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Created September 9, 2009 01:06
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  • Save kthakore/183380 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kthakore/183380 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
use strict;
use warnings;
# TODO (in this order):
# - why isn't it bliting correctly with transparent sprite background?
# - work with loading background tiles (world map)
# - making the "world" bigger than the display window and let it scroll.
# the "world" should scroll centering the player, unless the player is
# close enough to a borderline, in which case is the player who actually
# moves
# - quick menu creation
# - quick text dialog creation (with picture)
# - music!
# - effects!
# - collision detection handling
# - a way to create transitioning effects between windows (worlds), like
# entering a house, going into battle mode, ending a level, etc. Could be
# fade in/out, scroll up/down/left/right, etc.
# - actual physics handling
package MyRect;
use lib '../lib';
use SDL::Game::Rect;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($left, $top, $width, $height) = (@_);
return SDL::Rect->new(
-left => $left,
-top => $top,
-width => $width,
-height => $height,
package Walker;
use SDL;
use SDL::Surface;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($width, $height) = (48, 48);
my $sprite = SDL::Surface->new(-name => 'data/hero.png');
#sets transparent to what ever is the color at pixel(0,0);
my $self = {
'direction' => undef,
'source' => $sprite,
'up' => [
# we go down...
MyRect->new(0, 0, $width, $height),
MyRect->new(0, 0 + $height, $width, $height),
MyRect->new(0, 0 + (2 * $height), $width, $height),
# then we go back...
MyRect->new(0, 0 + $height, $width, $height),
'right' => [
# we go down...
MyRect->new($width, 0, $width, $height),
MyRect->new($width, 0 + $height, $width, $height),
MyRect->new($width, 0 + (2 * $height), $width, $height),
# then we go back...
MyRect->new($width, 0 + $height, $width, $height),
'down' => [
# we go down...
MyRect->new((2 * $width), 0, $width, $height),
MyRect->new((2 * $width), 0 + $height, $width, $height),
MyRect->new((2 * $width), 0 + (2 * $height), $width, $height),
# then we go back...
MyRect->new((2 * $width), 0 + $height, $width, $height),
'left' => [
# we go down...
MyRect->new((3 * $width), 0, $width, $height),
MyRect->new((3 * $width), 0 + $height, $width, $height),
MyRect->new((3 * $width), 0 + (2 * $height), $width, $height),
# then we go back...
MyRect->new((3 * $width), 0 + $height, $width, $height),
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub blit { shift->{'source'}->blit(@_) }
# accessor for direction attribute
sub direction {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'direction'} = shift if (@_);
return $self->{'direction'};
sub current {
my $self = shift;
my $direction = $self->{direction};
return $self->{$direction}->[0];
sub move {
my $self = shift;
my $direction = $self->{direction};
# cycle the rects around, grabbing a copy
# of current animation
my $rect = shift @{$self->{$direction}};
push @{$self->{$direction}}, $rect;
return $rect;
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use SDL;
use SDL::App;
use SDL::Surface;
use SDL::Color;
# change these values as necessary
my $title = 'Keldar Chronicles';
my ($width, $height, $depth) = ( 640, 480, 16 );
my ($bg_r, $bg_g, $bg_b) = ( 0x77, 0xee, 0x77 );
my $sleep_msec = 0.05;
my $app = SDL::App->new(
-width => $width,
-height => $height,
-depth => $depth,
my $bg_color = SDL::Color->new(
-r => $bg_r,
-g => $bg_g,
-b => $bg_b,
my $background = SDL::Rect->new(
-width => $width,
-height => $height,
my $pos = SDL::Rect->new(
-width => 50,
-height => 50,
-left => 0,
-top => 240,
my $walker = Walker->new();
my ($x, $y) = (40, 40);
my ($x_old, $y_old) = ($x, $y); # Walker 'animation speed'. TODO: make it Walker's?
my $event = SDL::Event->new;
my $direction = undef;
my $speed = 6;
event_loop() while 1;
sub event_loop {
# TODO: there's a way to only poll for special events, right?
while ($event->poll) {
my $type = $event->type;
exit if ($type == SDL_QUIT);
exit if ($type == SDL_KEYDOWN && $event->key_name eq 'escape');
if ( $type == SDL_KEYDOWN ) {
my $name = $event->key_name;
if ($name =~ m/^(left|right|down|up)$/ ) {
$speed = ($speed * 2) if $name eq 'space';
elsif ( $type == SDL_KEYUP ) {
my $name = $event->key_name;
if ($name =~ m/^(left|right|down|up)$/ ) {
$speed = ($speed / 2) if $name eq 'space';
my $direction = $walker->direction;
if (defined $direction) {
if ($direction eq 'right') {
$x += $speed;
} elsif ($direction eq 'left') {
$x -= $speed;
} elsif ($direction eq 'up') {
$y -= $speed;
} elsif ($direction eq 'down') {
$y += $speed;
else {
return; # no motion events captured
$pos->x( $x );
$pos->y( $y );
draw_background( $app, $background, $bg_color );
draw_walker( $walker, $app, $pos );
$app->update( $background );
select( undef, undef, undef, $sleep_msec );
sub draw_background {
my ($app, $background, $bg_color) = @_;
$app->fill( $background, $bg_color );
sub draw_walker {
my ($walker, $app, $pos) = @_;
my $source;
# get walker's current surface
if ( abs($x - $x_old) > 15
or abs($y - $y_old) > 15
) {
$source = $walker->move;
$x_old = $x;
$y_old = $y;
else {
$source = $walker->current;
$walker->blit($source, $app, $pos);
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