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Forked from mikedao/week 2.markdown
Last active July 8, 2016 19:34
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Module 1 Week 2 Diagnostic

This exercise is intended to help you assess your progress with the concepts and techniques we've covered during the week.

When complete, fill out this form.

For these questions, write a short snippet of code that meets the requirement. In cases where the question mentions a "given" data value, use the variable given to refer to it (instead of re-writing the information).

1. Define a class called PizzaOven which has a method cook_pizza which returns the string "mmm 'za"

class PizzaOven
def cook_pizza
"mmm 'za"

2. Define a class called Student which is instantiated with a "name" value and which has a method name that returns this value

class Student
attr_reader :name
def initialize(name)

3. Given an array of the numbers [1,2,3,4,5], find the sum of the doubles of all the numbers

given = [1,2,3,4,5]
sum = 0 do |num|
sum = |num*2|

or with each:
given.each do |num|
result += num * 2

4. Give the command to create a new Git repository in a directory on your machine

cd directory_name
git init

5. Testing and Pizza

Given a hypothetical Pizza class which has an instance method is_tasty? that always returns true, write a simple Minitest test that tests this behavior.

require 'minitest'
require_relative 'pizza'

class PizzaTest < MiniTest::Test
def test_it_always_tastes_tasty
pizza =
assert_equal true, pizza.is_tasty?

Suppose the Pizza class also has a method style which randomly returns one of: "supreme", "mediterranean", or "cheese". Write a test that confirms that the returned pizza style is within this list.

6. Give the Git commands needed to stage and then commit a set of changes to a file

git add file_name
git commit -m "Message details about changes that were made"

7. More Objects

Define a Student class which, when created, has an attitude attribute. attitude should start out with the value "cheerful", and the Student class should provide a "reader" method that allows us to access the value of its attitude.

Additionally, add an assign_homework method to Student. When assigned_homework is invoked, if the student's attitude is "cheerful", it should become "dubious". If the value is currently "dubious" it should become "perturbed". If the value is currently "perturbed", it should become "dazed". Assigning homework to a "dazed" student has no effect.

class Student
attr_reader :attitude

def initialize(cheerful)
@attitude = cheerful
@assignment = ""

def assign_homework
if @attitude == "cheerful"
@attitude = "dubious"
elsif @attitude == dubious
@attitude = "perturbed"
elseif @attitude == perturbed
@attitude = "dazed"

@assignments += "#{assignment}, "

8. Adding to Students

Building on the Student class from the previous example, update the assign_homework method to accept an argument. The argument will be a String containing a short description of the assignment. For example we might use it like this:

s =
s.assign_homework("Write a linked list")

<br /> def assign_homework(assignment)
<br /> def assignments
<br />  @assignments.join(", ")
<br />end

Then, add an assignments method to Student. assignments should return a list of all the assignments that have been given, separated by a comma and a space. For example:

s =
=> "cheerful"
s.assign_homework("write a linked list")
=> "dubious"
s.assign_homework("write a BST")
=> "perturbed"
=> "write a linked list, write a BST"

9. Inheritance

Create a new class SurlyStudent which inherits from the Student class above. However, whenever you ask a SurlyStudent for their attitude, they always respond with "disgruntled"

class SurlyStudent < Student

def attitude

10. Given an array of 3 Student instances, generate a new string of all of their assignments

For example:

s1 =
s2 =
s3 =

s1.assign_homework("linked list")
s1.assign_homework("sorting algos")

s2.assign_homework("write a c compiler")
s2.assign_homework("write a pacman game")

s3.assign_homework("sales engine")

students = [s1,s2,s3]


=> "linked list, sorting algos, write a c compiler, write a pacman game, headcount, sales engine"

array = [s1, s2, s3] result = ""

array.each do |student| result += "#{student.assignments} "

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