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Last active July 17, 2023 18:43
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from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union, overload
_time_unit_map = {
"ps": -12,
"ns": -9,
"us": -6,
"ms": -3,
"s": 0,
_time_repr_map = {v: k for k, v in _time_unit_map.items()}
_freq_unit_map = {
"hz": 0,
"khz": 3,
"mhz": 6,
"ghz": 9,
"thz": 12,
_freq_repr_map = {
0: "Hz",
3: "kHz",
6: "MHz",
9: "GHz",
12: "THz",
class Time:
def _normalize_to_smallest_unit(self, a: "Time", b: "Time") -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
unit = min(a._unit, b._unit)
a_scaled = a._scalar * (10 ** (a._unit - unit))
b_scaled = b._scalar * (10 ** (b._unit - unit))
return a_scaled, b_scaled, unit
def _make(cls, scalar: float, unit: int) -> "Time":
assert unit in _time_repr_map
self = cls.__new__(cls)
self._init(scalar, unit)
return self
def _init(self, scalar: float, unit: int) -> None:
self._scalar = scalar
self._unit = unit
def __init__(self, scalar: float, unit: str) -> None:
self._init(scalar, _time_unit_map[unit.lower()])
def in_units(self, unit: str) -> float:
return self._scalar * (10 ** (self._unit - _time_unit_map[unit]))
def fs(self) -> float:
return self.in_units("fs")
def ps(self) -> float:
return self.in_units("ps")
def ns(self) -> float:
return self.in_units("ns")
def us(self) -> float:
return self.in_units("us")
def ms(self) -> float:
return self.in_units("ms")
def s(self) -> float:
return self.in_units("s")
def __neg__(self) -> "Time":
return Time._make(-self._scalar, self._unit)
def __add__(self, other: "Time") -> "Time":
self_norm_scalar, other_norm_scalar, unit = self._normalize_to_smallest_unit(
self, other
return Time._make(self_norm_scalar + other_norm_scalar, unit)
def __sub__(self, other: "Time") -> "Time":
self_norm_scalar, other_norm_scalar, unit = self._normalize_to_smallest_unit(
self, other
return Time._make(self_norm_scalar - other_norm_scalar, unit)
def __mul__(self, other: float) -> "Time":
if isinstance(other, (int, float)):
return Time._make(self._scalar * other, self._unit)
return NotImplemented
def __rmul__(self, other: float) -> "Time":
return self * other
def __truediv__(self, other: float) -> "Time":
def __truediv__(self, other: "Time") -> float:
def __truediv__(self, other: Union[float, "Time"]) -> Union["Time", float]:
if isinstance(other, (int, float)):
return Time._make(self._scalar / other, self._unit)
elif isinstance(other, Time):
self_norm_scalar, other_norm_scalar, _ = self._normalize_to_smallest_unit(
self, other
return self_norm_scalar / other_norm_scalar
return NotImplemented
def __rtruediv__(self, other: float) -> "Frequency":
if isinstance(other, (int, float)):
return Frequency._make(other / self._scalar, -self._unit)
return NotImplemented
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{type(self).__name__}({self._scalar}, {_time_repr_map[self._unit]!r})"
async def wait(self, round_mode: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
from cocotb.triggers import Timer
await Timer(self._scalar, self._unit, round_mode=round_mode)
def __eq__(self, other: "Time") -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Time):
return False
self_norm_scalar, other_norm_scalar, _ = self._normalize_to_smallest_unit(
self, other
return self_norm_scalar == other_norm_scalar
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(self._scalar) + hash(self._unit)
def __lt__(self, other: "Time") -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Time):
return NotImplemented
self_norm_scalar, other_norm_scalar, _ = self._normalize_to_smallest_unit(
self, other
return self_norm_scalar < other_norm_scalar
def __le__(self, other: "Time") -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Time):
return NotImplemented
self_norm_scalar, other_norm_scalar, _ = self._normalize_to_smallest_unit(
self, other
return self_norm_scalar <= other_norm_scalar
def __gt__(self, other: "Time") -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Time):
return NotImplemented
self_norm_scalar, other_norm_scalar, _ = self._normalize_to_smallest_unit(
self, other
return self_norm_scalar > other_norm_scalar
def __ge__(self, other: "Time") -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Time):
return NotImplemented
self_norm_scalar, other_norm_scalar, _ = self._normalize_to_smallest_unit(
self, other
return self_norm_scalar >= other_norm_scalar
class Frequency:
def _normalize_to_smallest_unit(
self, a: "Frequency", b: "Frequency"
) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
unit = min(a._unit, b._unit)
a_scaled = a._scalar * (10 ** (a._unit - unit))
b_scaled = b._scalar * (10 ** (b._unit - unit))
return a_scaled, b_scaled, unit
def _make(cls, scalar: float, unit: int) -> "Time":
assert unit in _freq_repr_map
self = cls.__new__(cls)
self._init(scalar, unit)
return self
def _init(self, scalar: float, unit: int) -> None:
self._scalar = scalar
self._unit = unit
def __init__(self, scalar: float, unit: str) -> None:
self._init(scalar, _freq_unit_map[unit.lower()])
def in_units(self, unit: str) -> float:
return self._scalar * (10 ** (self._unit - _freq_unit_map[unit]))
def Hz(self) -> float:
return self.in_units("hz")
def kHz(self) -> float:
return self.in_units("khz")
def MHz(self) -> float:
return self.in_units("mhz")
def GHz(self) -> float:
return self.in_units("ghz")
def __mul__(self, other: float) -> "Frequency":
def __mul__(self, other: Time) -> float:
def __mul__(self, other: Union[float, Time]) -> Union["Frequency", float]:
if isinstance(other, (int, float)):
return Frequency._make(self._scalar * other, self._unit)
elif isinstance(other, Time):
scale = 10 ** (self._unit + other._unit)
return self._scalar * other._scalar * scale
return NotImplemented
def __rmul__(self, other: float) -> "Frequency":
def __rmul__(self, other: Time) -> float:
def __rmul__(self, other: Union[float, Time]) -> Union["Frequency", float]:
return self * other
def __truediv__(self, other: float) -> "Frequency":
def __truediv__(self, other: "Frequency") -> float:
def __truediv__(
self, other: Union[float, "Frequency"]
) -> Union["Frequency", float]:
if isinstance(other, (int, float)):
return Frequency._make(self._scalar / other, self._unit)
elif isinstance(other, Frequency):
self_norm_scalar, other_norm_scalar, _ = self._normalize_to_smallest_unit(
self, other
return self_norm_scalar / other_norm_scalar
return NotImplemented
def __rtruediv__(self, other: float) -> Time:
return Time._make(other / self._scalar, -self._unit)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{type(self).__name__}({self._scalar}, {_freq_repr_map[self._unit]!r})"
def __eq__(self, other: "Frequency") -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Frequency):
return False
self_norm_scalar, other_norm_scalar, _ = self._normalize_to_smallest_unit(
self, other
return self_norm_scalar == other_norm_scalar
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(self._scalar) + hash(self._unit)
def __lt__(self, other: "Frequency") -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Frequency):
return NotImplemented
self_norm_scalar, other_norm_scalar, _ = self._normalize_to_smallest_unit(
self, other
return self_norm_scalar < other_norm_scalar
def __le__(self, other: "Frequency") -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Frequency):
return NotImplemented
self_norm_scalar, other_norm_scalar, _ = self._normalize_to_smallest_unit(
self, other
return self_norm_scalar <= other_norm_scalar
def __gt__(self, other: "Frequency") -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Frequency):
return NotImplemented
self_norm_scalar, other_norm_scalar, _ = self._normalize_to_smallest_unit(
self, other
return self_norm_scalar > other_norm_scalar
def __ge__(self, other: "Frequency") -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Frequency):
return NotImplemented
self_norm_scalar, other_norm_scalar, _ = self._normalize_to_smallest_unit(
self, other
return self_norm_scalar >= other_norm_scalar
def test_time_units() -> None:
assert Time(10, "ns").ps == 10000
assert Time(1.678, "ms").ns == 1678000
assert Time(123, "ns").us == 0.123
assert Time(1, "s").ms == 1000
assert Time(1, "ns").s == 1e-9
def test_freq_units() -> None:
assert Frequency(1, "GHz").Hz == 1e9
assert Frequency(0.123, "MHz").kHz == 123
assert Frequency(123, "kHz").MHz == 0.123
assert Frequency(67, "Hz").GHz == 67e-9
def test_time_compare() -> None:
assert Time(10, "ns") == Time(10000, "ps")
assert Time(10, "ns") < Time(11, "us")
assert Time(10, "ns") <= Time(10, "ns")
assert Time(1, "s") > Time(10, "ns")
assert Time(11, "ms") >= Time(10, "ns")
def test_freq_compare() -> None:
assert Frequency(1, "kHz") == Frequency(0.001, "MHz")
assert Frequency(1, "Hz") < Frequency(1, "GHz")
assert Frequency(1, "GHz") <= Frequency(1, "GHz")
assert Frequency(1, "MHz") > Frequency(1, "kHz")
assert Frequency(1, "kHz") >= Frequency(999, "Hz")
def test_time_scale() -> None:
assert Time(10, "ns") * 2 == Time(20, "ns")
assert 2 * Time(10, "ns") == Time(20, "ns")
assert Time(10, "ns") / 2 == Time(5, "ns")
def test_freq_scale() -> None:
assert Frequency(1, "MHz") * 1000 == Frequency(1, "GHz")
assert 123 * Frequency(1, "kHz") == Frequency(123, "kHz")
assert Frequency(1, "MHz") / 1000 == Frequency(1, "kHz")
def test_time_sum() -> None:
assert Time(10, "ns") + Time(10, "ns") == Time(20, "ns")
assert Time(500, "ns") - Time(1, "us") == Time(-500, "ns")
assert -Time(100, "ps") == Time(-100, "ps")
def test_time_ratio() -> None:
assert Time(10, "us") / Time(10, "ns") == 1000
def test_freq_ratio() -> None:
assert Frequency(1, "GHz") / Frequency(123, "MHz") == 1000 / 123
def test_time_to_freq_and_back() -> None:
assert (1 / Time(10, "ns")) == Frequency(1 / 10, "GHz")
assert (1 / Frequency(1, "GHz")) == Time(1, "ns")
def test_time_mul_freq() -> None:
assert (Time(10, "ns") * Frequency(1, "GHz")) == 10
assert (Frequency(1.2, "GHz") * Time(17, "us")) == 1.2 * 17 * 1000
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