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Created October 9, 2009 16:32
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 'lib';
use SDL;
use SDL::App;
use SDL::Color;
use SDL::Event;
use SDL::Mixer;
use SDL::Rect;
use SDL::Surface;
use Bouncy::Brick;
use Time::HiRes qw(time sleep);
my $screen_width = 640;
my $screen_height = 480;
my $max_fps = 300;
my $min_seconds_between_frames = 1 / $max_fps;
my $app = SDL::App->new(
-width => 640,
-height => 480,
# -flags => SDL_FULLSCREEN,
my $mixer = SDL::Mixer->new( -frequency => 44100, -size => 4096 );
my $ping = SDL::Sound->new('ping');
my $explosion = SDL::Sound->new('explosion');
my $bounce = SDL::Sound->new('bounce');
my $app_rect = SDL::Rect->new(
-height => $screen_height,
-width => $screen_width,
my $background_colour = $SDL::Color::yellow;
my $ball = SDL::Surface->new( -name => 'ball2.png' );
my $ball_rect = SDL::Rect->new(
-x => 0,
-y => 0,
-width => $ball->width,
-height => $ball->height,
my $brick = SDL::Surface->new( -name => 'red.png' );
my $brick_rect = SDL::Rect->new(
-x => 0,
-y => 0,
-width => $brick->width,
-height => $brick->height,
my @bricks = (
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 0, y => 100 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 64, y => 100 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 128, y => 100 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 192, y => 100 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 256, y => 100 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 0, y => 132 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 64, y => 132 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 128, y => 132 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 192, y => 132 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 256, y => 132 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 0, y => 164 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 0, y => 196 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 0, y => 228 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 0, y => 260 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 0, y => 292 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 0, y => 324 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 576, y => 164 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 576, y => 196 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 576, y => 228 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 576, y => 260 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 576, y => 292 ),
Bouncy::Brick->new( x => 576, y => 324 ),
my $bat = SDL::Surface->new( -name => 'bat.png' );
my $bat_rect = SDL::Rect->new(
-x => 0,
-y => 0,
-width => $bat->width,
-height => $bat->height,
my $event = SDL::Event->new();
sub put_sprite {
my ( $surface, $x, $y, $source, $source_rect ) = @_;
my $dest_rect = SDL::Rect->new(
-x => $x,
-y => $y,
-width => $source->width,
-height => $source->height,
$source->blit( $source_rect, $surface, $dest_rect );
return $dest_rect;
my $bat_x = 100;
my $bat_y = $screen_height - $bat->height;
my ( $x, $y ) = ( $bat_x + 54, $bat_y );
my $ball_xv = 300; # pixels per second
my $ball_yv = -1000; # pixels per second
my $gravity = 1250; # pixels per second per second
my @xs = ($x);
my @ys = ($y);
my $background = SDL::Surface->new(
-flags => SDL_SWSURFACE,
-width => $screen_width,
-height => $screen_height,
$background->fill( $app_rect, $background_colour );
foreach my $brick (@bricks) {
put_sprite( $background, $brick->x, $brick->y, $brick->surface,
$brick->rect );
#warn "frame";
$background->blit( $app_rect, $app, $app_rect );
my $this_frame_time = time;
my $last_frame_time = $this_frame_time;
my $last_frame_sleep = 0;
my $last_measured_fps_time = time;
my $last_measured_fps_frames = 0;
my $frames = 0;
while (1) {
my $now = time;
#warn "frame";
$last_frame_time = $this_frame_time;
$this_frame_time = $now;
my $last_frame_seconds = $this_frame_time - $last_frame_time;
if ( $now - $last_measured_fps_time > 1 ) {
my $fps = ( $frames - $last_measured_fps_frames )
/ ( $now - $last_measured_fps_time );
# printf( "%0.2f FPS\n", $fps );
$last_measured_fps_frames = $frames;
$last_measured_fps_time = $now;
#warn $last_frame_seconds, ' <?' , $min_seconds_between_frames;
if ( $last_frame_seconds < $min_seconds_between_frames ) {
#warn "sleep";
my $seconds_to_sleep
= $min_seconds_between_frames - $last_frame_seconds;
my $actually_slept = sleep($seconds_to_sleep);
$last_frame_sleep = $actually_slept;
#warn " slept for $seconds_to_sleep = $last_frame_sleep";
$this_frame_time = time + $seconds_to_sleep - $actually_slept;
} else {
$last_frame_sleep = 0;
my @updates;
# process event queue
# handle user events
my $event = SDL::Event->new;
while ( $event->poll() ) {
my $etype = $event->type;
exit if ( $etype eq SDL_QUIT );
exit if ( SDL::GetKeyState(SDLK_ESCAPE) );
exit if ( $etype eq SDL_KEYDOWN );
if ( $etype eq SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN ) {
$x = $bat_x + $bat->width / 3;
$y = $bat_y;
$ball_xv = 300;
$ball_yv = -1000;
if ( $etype eq SDL_MOUSEMOTION ) {
my $bat_background_rect = SDL::Rect->new(
-x => $bat_x,
-y => $bat_y,
-width => $bat->width,
-height => $bat->height,
$background->blit( $bat_background_rect, $app,
$bat_background_rect );
push @updates, $bat_background_rect;
$bat_x = $event->motion_x - 56;
$bat_x = 0 if $bat_x < 0;
$bat_x = $screen_width - 112 if $bat_x + 112 > $screen_width;
# draw tail
if (0) {
$$app, $x,
$y - $ball->height / 2,
$xs[0] + $ball->width / 2,
$ys[0] - $ball->height / 2,
0, 127, 127, 255
$x + $ball->width,
$y - $ball->height / 2,
$xs[0] + $ball->width / 2,
$ys[0] - $ball->height / 2,
0, 127, 127, 255
my $ball_background_rect = SDL::Rect->new(
-x => $xs[-1],
-y => $ys[-1] - $ball->height,
-width => $ball->width,
-height => $ball->height,
$background->blit( $ball_background_rect, $app, $ball_background_rect );
push @updates, $ball_background_rect;
push @updates,
put_sprite( $app, $x, $y - $ball->height, $ball, $ball_rect );
push @updates, put_sprite( $app, $bat_x, $bat_y, $bat, $bat_rect );
push @xs, $x;
push @ys, $y;
if ( @xs > 80 ) {
shift @xs;
shift @ys;
my $dx = $ball_xv * ( $last_frame_seconds + $last_frame_sleep );
$x += $dx;
if ( $x + $ball->width > $screen_width ) {
$ball_xv = $ball_xv * -0.9;
$ball_yv = $ball_yv * 0.9;
$x -= $dx;
if ( $x < 0 ) {
$ball_xv = $ball_xv * -0.9;
$ball_yv = $ball_yv * 0.9;
$x -= $dx;
$ball_yv += $gravity * ( $last_frame_seconds + $last_frame_sleep );
my $dy = $ball_yv * ( $last_frame_seconds + $last_frame_sleep );
$y += $dy;
if ( ( $x + $ball->width / 2 > $bat_x && $x < $bat_x + 108 )
&& $y > $screen_height - $bat->height + 5 )
$ball_yv = -1000;
= 0.3 * $ball_xv + ( $x + $ball->width / 2 - $bat_x - 56 ) * 4;
$y -= $dy;
} elsif ( $y > $screen_height ) {
$ball_yv = $ball_yv * -0.7;
$ball_xv = $ball_xv * 0.7;
$y -= $dy;
play_ping() if $dy > 0.2;
if ( $y - $ball->height < 0 ) {
$ball_yv = $ball_yv * -1.1;
$ball_xv = $ball_xv * 0.9;
$y -= $dy;
foreach my $brick (@bricks) {
next unless $brick->visible;
if ( $x > $brick->x - $ball->width
&& $x < $brick->x + $brick->w
&& $y > $brick->y
&& $y < $brick->y + $brick->h + $ball->height )
if ( $ys[-1] > $brick->y
&& $ys[-1] < $brick->y + $brick->h + $ball->height )
$ball_xv = $ball_xv * -0.9;
$x -= $dx;
} else {
$ball_yv = $ball_yv * -0.9;
$y -= $dy;
my $brick_background_rect = SDL::Rect->new(
-x => $brick->x,
-y => $brick->y,
-width => $brick->w,
-height => $brick->h,
$background->fill( $brick_background_rect, $background_colour );
$app->fill( $brick_background_rect, $background_colour );
push @updates, $brick_background_rect;
sub play_ping {
$mixer->play_channel( -1, $ping, 0 );
sub play_explosion {
$mixer->play_channel( -1, $explosion, 0 );
sub play_bounce {
$mixer->play_channel( -1, $bounce, 0 );
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