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Last active April 28, 2022 09:48
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Graylog - Application controlled timestamp with override allowed enabled (tested w/ Graylog >=3.1.4)
"v": 1,
"id": "7a8b396e-e9b9-40c1-97ea-a60ebbb58e62",
"rev": 1,
"name": "Graylog - Custom Timestamp ",
"summary": "Application controlled timestamp",
"description": "This allows the application to log a time that Graylog will then reflect in its native timestamp field. This is great for sorting and the like.\n\nThe advantage of doing it this way is that we can leave the override enabled on the extractor should the actual timestamp in the message not be parseable, yet preserve the timestamp provided should it become necessary. Just swicth from Cut to Copy.",
"vendor": "kth5",
"url": "",
"parameters": [],
"entities": [
"v": "1",
"type": {
"name": "input",
"version": "1"
"id": "514b1fb8-21b5-4b1e-b3c1-e532ceb43a25",
"data": {
"title": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "amq-1"
"configuration": {
"broker_password": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "s3cr3ts4uc3"
"exchange": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "graylog-messages"
"routing_key": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "#"
"broker_port": {
"@type": "integer",
"@value": 5672
"force_rdns": {
"@type": "boolean",
"@value": false
"allow_override_date": {
"@type": "boolean",
"@value": true
"throttling_allowed": {
"@type": "boolean",
"@value": true
"queue": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "graylog-messages"
"expand_structured_data": {
"@type": "boolean",
"@value": false
"store_full_message": {
"@type": "boolean",
"@value": false
"requeue_invalid_messages": {
"@type": "boolean",
"@value": true
"prefetch": {
"@type": "integer",
"@value": 100
"broker_vhost": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "/"
"exchange_bind": {
"@type": "boolean",
"@value": true
"broker_hostname": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "amq-1.tld"
"parallel_queues": {
"@type": "integer",
"@value": 5
"tls": {
"@type": "boolean",
"@value": false
"heartbeat": {
"@type": "integer",
"@value": 60
"broker_username": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "fluentd"
"static_fields": {},
"type": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "org.graylog2.inputs.syslog.amqp.SyslogAMQPInput"
"global": {
"@type": "boolean",
"@value": true
"extractors": [
"target_field": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "timestamp"
"condition_value": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": ""
"order": {
"@type": "integer",
"@value": 0
"converters": [
"type": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "DATE"
"configuration": {
"date_format": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
"time_zone": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "Etc/UTC"
"locale": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "en-US-POSIX"
"configuration": {},
"source_field": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "app_timestamp"
"title": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "Custom Timestamp"
"type": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "COPY_INPUT"
"cursor_strategy": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "COPY"
"condition_type": {
"@type": "string",
"@value": "NONE"
"constraints": [
"type": "server-version",
"version": ">=4.2.7+879e651"
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