AudioToolbox)[27] <Notice>: 1170: pid 38170(
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone mediaserverd(AudioToolbox)[27] <Notice>: 3351: { "action":"application_state_changed", "session":{"ID":"0x24b48","PID":38170,"name":"","type":"Fig"}, "details":{"new_state":"Background Task Suspended"} }
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter[80] <Notice>: #I BundleID: <private> is no longer a foreground app
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: Entry, display name com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension uuid 9BB0A367-3DB8-3621-8174-8F490991CC97 pid 38250 isFront 0
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: Continue with bundle name com.8bit.bitwarden, is front 0
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: com.8bit.bitwarden: Foreground: false
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: Entry, display name uuid C8F8C9B1-67A2-3650-9804-0B3BEC7D6615 pid 38170 isFront 0
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: Continue with bundle name, is front 0
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: Foreground: false
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: Failed to find process for
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter[80] <Notice>: #I BundleID: <private> is no longer a foreground app
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter[80] <Notice>: #I BundleID: <private> is no longer a foreground app
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Trying to create CR directory structure as root
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone homed(HomeKitDaemon)[35493] <Notice>: Received app state changed with info {
BKSApplicationStateAppIsFrontmost = 0;
BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 1;
BKSApplicationStateHostPIDKey = 38167;
SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension";
SBApplicationStateKey = 4;
SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 38250;
SBMostElevatedStateForProcessID = 4;
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone homed(HomeKitDaemon)[35493] <Notice>: Received app state changed with info {
BKSApplicationStateAppIsFrontmost = 0;
BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 1;
BKSApplicationStateHostPIDKey = 38167;
SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "";
SBApplicationStateKey = 2;
SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 38170;
SBMostElevatedStateForProcessID = 2;
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: cr_update: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: cr_update: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone nsurlsessiond[100] <Notice>: Triggering periodic update to powerlog for client <private>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone nsurlsessiond[100] <Notice>: Triggering periodic update to powerlog for client <private>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone nsurlsessiond[100] <Notice>: Triggering periodic update to powerlog for client <private>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone IDSRemoteURLConnectionAgent[37801] <Notice>: => Pid 38170 suspended!
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone IDSRemoteURLConnectionAgent[37801] <Notice>: PID: 38170 was suspended
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash[38252] <Notice>: __crash_info: [<private>] '<private>'
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone companion_proxy(IDS)[34457] <Notice>: IDSQuickSwitchAcknowledgementTracker -[IDSQuickSwitchAcknowledgementTracker identifierForServiceDelegate:] (serviceDelegate: <private>)
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone companion_proxy(IDS)[34457] <Notice>: IDSQuickSwitchAcknowledgementTracker -[IDSQuickSwitchAcknowledgementTracker stopAwaitingAcknowledgementFromServiceDelegateWithIdentifier:] (delegateIdentifier: <private>)
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone notification_proxy(MobileSystemServices)[35650] <Notice>: 0x16fe5b000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[33825] <Notice>: Attempting to suspend based on triggers: ( "", "" )
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[33825] <Notice>: Ignoring trigger because conditions are deteriorating
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[33825] <Notice>: Evaluating 0 activities based on triggers
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone kernel(Sandbox)[0] <Notice>: Sandbox: backupd(38248) System Policy: deny(1) file-unmount
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone kernel(Sandbox)[0] <Notice>: Sandbox: backupd(38248) System Policy: deny(1) file-unmount
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash[38252] <Notice>: Formulating report for corpse[38250] BitwardeniOSExtension
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(MobileCoreServices)[38252] <Notice>: notify_register_check() failed with error 1000000
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Report of type '109(<private>)' not saved because the limit of 25 logs has been reached
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Notice: This report is abbreviated for syslog inclusion because it could not be saved to disk.
Symbolication may be possible by manually cleaning up and including the Binary Image section of a full report from this same device -- good luck!
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Process: BitwardeniOSExtension [38250]
Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/32DFA9B0-EF06-4EDF-8BB0-A2F63211C420/
OS Version: iPhone OS 11.1.2 (15B202)
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000181ee9b94
Termination Signal: Trace/BPT trap: 5
Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0x5
Terminating Process: exc handler [0]
Triggered by Thread: 0
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Application Specific Information:
BUG IN CLIENT OF LIBDISPATCH: Release of an inactive object
Abort Cause 117091941044191232
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Thread 0 name: tid_303 Dispatch queue:
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000181ee9b94 0x181ee4000 + 23444
1 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000181ee5404 0x181ee4000 + 5124
2 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x0000000104d4fda0 0x100e3c000 + 66141600
3 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000181ee5048 0x181ee4000 + 4168
4 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000181ee8710 0x181ee4000 + 18192
5 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x0000000104d4fb4c 0x100e3c000 + 66141004
6 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x0000000104d53910 0x100e3c000 + 66156816
7 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x0000000104d06e28 0x100e3c000 + 65842728
8 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x0000000103042e00 0x100e3c000 + 35679744
9 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x000000010300d690 0x100e3c000 + 35460752
10 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x000000010300b6b0 0x100e3c000 + 35452592
11 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x0000000100eef49c 0x100e3c000 + 734364
12 BitwardeniOSExtension <\M-b\M^@\M-&>
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Thread 1:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000182079150 0x182058000 + 135504
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ed30 0x18218a000 + 19760
2 libc++.1.dylib 0x0000000181733ea4 0x18172c000 + 32420
3 JavaScriptCore 0x00000001897d5b94 0x188e90000 + 9722772
4 JavaScriptCore 0x00000001897d5abc 0x188e90000 + 9722556
5 JavaScriptCore 0x00000001897d5e20 0x188e90000 + 9723424
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c31c 0x18218a000 + 8988
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c1e8 0x18218a000 + 8680
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ac28 0x18218a000 + 3112
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Thread 2 name: WebThread
Thread 2:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000182058bc4 0x182058000 + 3012
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000182058a3c 0x182058000 + 2620
2 CoreFoundation 0x0000000182509c74 0x182420000 + 957556
3 CoreFoundation 0x0000000182507840 0x182420000 + 948288
4 CoreFoundation 0x0000000182427fb8 0x182420000 + 32696
5 WebCore 0x000000018a29be04 0x18a25a000 + 269828
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c31c 0x18218a000 + 8988
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c1e8 0x18218a000 + 8680
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ac28 0x18218a000 + 3112
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Thread 3:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000182079450 0x182058000 + 136272
1 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x0000000104de45e4 0x100e3c000 + 66749924
2 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x0000000104de4908 0x100e3c000 + 66750728
3 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x0000000104de343c 0x100e3c000 + 66745404
4 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x0000000104de2c08 0x100e3c000 + 66743304
5 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x0000000104dd5188 0x100e3c000 + 66687368
6 Foundation 0x0000000182f52860 0x182e45000 + 1103968
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c31c 0x18218a000 + 8988
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c1e8 0x18218a000 + 8680
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ac28 0x18218a000 + 3112
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Thread 4 name: SGen worker
Thread 4:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000182079150 0x182058000 + 135504
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ed30 0x18218a000 + 19760
2 Mono 0x000000010573cdf4 0x1055dc000 + 1445364
3 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c31c 0x18218a000 + 8988
4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c1e8 0x18218a000 + 8680
5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ac28 0x18218a000 + 3112
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Thread 5 name: Debugger agent
Thread 5:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000182079450 0x182058000 + 136272
1 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x0000000104de45e4 0x100e3c000 + 66749924
2 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x0000000104de4724 0x100e3c000 + 66750244
3 Mono 0x0000000105608ee8 0x1055dc000 + 184040
4 Mono 0x00000001056e9420 0x1055dc000 + 1102880
5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c31c 0x18218a000 + 8988
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c1e8 0x18218a000 + 8680
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ac28 0x18218a000 + 3112
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Thread 6 name: Finalizer
Thread 6:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000182058c00 0x182058000 + 3072
1 Mono 0x0000000105676708 0x1055dc000 + 632584
2 Mono 0x00000001056e9420 0x1055dc000 + 1102880
3 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c31c 0x18218a000 + 8988
4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c1e8 0x18218a000 + 8680
5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ac28 0x18218a000 + 3112
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Thread 7 name:
Thread 7:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000182058bc4 0x182058000 + 3012
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000182058a3c 0x182058000 + 2620
2 CoreFoundation 0x0000000182509c74 0x182420000 + 957556
3 CoreFoundation 0x0000000182507840 0x182420000 + 948288
4 CoreFoundation 0x0000000182427fb8 0x182420000 + 32696
5 Foundation 0x0000000182e516e4 0x182e45000 + 50916
6 Foundation 0x0000000182e70afc 0x182e45000 + 178940
7 UIKit 0x000000018c55b2f4 0x18b989000 + 12395252
8 Foundation 0x0000000182f52860 0x182e45000 + 1103968
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c31c 0x18218a000 + 8988
10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c1e8 0x18218a000 + 8680
11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ac28 0x18218a000 + 3112
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Thread 8:
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ac1c 0x18218a000 + 3100
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Thread 9 name: tid_9503
Thread 9:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000182079150 0x182058000 + 135504
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ed30 0x18218a000 + 19760
2 Mono 0x000000010574f798 0x1055dc000 + 1521560
3 Mono 0x00000001056deda8 0x1055dc000 + 1060264
4 Mono 0x00000001056e9420 0x1055dc000 + 1102880
5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c31c 0x18218a000 + 8988
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c1e8 0x18218a000 + 8680
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ac28 0x18218a000 + 3112
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Thread 10 name: Threadpool worker
Thread 10:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000182079150 0x182058000 + 135504
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ed30 0x18218a000 + 19760
2 Mono 0x00000001056df3a4 0x1055dc000 + 1061796
3 Mono 0x00000001056e9420 0x1055dc000 + 1102880
4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c31c 0x18218a000 + 8988
5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c1e8 0x18218a000 + 8680
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ac28 0x18218a000 + 3112
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Thread 11 name: Threadpool worker
Thread 11:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000182079150 0x182058000 + 135504
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ed30 0x18218a000 + 19760
2 Mono 0x00000001056df3a4 0x1055dc000 + 1061796
3 Mono 0x00000001056e9420 0x1055dc000 + 1102880
4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c31c 0x18218a000 + 8988
5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c1e8 0x18218a000 + 8680
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ac28 0x18218a000 + 3112
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Thread 12 name: GAIThread
Thread 12:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000182058bc4 0x182058000 + 3012
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000182058a3c 0x182058000 + 2620
2 CoreFoundation 0x0000000182509c74 0x182420000 + 957556
3 CoreFoundation 0x0000000182507840 0x182420000 + 948288
4 CoreFoundation 0x0000000182427fb8 0x182420000 + 32696
5 Foundation 0x0000000182e516e4 0x182e45000 + 50916
6 Foundation 0x0000000182ea362c 0x182e45000 + 386604
7 BitwardeniOSExtension 0x0000000104da2cd4 0x100e3c000 + 66481364
8 Foundation 0x0000000182f52860 0x182e45000 + 1103968
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c31c 0x18218a000 + 8988
10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218c1e8 0x18218a000 + 8680
11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ac28 0x18218a000 + 3112
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Thread 13:
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018218ac1c 0x18218a000 + 3100
Dec 14 09:39:46 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[38252] <Notice>: Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
x0: 0x00000001c45007e0 x1: 0x0000000181f48756 x2: 0x0000000000000000 x3: 0x019ffe8000000000
x4: 0x0000000000000000 x5: 0x00000001c428ff00 x6: 0x0000000105965460 x7: 0x00000001c44383a0
x8: 0x019ffe8000000000 x9: 0x0000000000000003 x10: 0x0091a7010091a780 x11: 0x000000000091a701
x12: 0x000000000091a600 x13: 0x0000000000000001 x14: 0x0000000000000000 x15: 0x0091a7010091a7c0
x16: 0x0000000181ee9b28 x17: 0x0000000181ee53ec x18: 0x0000000000000000 x19: 0x00000001c45007e0
x20: 0x00000001c45007e0 x21: 0x00000001c40cfa40 x22: 0x000000016efbeb40 x23: 0x00000001c44383a0
x24: 0x00000001c4252ff0 x25: 0x00000000c2000000 x26: 0x0000000105965460 x27: 0x0000000104f9d000
x28: 0x00000001c447bf40 fp: 0x000000016efbea30 lr: 0x0000000181ee5404
sp: 0x000000016efbea10 pc: 0x0000000181ee9b94 cpsr: 0x20000000
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone companion_proxy(IDS)[34457] <Notice>: IDSQuickSwitchAcknowledgementTracker -[IDSQuickSwitchAcknowledgementTracker identifierForServiceDelegate:] (serviceDelegate: <private>)
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone companion_proxy(IDS)[34457] <Notice>: IDSQuickSwitchAcknowledgementTracker -[IDSQuickSwitchAcknowledgementTracker stopAwaitingAcknowledgementFromServiceDelegateWithIdentifier:] (delegateIdentifier: <private>)
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] Port death watcher fired.
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: Process exited: <BKProcess: 0x102f4f410; BitwardeniOSExt; com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension; pid: 38250; agency: Extension; visibility: background; task: none; hostpid: 38167>
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] Invalidating...
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: [BitwardeniOSExt:38250] Invalidation complete.
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone assertiond[66] <Notice>: Checking for deferred bootstrap request for com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone SpringBoard(WiFiPicker)[30640] <Notice>: WIFI PICKER [com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension]: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[27] <Notice>: -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension with pid '38250' is now Terminated. Background entitlement: NO
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[61] <Notice>: Nearby stop advertising of type: 16
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[61] <Notice>: Nearby start advertising with data: Advertising request of type 16, priority 1, UseFG 432 (270.00 ms), data <0b105afe 1e>, connectable 1, options {
} priority 0 mode 432 options (null)
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: Stop advertising for process sharingd (61) of type 16
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: Nothing left to advertise, stopping
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: Start advertising for process sharingd (61) of type 16 with advertising interval 432 (270.00 ms)
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: Adding data of type: 16, advData: <0b105afe 1e> advInterval: 432
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: Current advertisement packet: <10050b10 5afe1e>
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: AdvertisingRulesiOS: current advertisers: <NSMutableIndexSet: 0x104e00430>[number of indexes: 1 (in 1 ranges), indexes: (16)]
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: advertisingRulesiOS - advertising packets: (
kCBAdvDataAppleMfgData = <0aff4c00 10050b10 5afe1e>;
kCBAdvDataIsConnectable = 1;
kCBAdvOptionAdvertisingInterval = 432;
kCBMsgArgIsPrivilegedDaemon = 1;
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: Requesting to start advertising for clients 16 with (
kCBAdvDataAppleMfgData = <0aff4c00 10050b10 5afe1e>;
kCBAdvDataIsConnectable = 1;
kCBAdvOptionAdvertisingInterval = 432;
kCBMsgArgIsPrivilegedDaemon = 1;
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopAdvertising" from session ""
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Received 'stop advertising' request from session ""
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStopped" to session ""
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopAdvertising" from session ""
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStopped" to session ""
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopAdvertising" from session ""
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStopped" to session ""
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopAdvertising" from session ""
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStopped" to session ""
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStartAdvertising" from session ""
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Received 'start advertising' request from session "", with manufacturer data [ 0A FF 4C 00 10 05 0B 10 5A FE 1E ], interval 1B0, no name
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStarted" to session ""
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone wirelessproxd[59] <Notice>: Started to advertise for type 16 with error (null)
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter[80] <Notice>: #I BundleID: <private> is no longer a foreground app
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter[80] <Notice>: #I BundleID: <private> is no longer a foreground app
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Sending 'advertising status changed' event to local device listeners
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone homed(HomeKitDaemon)[35493] <Notice>: Received app state changed with info {
BKSApplicationStateAppIsFrontmost = 0;
BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 1;
BKSApplicationStateHostPIDKey = 38167;
SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension";
SBApplicationStateKey = 1;
SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 38250;
SBMostElevatedStateForProcessID = 1;
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone bluetoothd[78] <Notice>: Sending 'advertising status changed' event to local device listeners
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: 38250 com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension: Terminated (most elevated: Terminated)
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: Entry, display name com.8bit.bitwarden.find-login-action-extension uuid (null) pid 38250 isFront 0
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone analyticsd[27330] <Notice>: [<private>] no observers; dropped.
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone analyticsd[27330] <Notice>: [<private>] no observers; dropped.
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone analyticsd[27330] <Notice>: [<private>] no observers; dropped.
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone analyticsd[27330] <Notice>: [<private>] no observers; dropped.
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x22(COEX) Ind MsgId=0x0021 Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[38] <Notice>: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[38] <Notice>: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x22(COEX) Ind MsgId=0x0021 Bin=[<private>]
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[38] <Notice>: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:47 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[38] <Notice>: <private>
Dec 14 09:39:48 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone nsurlsessiond[100] <Notice>: Triggering periodic update to powerlog for client <private>
Dec 14 09:39:48 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone nsurlsessiond[100] <Notice>: Triggering periodic update to powerlog for client <private>
Dec 14 09:39:48 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[31934] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -53 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 7/0/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Dec 14 09:39:49 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone nsurlsessiond[100] <Notice>: Triggering periodic update to powerlog for client <private>
Dec 14 09:39:50 Kyle-Spearrins-iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[80] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x0051 Bin=['01 1F 00 80 03 04 04 60 55 51 00 13 00 14 06 00 AB F2 8B FF EA FF A2 01 00 32 A4 03 00 01 32 00']
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