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Last active July 24, 2020 21:15
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[kdreyer@carbon koji]$ podman run --rm -v $PWD:/koji --security-opt label=disable --name koji_test koji_test_centos:latest bash -c "cd /koji && tox -e py2"
GLOB sdist-make: /koji/
py2 create: /koji/.tox/py2
py2 installdeps: -r/koji/requirements.txt, -r/koji/test-requirements.txt
py2 inst: /koji/.tox/dist/
py2 installed: DEPRECATION: Python 2.6 is no longer supported by the Python core team, please upgrade your Python. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.6,You are using pip version 9.0.3, however version 20.1.1 is available.,You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.,argparse==1.4.0,backports.ssl-match-hostname==,chardet==2.2.1,Cheetah==2.4.4,coverage==4.5.4,enum34==1.1.10,flake8==2.0,flake8-import-order==0.18.1,funcsigs==1.0.2,iniparse==0.3.1,kerberos==1.1,-e git+,linecache2==1.0.0,Markdown==2.6.11,mccabe==0.2.1,mock==2.0.0,nose==1.3.7,ordereddict==1.2,pbr==5.4.5,pep8==1.4.6,pluggy==0.5.2,psycopg2==2.0.14,py==1.4.34,pycodestyle==2.4.0,pycurl==7.19.0,pyflakes==1.3.0,pygpgme==0.1,pyOpenSSL==0.13.1,python-dateutil==2.6.1,python-krbV==1.0.90,python-multilib==1.3,python-qpid-proton==0.31.0,requests==2.6.0,requests-kerberos==0.7.0,requests-mock==1.4.0,rpm-py-installer==1.0.0,six==1.13.0,tox==2.9.1,traceback2==1.4.0,unittest2==1.1.0,urlgrabber==3.9.1,urllib3==1.10.2,virtualenv==15.2.0,yum-metadata-parser==1.1.2
py2 runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='1753571148'
py2 runtests: commands[0] | /koji/.tox/py2/bin/coverage2 run --source . -m nose tests/test_builder tests/test_cli tests/test_plugins/ tests/test_plugins/ tests/test_plugins/ tests/test_plugins/
FAIL: test_import_comps_sample_yumcomps (tests.test_cli.test_import_comps.TestImportComps)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/koji/.tox/py2/lib/python2.6/site-packages/mock/", line 1305, in patched
return func(*args, **keywargs)
File "/koji/tests/test_cli/", line 292, in test_import_comps_sample_yumcomps
File "/koji/tests/test_cli/", line 315, in _test_import_comps
self.assertMultiLineEqual(stdout.getvalue(), expected)
AssertionError: "WARN: yum.comps does not support the bia[1719 chars]p)\n" != u"WARN: yum.comps does not support the bi[1720 chars]p)\n"
WARN: yum.comps does not support the biarchonly of group and basearchonly of package
Group: additional-devel (Additional Development)
- Package: audit-libs-devel: {'type': 'default'}
Package: binutils-devel: {'type': 'default'}
- Package: cyrus-sasl-devel: {'type': 'default'}
- Package: alsa-lib-devel: {'type': 'default'}
Package: boost-devel: {'type': 'default'}
Package: bzip2-devel: {'type': 'default'}
+ Package: cyrus-sasl-devel: {'type': 'default'}
+ Package: audit-libs-devel: {'type': 'default'}
+ Package: alsa-lib-devel: {'type': 'default'}
Group: ansible-node (Ansible node)
Package: python2-dnf: {'type': 'mandatory'}
Package: libselinux-python: {'requires': 'selinux-policy', 'type': 'conditional'}
Group: backup-client (Backup Client)
Package: amanda-client: {'type': 'mandatory'}
Package: bacula-client: {'type': 'optional'}
Group: backup-server (Backup Server)
Package: amanda-server: {'type': 'mandatory'}
Package: mtx: {'type': 'optional'}
Package: mt-st: {'type': 'optional'}
Group: d-development (D Development Tools and Libraries)
+ Package: ldc: {'type': 'mandatory'}
+ Package: ldc-druntime: {'type': 'mandatory'}
+ Package: make: {'type': 'mandatory'}
+ Package: pkgconfig: {'type': 'mandatory'}
+ Package: ldc-phobos-devel: {'type': 'mandatory'}
Package: ldc-druntime-devel: {'type': 'mandatory'}
- Package: ldc: {'type': 'mandatory'}
? -- ^ ^^^ ---
+ Package: ctags: {'type': 'default'}
? ++++ ^^^ ^^
- Package: pkgconfig: {'type': 'mandatory'}
- Package: make: {'type': 'mandatory'}
- Package: ldc-phobos-devel: {'type': 'mandatory'}
- Package: ldc-druntime: {'type': 'mandatory'}
Package: indent: {'type': 'default'}
- Package: ctags: {'type': 'default'}
- Package: nemiver: {'type': 'optional'}
- Package: uncrustify: {'type': 'optional'}
Package: geany: {'type': 'optional'}
Package: cmake: {'type': 'optional'}
Package: derelict-devel: {'type': 'optional'}
+ Package: insight: {'type': 'optional'}
+ Package: nemiver: {'type': 'optional'}
Package: gl3n-devel: {'type': 'optional'}
Package: astyle: {'type': 'optional'}
- Package: insight: {'type': 'optional'}
? ^^^^^^
+ Package: uncrustify: {'type': 'optional'}
? +++++++ ^^
Group: empty-group-1 (empty group 1)
Group: empty-group-2 (empty group 2)
Group: unknown-group (unknown group)
FAIL: test_import_comps_yumcomps (tests.test_cli.test_import_comps.TestImportComps)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/koji/.tox/py2/lib/python2.6/site-packages/mock/", line 1305, in patched
return func(*args, **keywargs)
File "/koji/tests/test_cli/", line 274, in test_import_comps_yumcomps
File "/koji/tests/test_cli/", line 315, in _test_import_comps
self.assertMultiLineEqual(stdout.getvalue(), expected)
AssertionError: "WARN: yum.comps does not support the bia[251100 chars]'}\n" != u"WARN: yum.comps does not support the bi[251101 chars]'}\n"
Ran 445 tests in 8.275s
FAILED (SKIP=2, failures=2)
ERROR: InvocationError: '/koji/.tox/py2/bin/coverage2 run --source . -m nose tests/test_builder tests/test_cli tests/test_plugins/ tests/test_plugins/ tests/test_plugins/ tests/test_plugins/'
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
ERROR: py2: commands failed
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