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Created May 2, 2015 00:42
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; tree.scm
(define (tree-display tree . optional)
; as parameters to tree-display)
; how many space characters between trees
(define tree-spacing 1)
; print tree with leaves at bottom?
(define leaves-at-bottom? #t)
; define what a tree is (leaf & internal node) and how to get its components
(define (leaf? tree) (= (cadar tree) 0)) ; (not (pair? tree))
(define (leaf-name tree) (caar tree)) ; (string->symbol ".")
(define (leaf-info tree) (cadr tree)) ; tree
(define (int-node-name tree) (caar tree)) ; (string->symbol ".")
(define (int-node-children tree) (cdr tree)) ; (list (car tree) (cdr tree))
(define (make-augm-leaf width root name info)
(vector 'leaf width root name info))
(define (make-augm-pad width)
(vector 'pad width))
(define (make-augm-int-node width root name lpad rpad children)
(vector #f width root name lpad rpad children))
(define (augm-tree-int-node? x) (not (vector-ref x 0)))
(define (augm-tree-pad? x) (eq? (vector-ref x 0) 'pad))
(define (augm-tree-width x) (vector-ref x 1))
(define (augm-tree-root x) (vector-ref x 2))
(define (augm-tree-name x) (vector-ref x 3))
(define (augm-leaf-info x) (vector-ref x 4))
(define (augm-int-node-lpad x) (vector-ref x 4))
(define (augm-int-node-rpad x) (vector-ref x 5))
(define (augm-int-node-children x) (vector-ref x 6))
(define (pad width l)
(if (> width 0)
(cons (make-augm-pad width) l)
(define (field-width x) ; return number of chars in the written repr of `x'
(cond ((boolean? x) 2)
((symbol? x) (string-length (symbol->string x)))
((char? x) (case x ((#\space) 7) ((#\newline) 9) (else 3)))
((number? x) (string-length (number->string x)))
((vector? x) (+ (field-width (vector->list x)) 1))
((null? x) 2)
((pair? x) (let loop ((l (cdr x)) (w (+ (field-width (car x)) 2)))
(cond ((null? l)
((pair? l)
(loop (cdr l) (+ w (field-width (car l)) 1)))
(+ w (field-width l) 3)))))
((string? x) (let loop ((i (- (string-length x) 1)) (w 2))
(if (>= i 0)
(let ((c (string-ref x i)))
(loop (- i 1)
(+ w (case c ((#\\ #\") 2) (else 1)))))
(else 0)))
(define (augment-tree tree)
(if (leaf? tree)
(let* ((name (leaf-name tree))
(info (leaf-info tree))
(name-width (field-width name))
(info-width (field-width info))
(tree-width (max name-width info-width)))
(make-augm-leaf tree-width (quotient tree-width 2) name info))
(let* ((children (map augment-tree (int-node-children tree)))
(name (int-node-name tree))
(name-width (field-width name))
(name-left (quotient name-width 2))
(name-right (- name-width name-left)))
(if (null? children)
(make-augm-int-node name-width name-left name 0 0 '())
(let* ((first-child (car children))
(last-child (list-ref children (- (length children) 1)))
(+ (* (- (length children) 1) tree-spacing)
(apply + (map augm-tree-width children))))
(quotient (+ (- width (augm-tree-width last-child))
(+ (augm-tree-root first-child)
(augm-tree-root last-child)))
(- width left))
(max name-left left))
(max name-right right)))
(make-augm-int-node (+ max-left max-right) max-left name
(- max-left left) (- max-right right)
(define (any-int-nodes? trees)
(if (null? trees)
(or (augm-tree-int-node? (car trees))
(any-int-nodes? (cdr trees)))))
(define (all-done? trees)
(if (null? trees)
(and (augm-tree-pad? (car trees))
(all-done? (cdr trees)))))
(define (seq c n port)
(if (> n 0)
(write-char c port)
(seq c (- n 1) port))))
(define (print-trees trees port)
(if (not (all-done? trees))
(let ((delay-leaves? (and leaves-at-bottom? (any-int-nodes? trees))))
(let loop1 ((l trees))
(if (pair? l)
(let* ((tree (car l))
(tree-width (augm-tree-width tree)))
(if (augm-tree-pad? tree)
(seq #\space tree-width port)
(loop1 (cdr l)))
(let* ((root (augm-tree-root tree))
(name (augm-tree-name tree))
(name-width (field-width name))
(name-left (quotient name-width 2))
(name-right (- name-width name-left)))
(if (or (not delay-leaves?) (augm-tree-int-node? tree))
(seq #\space (- root name-left) port)
(write name port)
(seq #\space (- tree-width root name-right) port)
(loop1 (cdr l)))
(seq #\space root port)
(write-char #\. port)
(seq #\space (- tree-width root 1) port)
(loop1 (cdr l)))))))))
(newline port)
(let loop2 ((l trees) (new-trees '()))
(if (pair? l)
(let* ((tree (car l))
(tree-width (augm-tree-width tree)))
(if (augm-tree-pad? tree)
(seq #\space tree-width port)
(loop2 (cdr l) (append new-trees (list tree))))
(let* ((root (augm-tree-root tree))
(name (augm-tree-name tree))
(name-width (field-width name))
(name-left (quotient name-width 2))
(name-right (- name-width name-left)))
(if (augm-tree-int-node? tree)
(let ((children (augm-int-node-children tree)))
(if (null? children)
(seq #\space (- root name-left) port)
(write name port)
(seq #\space (- tree-width root name-right) port)
(loop2 (cdr l)
(append new-trees (pad tree-width '()))))
(let* ((child1 (car children))
(root1 (augm-tree-root child1))
(width1 (augm-tree-width child1))
(lpad (augm-int-node-lpad tree))
(rpad (augm-int-node-rpad tree)))
(seq #\space (+ lpad root1) port)
(write-char #\. port)
(let loop3 ((l1 (cdr children))
(l2 (cons child1 (pad lpad '())))
(right (- width1 (+ root1 1))))
(if (pair? l1)
(let* ((child (car l1))
(root (augm-tree-root child))
(width (augm-tree-width child)))
(seq #\- (+ root tree-spacing right) port)
(write-char #\. port)
(loop3 (cdr l1)
(cons child (pad tree-spacing l2))
(- width (+ root 1))))
(seq #\space (+ right rpad) port)
(loop2 (cdr l)
(append new-trees
(reverse (pad rpad l2))))))))))
(if delay-leaves?
(seq #\space root port)
(write-char #\. port)
(seq #\space (- tree-width root 1) port)
(loop2 (cdr l) (append new-trees (list tree))))
(let* ((info (augm-leaf-info tree))
(info-width (field-width info))
(info-left (quotient info-width 2))
(info-right (- info-width info-left)))
(seq #\space (- root info-left) port)
(write info port)
(seq #\space (- tree-width root info-right) port)
(loop2 (cdr l)
(append new-trees (pad tree-width '())))))))))
(newline port)
(print-trees new-trees port)))))))
(print-trees (list (augment-tree tree))
(if (null? optional) (current-output-port) (car optional))))
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