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Created May 5, 2016 13:35
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Quiver HTML importer
import json
import uuid
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from datetime import datetime
import html2text
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
source_url = ''
IP_URL = '{url}'
QVR_NOTEBOOK = '/Users/kristof/Dropbox/Applications/Quiver/Quiver.qvlibrary/F54CCC03-A5EC-48E7-8DCD-A264ABCC4277.qvnotebook'
# Download the images and generate UUIDs
def localize_images(resource_path, img_tags):
for img_tag in img_tags:
url = img_tag['src']
r = requests.get(url)
# Define the extension and the new filename
img_ext = Path(urlparse(url).path).suffix
img_name = '{}{}'.format(uuid.uuid4().hex.upper(),
img_filename = Path(resource_path, img_name)
with open(str(img_filename), 'wb') as f:
# Convert the original URL to a Quiver URL
img_tag['src'] = 'quiver-image-url/{}'.format(img_name)
# Write content.json
def write_content(note_path, note_title, note_text):
qvr_content = {}
qvr_content['title'] = note_title
qvr_content['cells'] = []
cell = {'type': 'markdown',
'data': note_text}
with open(str(Path(note_path, 'content.json')), 'w') as f:
# Write meta.json
def write_meta(note_path, note_title, note_uuid):
timestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(
qvr_meta = {}
qvr_meta['title'] = note_title
qvr_meta['uuid'] = note_uuid
qvr_meta['created_at'] = timestamp
qvr_meta['updated_at'] = timestamp
with open(str(Path(note_path, 'meta.json')), 'w') as f:
# Download the IP version of the URL
r = requests.get(IP_URL.format(url=source_url))
bs = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'lxml')
qvr_note_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()
# Create the folders
paths = {}
paths['notebook'] = QVR_NOTEBOOK
paths['note'] = Path(paths['notebook'], '{}.qvnote'.format(qvr_note_uuid))
paths['resources'] = Path(paths['note'], 'resources')
paths['resources'].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Replace the original links by the quiver links
localize_images(paths['resources'], bs.find_all('img'))
# Remove title
_ ='body main > div.titlebar')[0].extract()
# Convert to Markdown
parser = html2text.HTML2Text()
parser.protect_links = True
parser.wrap_links = False
parser.body_width = 0
note_text = parser.handle(str(bs.find('main')))
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iosdave commented Jan 27, 2020

So I added some stuff, changed some stuff, partly based on previous alterations I posted above plus some other stuff:

  • Use notebook name instead of notebook path to specify where clipped notes go
  • Create the notebook if it doesn't exist
  • added login credentials for instapaper (you'll need an Instapaper account)
  • Picks up url to clip from whatever page is current in Firefox. This probably isn't hard to alter for other browsers
  • Satisfied my OCD by rearranging the code into a class.

The original aim was to turn this into a Firefox extension but running Python, while doable, is looking messy so for the moment it needs running from a terminal. Or you can slot it into an Alfred workflow or Quicksilver or similar, fire it using a hotkey.

You'll need Python3 and some library installs. See notes at head of script.

It's working very well for me but caveats:

  • the script looks for a 'main' section in the html. Most pages have main section, some don't. If it can't find one it clips the page's body, which ends up being a bit messy but it's editable so ...
  • login details for Instapaper are held in the file as plain text. This is a long way short of ideal. Suggestions welcome.
  • some error checking wouldn't hurt.

Any thoughts welcome. Enjoy.

is this still working for you? It doesn't appear to login to Instapaper for ...

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