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Created April 5, 2017 20:57
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- ios_facts:
provider: "{{ creds }}"
- ios_config:
provider: "{{ creds }}"
- ip helper-address
parents: interface {{ item }}
with_items: "{{ dhcp_interfaces }}"
- name: Check for extra DHCP helpers
provider: "{{ creds }}"
- "show run interface {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ ansible_net_interfaces }}"
register: new_output
- debug:
var: item
when: '"helper" in item.stdout[0]'
with_items: "{{ new_output.results }}"
register: new_output2
- assert:
that: '{{ new_output2.results | selectattr("skipped", "undefined") | map(attribute="item.item") | list | symmetric_difference(dhcp_interfaces) }} == []'
msg: "Interface has 'ip helper' configured and shouldn't"
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