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Last active August 30, 2024 04:46
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Ansible playbook for fixing up a Mac Dock using dockutil
# Based on
- hosts: all
- name: Current Dock names
shell: >
dockutil --list |
python -c 'import sys; [sys.stdout.write(line.split("\t")[0] + "\n")
for line in sys.stdin]'
register: dockitems
changed_when: false
- set_fact:
x: '{{ dockitems_to_remove | intersect(dockitems.stdout_lines) }}'
- name: Remove Dock items
shell: dockutil --remove '{{ item }}'
with_items: '{{ x }}'
- set_fact: y='{{ dockitems_to_persist|map(attribute="name")|list }}'
- set_fact:
x: '{{ y | difference(dockitems.stdout_lines) }}'
- name: Add Dock items
shell: >
dockutil --find '{{ }}' ||
dockutil --add '{{ item.path }}'
with_items: '{{ dockitems_to_persist }}'
when: '{{ x != [] }}'
# dockutil is installed via brew
# Variables needed look like this:
# dockitems_to_remove:
# - Launchpad
# - Contacts
# - Notes
# - Reminders
# - Maps
# - Pages
# - Photos
# - FaceTime
# - iBooks
# - App Store
# - System Preferences
# dockitems_to_persist:
# - name: VirtualBox
# path: /Applications/
# - name: Terminal
# path: /Applications/Utilities/
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