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Created July 10, 2015 16:00
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FIR filter lib by windowing (LOW_PASS, HIGH_PASS, BAND_PASS, BAND_STOP)
* File Name : filter.c
* Authors : Trung Kien -
* Version : V 1.0
* Date : 10 July 2015
* Description : FIR filter by windowing.
* NOTE: use this command to build:
* gcc -o filters filters.c -lm -lfftw3
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <fftw3.h>
#include <complex.h>
#include <math.h>
#define FIR_OLDER 21
#define CLEAN 0
#define MAX 10000
double *create1TransSinc(int windowLength, double transFreq, double sampFreq, enum filterType type);
double *create2TransSinc(int windowLength, double trans1Freq, double trans2Freq, double sampFreq, enum filterType type);
double *createWindow(double *in, double *out, int windowLength, enum windowType type);
double *createKaiserWindow(double *in, double *out, int windowLength, double beta);
double modZeroBessel(double x);
int outputFFT(char *filename, double *window, int windowLength, double sampFreq);
double fir_filter(double rawData, double *firCoef, int firOrder, unsigned char bReset);
* Function : create1TransSinc
* Propose : Create Sinc h(x) with 1 transition - an impulse response of LPF or HPF
* Return : Pointer to array store weight coefficient
double *create1TransSinc(int windowLength, double transFreq, double sampFreq, enum filterType type)
int n;
/* Allocate memory for the window */
double *window = (double *)malloc(windowLength * sizeof(double));
if(window == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "create1TransSinc: Could not alllocation memory for window\n");
return NULL;
if(type != LOW_PASS && type != HIGH_PASS)
fprintf(stderr, "create1TransSinc: Bad filter type, should be LOW_PASS or HIGH_PASS \n");
return NULL;
/* Calculate the normalised transistion frequency. As transFreq should be
* less than or equal to sampFreq / 2, ft should be less than 0.5 (as Nyquist theory)
double ft = transFreq / sampFreq;
double m_2 = 0.5 * (windowLength-1);
int halfLength = windowLength / 2;
if(2*halfLength != windowLength)
double val = 2.0*ft;
if(type == HIGH_PASS)
val = 1 - val;
window[halfLength] = val;
else if (type == HIGH_PASS) {
fprintf(stderr, "create1TransSinc: For high pass filter, window length must be odd\n");
return NULL;
/* This has the effect of inverting all weight values*/
if (type == HIGH_PASS) ft = -ft;
/* Calculate weight coefficient*/
for(n = 0; n < halfLength; n++)
double val = sin(2*M_PI*ft*(n - m_2)) / (M_PI * (n - m_2));
window[n] = window[windowLength - n -1] = val;
return window;
* Function : create2TransSinc
* Propose : Create Sinc h(x) with 2 transition - an impulse response of BandPass or BandStop
* Return : Pointer to array store weight coefficient
double *create2TransSinc(int windowLength, double trans1Freq, double trans2Freq, double sampFreq, enum filterType type)
int n;
/* Allocation memory for window */
double *window = (double*)malloc(windowLength * sizeof(double));
if(window == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "create2TransSinc: Could not alllocation memory for window\n");
return NULL;
/* Check the available filter type */
if(type != BAND_PASS && type != BAND_STOP)
fprintf(stderr, "create2TransSinc: Bad filter type, should be BAND_PASS or BAND_STOP \n");
return NULL;
/* Calculate te transition frequencies */
double ft1 = trans1Freq / sampFreq;
double ft2 = trans2Freq / sampFreq;
double m_2 = 0.5 * (windowLength - 1);
int halfLength = windowLength / 2;
if(2*halfLength != windowLength)
double val = 2.0 * (ft2 - ft1);
if(type == BAND_STOP)
val = 1 - val;
window[halfLength] = val;
fprintf(stderr, "create2TransSinc: For BAND_STOP filter, window length must be odd\n");
return NULL;
/* Invert value of transFreq for BAND_STOP*/
if(type == BAND_STOP)
ft1 = -ft1; ft2 = -ft2;
/* Calculate weight coefficient*/
for(n = 0; n < halfLength; n++)
double val = sin(2 * M_PI * ft2* (n-m_2)) / (M_PI * (n-m_2)) - sin(2 * M_PI * ft1 * (n-m_2)) / (M_PI * (n-m_2));
window[n] = window[windowLength - n - 1] = val;
return window;
* Function : createWindow
* Propose : Create windows for FIR
* Return : Pointer to array store coefficient of windows
* Window type support in this function as below:
* RECTANGULAR : w(n) = 1;
* BATLETT : w(n) = 1 - 2*(n -M/2)/ m
* HANNING : w(n) = 0.5 - 0.5*cos(2*M_PI*n/M);
* HAMMING : w(n) = 0.54 - 0.46*cos(2*M_PI*n/M);
* BACKMAN : w(n) = 0.42 - 0.5*cos(2*M_PI*n/M) + 0.08*cos(2*M_PI*n/M);
* in - If not null, each value will be multiplied with the window weight
* out - The output weight values, if NULL and new array will be allocated
* windowLength - the number of weights
* windowType - The window type
double *createWindow(double *in, double *out, int windowLength, enum windowType type)
/* If out is not allocated memory, let allocation for it*/
if(out == NULL)
out = (double*) malloc(windowLength * sizeof(double)) ;
if(out == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "createWindow: Could not alllocation memory for window \n");
/* */
int n;
double m = windowLength - 1;
double m_2 = 0.5 *(m);
int halfLength = windowLength / 2;
/* */
switch( type)
for(n = 0; n < windowLength; n++)
out[n] = 1.0;
for(n = 0; n <= halfLength; n++)
out[n] = out[windowLength - 1]= 1 - 2 * (m_2 - n) / m; // Because: m_2 > n in [0:halfLength]
for(n = 0; n <= halfLength; n++)
out[n] = 0.5 - 0.5 * cos(2 * M_PI * n / (2 * halfLength));
out[windowLength - n - 1] = out[n];
for(n = 0; n <= halfLength; n++)
out[n] = 0.54 - 0.6 * cos(2 * M_PI * n / (2 * halfLength));
out[windowLength - n - 1] = out[n];
for(n = 0; n <= halfLength; n++)
out[n] = 0.42 - 0.5* cos(2 * M_PI * n / (2 * halfLength)) + 0.08 * cos(4 * M_PI * n/ (2*halfLength));
out[windowLength - n - 1] = out[n];
// If input has been given, multiply with out
if (in != NULL) {
for (n = 0 ; n < windowLength ; n++) {
out[n] *= in[n];
return out;
* Function : calculateKaiserParams
* Propose : Create windows with type Kaiser
* Param : ripple is given in Hz
transWidth is given in Hz
sampFreq is given in Hz
Window Length (windowLength) will be set
* Return : NONE
void calculateKaiserParams(double ripple, double transWidth, double sampFreq, int *windowLength, double *beta)
// Calculate delta w
double dw = 2 * M_PI * transWidth / sampFreq;
// Calculate ripple dB
double a = -20.0 * log10(ripple);
// Calculate filter order
int m;
if (a>21) m = ceil((a-7.95) / (2.285*dw));
else m = ceil(5.79/dw);
*windowLength = m + 1;
if (a<=21) *beta = 0.0;
else if (a<=50) *beta = 0.5842 * pow(a-21, 0.4) + 0.07886 * (a-21);
else *beta = 0.1102 * (a-8.7);
* Function : createKaiserWindow
* Propose : calculate param for Keise windows
* Param : Transition Width (transWidth) is given in Hz
Sampling Frequency (sampFreq) is given in Hz
Window Length (windowLength) will be set
* Return : Pointer to array store coefficient of windows
double *createKaiserWindow(double *in, double *out, int windowLength, double beta)
double m_2 = (double)(windowLength-1) / 2.0;
double denom = modZeroBessel(beta); // Denominator of Kaiser function
// If output buffer has not been allocated, allocate memory now
if (out == NULL) {
out = (double *) malloc(windowLength * sizeof(double));
if (out == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate memory for window\n");
return NULL;
int n;
for (n=0 ; n<windowLength ; n++)
double val = ((n) - m_2) / m_2;
val = 1 - (val * val);
out[n] = modZeroBessel(beta * sqrt(val)) / denom;
// If input has been given, multiply with out
if (in != NULL) {
for (n=0 ; n<windowLength ; n++) {
out[n] *= in[n];
return out;
* Function : modZeroBessel
* Propose : calculate modZeroBessel
double modZeroBessel(double x)
int i;
double x_2 = x/2;
double num = 1;
double fact = 1;
double result = 1;
for (i=1 ; i<20 ; i++) {
num *= x_2 * x_2;
fact *= i;
result += num / (fact * fact);
// printf("%f %f %f\n", num, fact, result);
return result;
* Function : outputFFT
* Propose : Use FFT (form support infftw3 lib) to transform signal to frequence doman then write result to a file
int outputFFT(char *filename, double *window, int windowLength, double sampFreq)
int i;
FILE *fp;
double *in;
fftw_complex *out;
fftw_plan plan;
int result = 0;
// If the window length is short, zero padding will be used
int fftSize = (windowLength < 2048) ? 2048 : windowLength;
// Calculate size of result data
int resultSize = (fftSize / 2) + 1;
// Allocate memory to hold input and output data
in = (double *) fftw_malloc(fftSize * sizeof(double));
out = (fftw_complex *) fftw_malloc(resultSize * sizeof(fftw_complex));
if (in == NULL || out == NULL) {
result = 1;
fprintf(stderr, "outputFFT: Could not allocate input/output data\n");
goto finalise;
// Create the plan and check for success
plan = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(fftSize, in, out, FFTW_MEASURE);
if (plan == NULL) {
result = 1;
fprintf(stderr, "outputFFT: Could not create plan\n");
goto finalise;
// Copy window and add zero padding (if required)
for (i=0 ; i<windowLength ; i++) in[i] = window[i];
for ( ; i<fftSize ; i++) in[i] = 0;
// Perform fft
// Open file for writing
fp = fopen(filename, "w");
if (fp == NULL) {
result = 1;
fprintf(stderr, "outputFFT: Could open output file for writing\n");
goto finalise;
// Output result
for (i=0 ; i<resultSize ; i++)
double freq = sampFreq * i / fftSize;
double mag = sqrt(out[i][0] * out[i][0] + out[i][1] * out[i][1]);
double magdB = 20 * log10(mag);
double phase = atan2(out[i][1], out[i][0]);
fprintf(fp, "%02d %f %f %f %f\n", i, freq, mag, magdB, phase);
// Perform any cleaning up
if (plan != NULL) fftw_destroy_plan(plan);
if (in != NULL) fftw_free(in);
if (out != NULL) fftw_free(out);
if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp);
return result;
* Function : fir_filter
* Propose : Calculate data before use FFR filter
* Param : rawData, firCoef, bReset
* Result : data filted.
double fir_filter(double rawData, double *firCoef, int firOrder, unsigned char bReset)
double dataFilted = 0.0f;
int i = 0;
static double dataBuffer[MAX] = {0.0f};
if(bReset == CLEAN)
for(i = 0; i < firOrder; i++)
dataBuffer[i] = 0.0f;
/* Put data to the fist position of buffer*/
dataBuffer[0] = (double)rawData;
for(i = 0; i <= firOrder; i++)
dataFilted += firCoef[i] * dataBuffer[i];
/* Shift ringBufer a postion*/
for(i = firOrder; i > 0; i--)
dataBuffer[i] = dataBuffer[i-1];
return dataFilted;
int main(void)
int windowLength = 21;
double sampFreq = 8000;
// Low and high pass filters
double transFreq = 100;
double *lpf = create1TransSinc(windowLength, transFreq, sampFreq, LOW_PASS);
//double *lpf_rectang = createWindow(lpf, NULL, windowLength, RECTANGULAR);
double *lpf_hamming = createWindow(lpf, NULL, windowLength, HAMMING);
// double *lpf_blackman = createWindow(lpf, NULL, windowLength, BLACKMAN);
// double *hpf = create1TransSinc(windowLength, transFreq, sampFreq, HIGH_PASS);
// double *hpf_hamming = createWindow(hpf, NULL, windowLength, HAMMING);
// outputFFT("lpf-hamming.dat", lpf_hamming, windowLength, sampFreq);
// outputFFT("lpf-blackman.dat", lpf_blackman, windowLength, sampFreq);
// outputFFT("hpf-hamming.dat", hpf_hamming, windowLength, sampFreq);
// Band pass and band stop filters
// double trans1Freq = 5000;
// double trans2Freq = 17050;
// double *bpf = create2TransSinc(windowLength, trans1Freq, trans2Freq, sampFreq, BAND_PASS);
// double *bpf_hamming = createWindow(bpf, NULL, windowLength, HAMMING);
// double *bsf = create2TransSinc(windowLength, trans1Freq, trans2Freq, sampFreq, BAND_STOP);
// double *bsf_hamming = createWindow(bsf, NULL, windowLength, HAMMING);
// outputFFT("bpf-hamming.dat", bpf_hamming, windowLength, sampFreq);
// outputFFT("bsf-hamming.dat", bsf_hamming, windowLength, sampFreq);
// Kaiser Window
// int kaiserWindowLength;
// double beta;
// calculateKaiserParams(0.001, 800, sampFreq, &kaiserWindowLength, &beta);
// lpf = create1TransSinc(kaiserWindowLength, transFreq, sampFreq, LOW_PASS);
// double *lpf_kaiser = createKaiserWindow(lpf, NULL, kaiserWindowLength, beta);
// outputFFT("lpf-kaiser.dat", lpf_kaiser, kaiserWindowLength, sampFreq);
/* Test implement filter*/
double rawData[MAX];
double filtedData[MAX];
double t = 0;
int count = 0;
//filtedData[count] = fir_filter(rawData[count], lpf_hamming, windowLength, CLEAN);
for(t = 0; t < 0.1; t += 1.0/sampFreq)
rawData[count] = 50 * sin(2 * M_PI * 100 * t) + rand()%20 * sin(2 * M_PI * 300 * t) + rand()%10;
filtedData[count] = fir_filter(rawData[count], lpf_hamming, windowLength, 1);
printf("%lf \t %lf \t %f \t \n", t, rawData[count], filtedData[count]);
return 0;
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