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Created September 18, 2018 12:40
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Here are the various ideas for BiFrost use-cases that have been presented and discussed so far:
note - these are in no particular order
1) LarrysM - Trading Bots
“Create a platform with lending trading bots. (meaning you pay a fee every day in :frost:)
The persons coding the bots will host them like . The different people offering trading bot hosting have auto avg ROI%. This all works by API - no need for any 3rd party trusting.
Frost takes a % of the fees to make ads for the future and keep dev new projects and maybe a own trading exchange.
Making skilled DEVs who create trading bots use our website to reach a big audience of users and become the new "monopoly" in the area. We charge a % of their fees, but instead of they competing vs big sites and gets 5 signups they may get 500 by using us.
Everything is paid in Frost and create a huge VOL/24h every day”
“In case people thought "Lending bot" is anything compared with bitconnect you are totaly wrong. What i meant is people are offering trading bots scripts hosted on the platform with API. This means you keep all your trading coins in your exchanges and the API makes the trade. The bots got a AVG %+- that gets updated with the API trades to see who’s creating the best bot. While using other bots you pay them a daily fee (much cheaper than currently sites and everyone could create a own bot script to the platform.”
2) suppabit - Masternode hosting service with exchange attached.
“So if we had this hosting service/exchange we could have low Mn rewards but pay out part of the fees as dividends to frost MN holders”
3) Mantrid
“It’s a shame that comic books are copyrighted as we could do a kitties style thing only way cooler, but perhaps we could do a top trumps kinda deal, where create our own comic panels (would require hiring art students here) and people can compete to try and get the complete set of panels/cards for the stories.”
4) Mantrid – Trading Experts Platform
“What about a “shade my trade” kind of deal where we have rated crypto-traders, each one scored on past success ratio's, and then a website front end that allows punters to review each pro traders previous trades/scores and then piggy back/copy their trades with rewards paid in frost?
I honestly think allowing novice traders to piggy back onto the trades of pro's is a flawless victory, you have to take into account that as the market expands so to will that target audience of noobs who have no idea what they are doing and would love the ability to review pro traders trades and piggy back on their future trades as a result, you pay both sides on successful trade, say, 10% to pro-trader, 5% to network/team and 5% of the capital (frost) that the punter wants to put up.”
5) Crypto-Eire – Education Platform for Teaching about Cryptocurrency
“If we could make it easy for the general public that don't understand computer or digital wallets to get into crypto”
I have registered,, and domains for the project. - BFA
6) FIVEam - shapeshift integration
7) wolf762 – Gaming Integration
“How about integrating it with the gaming community? Maybe use frost in games so they can use frost to buy more from a game company or something like that. Then you are accessing the younger generation that may not have disposable income but still presents a use case for them too.
It could be marketed as a better value for game company to keep people buying that company's games.”
8) meno – Steem Cross-Pollination
“So guys, I have an idea that I think its going to achieve two things: 1) Boost the overall morale of the community members and 2) bring more attention to Bifrost, and possibly more investors as a consequence of it. - I spoke yesterday with @MakeCoinsRain about it, and I've been told its OK to share it here on General - I've suggested we run a little competition for Frost using steem as the medium. - The competition would of course have prizes in the way of Coin Drops in both Steem and Frost and it would be boosted and promoted to the Steem Community organically. In other words, it won't be about shilling - ITS GOING TO THE MOON or nothing unproductive of the sort. The details of the competition, what the posts should be about, prizes and such would have to be decided, but establishing the community of Frost as one that is cross-pollinating with Steem is a good move. There are plenty of examples of other cryptos that are doing just this with Byteball being the last one who had such a surge of new users, the blockchain had issues (im not even kidding, this can be verified) - So if you guys are onboard, I'm more than willing to help this idea happen.
Btw Steem has a new dapp - It integrates Wordpress with Steem
In other words... 30% of the Internet are Webpress Blogs Do some math
So, having announcements for Frost made on Steem using SteemPress = Visibility and it also may result in extra tokens which in turns = financial strength to the project
Of course nothing is guaranteed, but there is a curation account for SteemPress. So if the blog posts are good, it could result in decent payouts
...and those funds could be used to buy more frost”
9) Masterweed - Crowdfunding Platform
“Build a crowdfunding platform to develop every kind of projects. People could support the projects with crypto (BTC, ETH, FROST) and if the projects succeeds in funding everyone will take they physical or digital reward that the projects is promoting and some amount in FROST. Ppl could withdraw their coins or reinvest in the platform to help other projects.
MN could be used to build a ecosystem of funding for creative projects”
10) wolf762 – Frost rewards in games
“If we could integrate or partner with a gaming company, they could get frost for achievements in the game and redeem frost for swag or expansion levels or something like that
Or in the end a gift card from the gaming company. Then the parents ask where did you get that shirt or hat or new game. Then the kids tell them about frost and bang! Brand recognition”
11) EVM – Web Wallet & Technologies to allow the public to skip exchanges
12) BiFrostActual - Payment Gateway for Frost (obvious)
13) BiFrostActual - MasterNews Site
Site to allow masternode and crypto owners who don't have time for Discord-surfing to set up trackers to notify them when a blockchain announces mandatory wallet updates/forks/swaps. Subscriptions and advertising to be paid in FROST.
14) BiFrostActual - Licensing
Create platform for logging verifying proofs of purchase for warranties and licensing. No more keeping receipts in a drawer
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