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Created December 24, 2019 17:40
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Messing around with spaCy and Kerouac
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg')
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
kerouac_raw = open('kerouac.txt').read()
kerouac = nlp(kerouac_raw)
Counter([w.string.strip() for w in kerouac.ents if w.label_ == 'PERSON']).most_common(10)
#Function to give us all the adjectives describing a character
def adjectivesDescribingCharacters(text, character):
sents = [sent for sent in kerouac.sents if character in sent.string]
adjectives = []
for sent in sents:
for word in sent:
if character in word.string:
for child in word.children:
if child.pos_ == 'ADJ':
return Counter(adjectives).most_common(10)
adjectivesDescribingCharacters(kerouac, 'Sal')
adjectivesDescribingCharacters(kerouac, 'Dean')
adjectivesDescribingCharacters(kerouac, 'Marylou')
#Define a function to give us all the verbs for describing a character
def verbsForCharacters(text, character):
sents = [sent for sent in kerouac.sents if character in sent.string]
charWords = []
for sent in sents:
for word in sent:
if character in word.string:
charAdjectives = []
for word in charWords:
for ancestor in word.ancestors:
if ancestor.pos_.startswith('V'):
return Counter(charAdjectives).most_common(20)
marylouVerbs = verbsForCharacters(kerouac, 'Marylou')
deanVerbs = verbsForCharacters(kerouac, 'Dean')
salVerbs = verbsForCharacters(kerouac, 'Sal')
#Combine and visualize with Pandas
def verbsToMatrix(verbCounts):
return pd.Series({t[0]: t[1] for t in verbCounts})
verbsDF = pd.DataFrame({'Marylou': verbsToMatrix(marylouVerbs),
'Dean': verbsToMatrix(deanVerbs),
'Sal': verbsToMatrix(salVerbs)}).fillna(0)
verbsDF.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(16,8))
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