- Opal Homepage
- Opal Documentation
- Opal on Twitter
- Opal on Stack Overflow
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- Opal Mailing List
- Opalist Newsletter
- Opal Resources on MetaRuby
- Opal Organisation on Github
- Opal Code of Conduct
- Opal corelib
- Opal stdlib
- Opal CDN - CDN for the Opal library
- Opal React - Ruby wrapper of React.js library
- Opal Node - A nodejs file is now available directly in the stdlib
- Opal Jquery - opal-jquery offers a nicer ruby-like syntax for JQuery
- Opal Rails
- Opal Browser
- Opal Rspec
- Opal Haml
- Opal Activesupport
- Opal IRB
- Opal Repl
- Opal Slim - Opal-Slim is a set of Opal bindings for the Slim templating language
- Opal Rafael - Opal bindings for
- Opal Native - React Native in Ruby (proof of concept)
- Opal Pixi
- Opal Phaser - Awesome game library!!
- Opal A New Hope - Forrest Chang
- Ruby Conf 2013 - Opal, A new hope
- ArrrrCamp 2014- Ruby - Write Once, Run Anywhere
- RR 193 - The Volt Framework with Ryan Stout - Ruby Rogues
- PolyConf 14: Ruby - Write Once Run Anywhere / Michal Taszycki
- Clearwater Opal
- Clearwater Framework for Opal
- Opal Vienna MVC framework
- Lisso Framework for Opal - Little bit like Rails app
lissio new <path>
- Volt
- RubyFire