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Created November 24, 2012 04:05
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import sys
def same_row(i,j): return (i/9 == j/9)
def same_col(i,j): return (i-j) % 9 == 0
def same_block(i,j): return (i/27 == j/27 and i%9/3 == j%9/3)
class InconsistentPositionError(Exception):
def still_consistent(a):
"""Check if a (partially filled) position is still consistent.
Positional argument:
1 - The 81-digit string that represents a (partially filled) sudoku position
True - if the position is still consistent
False - if the position is not consistent
# Initialize the lists of missing numbers
row_missing_numbers = list()
col_missing_numbers = list()
grd_missing_numbers = list()
for i in range(9):
for j in range(3):
for k in range(3):
# Remove the numbers that are NOT missing
for l in range(81):
# Initialize the lists of excluded numbers
excluded_numbers = list()
for m in range(81):
if a[m] != '0':
for n in range(81):
if a[n] != '0' and (same_row(m,n) or same_col(m,n) or same_block(m,n)):
# See if any row is inconsistent
## 1. If a number is missing from a row and also excluded from every cell in
## that row, the position is inconsistent.
for o in range(9):
sets = [ excluded_numbers[o*9 + x] for x in range(9) ]
if len(set.intersection(*sets)) > 0:
# print 'The position:'
# for x in range(9):
# print ''.join(a[x*9:x*9+9])
# print 'Row {} causes inconsistency: {}'.format(o, a[o*9:o*9+9])
# print 'Excluded numbers for row {}:'.format(o)
# for x in sets:
# print repr(x)
# print 'Row {} missing numbers: '.format(o) + repr(row_missing_numbers[o])
raise InconsistentPositionError()
## 2. If a number appears more than once in any row, the position is
## inconsistent.
for i in range(9):
present_numbers = set()
for j in range(9):
if a[i*9 + j] in present_numbers:
# print 'Row {} has duplicate numbers: {}'.format(o, a[o*9:o*9+9])
raise InconsistentPositionError()
elif a[i*9 + j] != '0':
present_numbers.add(a[i*9 + j])
# See if any column is inconsistent
## 1. If a number is missing from a column and also excluded from every cell
## in that row, the position is inconsistent.
for o in range(9):
sets = [ excluded_numbers[x*9 + o] for x in range(9) ]
if len(set.intersection(*sets)) > 0:
# print 'Col {} causes inconsistency: {}'.format(o, [a[o + y*9] for y in range(9)])
raise InconsistentPositionError()
## 2. If a number appears more than once in any column, the position is
## inconsistent.
for i in range(9):
present_numbers = set()
for j in range(9):
if a[j*9 + i] in present_numbers:
# print 'Col {} causes inconsistency: {}'.format(o, [a[o + y*9] for y in range(9)])
raise InconsistentPositionError()
elif a[j*9 + i] != '0':
present_numbers.add(a[j*9 + i])
# See if any grid is inconsistent
## 1. If a number is missing from a column and also excluded from every cell
## in that row, the position is inconsistent.
for y in range(3):
for x in range(3):
sets = [ excluded_numbers[y*27 + x*3 + j*9 + i] for i in range(3) for j in range(3)]
if len(set.intersection(*sets)) > 0:
# print 'Grid {},{} causes inconsistency'.format(y, x)
raise InconsistentPositionError()
## 2. If a number appears more than once in any grid, the position is
## inconsistent.
for y in range(3):
for x in range(3):
present_numbers = set()
for j in range(3):
for i in range(3):
if a[y*27 + x*3 + j*9 + i] in present_numbers:
print a[y*27 + x*3 + j*9 + i]
print repr(present_numbers)
# print 'Grid {},{} has duplicate numbers'.format(y, x)
for k in range(9):
print ''.join(a[k*9:k*9+9])
raise InconsistentPositionError()
elif a[y*27 + x*3 + j*9 + i] != '0':
present_numbers.add(a[y*27 + x*3 + j*9 + i])
except InconsistentPositionError:
return False
return True
solution = None
def r(a):
"""Recursively try to solve a sudoku puzzle by filling a cell at each level of
Positional arguments:
1 - The 81-digit string that represents a (partially filled) sudoku position
# print a
global solution
i = a.find('0')
if i == -1:
solution = a
# print ''.join(a)
elif still_consistent(a):
excluded_numbers = set()
for j in range(81):
if same_row(i,j) or same_col(i,j) or same_block(i,j):
for m in '123456789':
if m not in excluded_numbers:
# At this point, m is not excluded by any row, column, or block, so let's place it and recurse
if solution != None:
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and len(sys.argv[1]) == 81:
if solution == None:
print 'The puzzle is unsolvable!'
print 'The solution:'
for x in range(9):
print ''.join(solution[x*9:x*9+9])
#except InconsistentPositionError:
# print 'This puzzle is unsolvable!'
print 'Usage: python puzzle'
print ' where puzzle is an 81-digit string representing the puzzle read left-to-right,'
print ' top-to-bottom, and with 0 representing a blank cell.'
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