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Last active September 26, 2016 12:35
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  • Save ktakashi/9638004ef2255f682690053bea264a9d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ktakashi/9638004ef2255f682690053bea264a9d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
benchmark of 'Deriving Pure, Naturally-Recursive Operations for Processing Tail-Aligned Lists'
(import (rnrs) (only (chezscheme) time))
;;(import (rnrs) (only (racket base) time))
;;(import (rnrs) (time))
(define (tt a1 a2) a1)
(define (ff a1 a2) a2)
(define (slot-f f l) (fold-right (lambda (a f) (f a)) f l))
(define (build-k j as k)
(lambda (r)
(lambda (a1)
(if (eqv? as a1)
(k (cons as r))
(j r)))))
(define (compose f . rest)
(if (null? rest)
(let ((g (apply compose rest)))
(lambda args
(call-with-values (lambda () (apply g args)) f)))))
(define (two->one s) (lambda (f) (compose (two->one s) f s)))
(define (lcs l1 l2)
(lambda (j)
(define (lcs l1 l2 k1 k2)
(cond ((null? l1) ((two->one ff) (slot-f (k1 '()) l2)))
((null? l2) ((two->one tt) (slot-f (k2 '()) l1)))
(else ((lcs (cdr l1) (cdr l2)
(build-k j (car l1) k1)
(build-k j (car l2) k2))
(car l1) (car l2)))))
(lcs l1 l2 j j))))
;; naive
(define (lcp l1 l2)
(if (or (null? l1) (null? l2) (not (eqv? (car l1) (car l2))))
(cons (car l1) (lcp (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))))
(define (lcs-n l1 l2) (reverse (lcp (reverse l1) (reverse l2))))
(define (list-tabulate len proc)
(do ((i (- len 1) (- i 1))
(ans '() (cons (proc i) ans)))
((< i 0) ans)))
(define l1-same
(reverse (list-tabulate 100000 (lambda (i) (mod i 10)))))
(define l2-same
(reverse (list-tabulate 100000 (lambda (i) (mod i 10)))))
(define (run-bench l1 l2)
(time (lcs-n l1 l2))
(time (lcs l1 l2)))
(run-bench l1-same l2-same)
(define l2-diff
(reverse (list-tabulate 100000 (lambda (i) (mod i 100)))))
(run-bench l1-same l2-diff)
$ sash -r6 test2.scm
;; (lcs-n l1 l2)
;; 0.032639 real 0.048000 user 0.020000 sys
;; (lcs l1 l2)
;; 0.128253 real 0.208000 user 0.004000 sys
;; (lcs-n l1 l2)
;; 0.002950 real 0.004000 user 0.000000 sys
;; (lcs l1 l2)
;; 0.028780 real 0.044000 user 0.000000 sys
$ plt-r6rs test2.scm
cpu time: 4 real time: 5 gc time: 0
cpu time: 96 real time: 94 gc time: 64
cpu time: 0 real time: 2 gc time: 0
cpu time: 4 real time: 4 gc time: 0
$ scheme --program test2.scm
(time (lcs-n l1 ...))
1 collection
0.005151428s elapsed cpu time, including 0.002442072s collecting
0.005150779s elapsed real time, including 0.002443266s collecting
9614256 bytes allocated, including 3624384 bytes reclaimed
(time (lcs l1 ...))
4 collections
0.016340934s elapsed cpu time, including 0.009058406s collecting
0.016340303s elapsed real time, including 0.009062417s collecting
35285008 bytes allocated, including 27367680 bytes reclaimed
(time (lcs-n l1 ...))
1 collection
0.001860735s elapsed cpu time, including 0.000804889s collecting
0.001860352s elapsed real time, including 0.000805533s collecting
3200960 bytes allocated, including 9933824 bytes reclaimed
(time (lcs l1 ...))
1 collection
0.003294629s elapsed cpu time, including 0.002073054s collecting
0.003294375s elapsed real time, including 0.002073888s collecting
12896368 bytes allocated, including 2974640 bytes reclaimed
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