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Last active January 30, 2018 18:21
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Python script to create a dump of a Google Cloud SQL DB and import it into another DB
import random
from subprocess import call
projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
bucketName = 'sqldumpbucket-' + str(random.randint(100000, 999999));
exportDbInstance = 'YOUR_EXPORT_DB_INSTANCE';
exportDbServiceAccount = 'YOUR_EXPORT_DB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT';
exportDbName = 'YOUR_EXPORT_DB_NAME'
importDbInstance = 'YOUR_IMPORT_DB_INSTANCE';
importDbServiceAccount = 'YOUR_IMPORT_DB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT';
importDbName = 'YOUR_IMPORT_DB_NAME'
# Create a storage client.
storage_client =
# Create temp bucket to export DB
bucket = storage_client.create_bucket(bucketName)
# Add the service account to the bucket ACL as a writer
acl = bucket.acl
# Export database to bucket
call(["gcloud", "sql", "instances", "export", exportDbInstance, "gs://" + bucketName + "/sqldumpfile.gz", "--database", exportDbName])
# Add the service account to the bucket ACL as a writer and reader for the dump file
acl = bucket.acl
call(["gsutil", "acl", "ch", "-u", importDbServiceAccount + ":R", "gs://" + bucketName + "/sqldumpfile.gz"])
# Import database from bucket
call(["gcloud", "sql", "instances", "import", importDbInstance, "gs://" + bucketName + "/sqldumpfile.gz", "--database", importDbName])
# Delete bucket
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