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Created February 11, 2010 21:01
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=head1 NAME
A quick game to demonstrate the new SDL perl api for Toronto Perl Mongers, Feb 25, 2010.
=head2 AUTHOR
Kartik Thakore
=head2 USAGE
This SDL perl requires the latest versions of SDL_gfx 2.0.20, Alien::SDL and SDL::Perl.
To get the latest versions of SDL you can use Alien::SDL 0.8.0 to get it for you.
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perl Build.PL
# Linux select option to build from sources (Source code build SDL-1.2.14 + SDL_(image|mixer|ttf|net|gfx))
# For windows use the experimental binaries SDL 1.2.14
perl Build
perl Build install
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perl Build.PL; perl Build; perl Build install
To run the script run this
use strict;
use warnings;
use SDL;
use SDL::Video;
use SDL::Surface;
use SDL::Rect;
use SDL::Events;
use SDL::Event;
use SDL::Time;
use SDL::Color;
use SDL::GFX::Primitives;
use Data::Dumper;
use Carp;
#Initing video
#Die here if we cannot make video init
croak 'Cannot init video ' . SDL::get_error()
if ( SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) == -1 );
#Make our display window
#This is our actual SDL application window
my $app = SDL::Video::set_video_mode( 800, 600, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE );
croak 'Cannot init video mode 800x600x32: ' . SDL::get_error() if !($app);
#Some global variables used thorugh out the game
my $app_rect = SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 800, 600 );
my $fps = 30;
# The surface of the background
my $bg_surf = init_bg_surf($app);
# The actual particles that we see bouncing around
# particles are defined as hashes
my $particles = [];
#The shots we have made in each level
my @shots;
#Our level counter
my $level = 1;
my $quit = 0;
#continue until we see the $quit flag turn on that way we grace fully exit
while ( !$quit ) {
#START our level
$particles = []; #Empty our particles new level
@shots = (); #Empty the shots we may have
#Make some random particles with random velocities
make_rand_particle($particles) foreach ( 0 .. $level );
# Get an event object to snapshot the SDL event queue
my $event = SDL::Event->new();
# SDL time is recorded in ticks,
# Ticks are the milliseconds since the SDL library was loaded into memory
my $time = SDL::get_ticks();
# This is our level continue flag
my $cont = 1;
# Init some level globals for time calculations
my ( $dt, $t, $accumulator, $cur_time ) = ( 0.4, 0, 0, SDL::get_ticks() );
#Keep a copy of the cur_time for Frames per Rate calculations
my $init_time = $cur_time;
#Keep a count of number of frames
my $frames = 0;
#Our level game loop
while ( $cont && !$quit ) {
while ( SDL::Events::poll_event($event) )
{ #Get all events from the event queue in our event
#If we have a quit event i.e click on [X] trigger the quit flage
if ($event->type == SDL_QUIT)
$quit = 1
elsif ( $event->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN )
{ #If it was a mouse button down event
##Check mouse and get its status
check_mouse( SDL::Events::get_mouse_state() );
#Get a new time for use now
my $new_time = SDL::get_ticks();
#Check out how much time we have lost in calculations
my $delta_time = $new_time - $cur_time;
#if our delta_time is too fast we can skip this time
#or we will have jitters in our animation
next if ( $delta_time <= 0.0 );
#set our new cur_time for the next calulation of delta time
$cur_time = $new_time;
#accumulate our delta_time. This is like our queue for back log animation
$accumulator += $delta_time;
# release the time in $dt amount of time so we have smooth animations
while ( $accumulator >= $dt && !$quit ) {
# update our particle locations base on dt time
# (x,y) = dv*dt
#dequeue our time accumulator
$accumulator -= $dt;
#update how much real time we have animated
$t += $dt;
#Checkout our frames per seconds
my $fps = $frames / ( ( SDL::get_ticks() - $init_time ) / 1000 );
#If we are updating too fast we slow down
#This way the X Draws don't kill our user's computer
while ( $fps > 30 && !$quit ) {
$fps = $frames / ( ( SDL::get_ticks() - $init_time ) / 1000 );
#If our fps starts to suffer we update our $dt,
#this way more movement for less time
if ( $fps < ( 30 - $dt ) ) {
$dt += ( 30 - $fps ) * 0.1;
#Update our view and count our frames
draw_to_screen( $fps, $level );
# Check if we have won this level!
$cont = check_win($init_time);
# Calculate the new velocities
sub iterate_step {
my $dt = shift;
foreach my $p ( @{$particles} ) {
$p->{x} += $p->{vx} * $dt; # Make a new x from the dt given
$p->{y} += $p->{vy} * $dt; # Make a new y from the dt given
# Bounce our velocities components if we are going off the screen
$p->{vx} *= -1
if $p->{x} > ( $app->w - ( $p->{m} / 2 ) ) && $p->{vx} > 0;
$p->{vy} *= -1
if $p->{y} > ( $app->h - ( $p->{m} / 2 ) ) && $p->{vy} > 0;
$p->{vx} *= -1 if $p->{x} < ( 0 + ( $p->{m} / 2 ) ) && $p->{vx} < 0;
$p->{vy} *= -1 if $p->{y} < ( 0 + ( $p->{m} / 2 ) ) && $p->{vy} < 0;
# If our particle some how makes it to less then 0
# move it into the viewable area
$p->{x} = 0 if $p->{x} < 0;
$p->{y} = 0 if $p->{y} < 0;
# Create a background surface once so we
# Can keep using it as many times as we need
sub init_bg_surf {
my $app = shift;
my $bg =
SDL::Surface->new( SDL_SWSURFACE, $app->w, $app->h, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
SDL::Video::fill_rect( $bg, $app_rect,
SDL::Video::map_RGB( $app->format, 60, 60, 60 ) );
return $bg;
# Check if we are done this level
sub check_win {
my $init_time = shift;
if ( $#{$particles} < 0 ) {
my $secs_to_win = ( SDL::get_ticks() - $init_time / 1000 );
my $str = sprintf( "Level %d completed in : %2d millisecs !!!",
$level, $secs_to_win );
$app->w / 2 - 150,
$app->h / 2 - 4,
$str, 0x00FF00FF
return 0;
return 1;
# Check if the mouse hit or misses
sub check_mouse {
# A hash to simplify accessing the mouse
my $mouse = { click => $_[0]->[0], x => $_[0]->[1], y => $_[0]->[2] };
# If we have a click
if ( $mouse->{click} ) {
my $count_part = $#{$particles}; # Count the number of particles we have
foreach ( 0 .. $count_part ) {
my $p = @{$particles}[$_];
next if !$p; # If the particle has been splice out don't continue
# Check if our mouse rectangle collides with the particle's rectangle
if ( ( $mouse->{x} - 10 < $p->{x} + $p->{m} )
&& ( $mouse->{x} + 10 > $p->{x} )
&& ( $mouse->{y} - 10 < $p->{y} + $p->{m} )
&& ( $mouse->{y} + 10 > $p->{y} ) )
#We got that sucker!!
#Get rid of the particle for us
splice( @{$particles}, $_, 1 );
# We are done no more particles left lets get outta here
return if $#{$particles} == -1;
else {
#Crap we missed the guy
#Make a rectangle there to remind us of our horrible horrible failure
push @shots, SDL::Rect->new( $mouse->{x}, $mouse->{y}, 2, 2 );
#Gets a random color for our particle
sub rand_color {
my $r = rand( 0x100 - 0x44 ) + 0x44;
my $b = rand( 0x100 - 0x44 ) + 0x44;
my $g = rand( 0x100 - 0x44 ) + 0x44;
return ( 0x000000FF | ( $r << 24 ) | ( $b << 16 ) | ($g) << 8 );
# Make an initail surface for the particles
# so we only use it once
sub init_particle_surf {
my $size = shift;
#make a surface based on the size
my $particle =
SDL::Surface->new( SDL_SWSURFACE, $size + 15, $size + 15, 32, 0, 0, 0,
255 );
SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, $size + 15, $size + 15 ),
SDL::Video::map_RGB( $app->format, 60, 60, 60 )
#draw a circle on it with a random color
SDL::GFX::Primitives::filled_circle_color( $particle, $size / 2, $size / 2,
$size / 2 - 2,
rand_color() );
SDL::GFX::Primitives::aacircle_color( $particle, $size / 2, $size / 2,
$size / 2 - 2, 0x000000FF );
SDL::GFX::Primitives::aacircle_color( $particle, $size / 2, $size / 2,
$size / 2 - 1, 0x000000FF );
my $pixel = SDL::Color->new( 60, 60, 60 );
SDL::Video::set_color_key( $particle, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, $pixel );
return $particle;
# The final update that is drawn to the screen
sub draw_to_screen {
my ( $fps, $level ) = @_;
#Blit the back ground surface to the window
$bg_surf, SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, $bg_surf->w, $bg_surf->h ),
$app, SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, $app->w, $app->h )
# Draw out all our failures to hit the particles
foreach ( 0 .. $#shots ) {
SDL::Video::fill_rect( $app, $shots[$_],
SDL::Video::map_RGB( $app->format, 0, 0, 0 ) );
#make a string with the FPS and level
my $pfps = sprintf( "FPS:%.2f Level:%2d", $fps, $level );
#write our string to the window
SDL::GFX::Primitives::string_color( $app, 3, 3, $pfps, 0x00FF00FF );
#Draw each particle
#Update the entire window
#This is one frame!
# Draw the particles on the screen
sub draw_particles {
foreach my $p ( @{$particles} ) {
my $new_part_rect = SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, $p->{m}, $p->{m} );
#Blit the particles surface to the app in the right location
$p->{x} - ( $p->{m} / 2 ), $p->{y} - ( $p->{m} / 2 ),
$app->w, $app->h
# Make a random particle
sub make_rand_particle {
my $particles = shift;
my $t = $#{$particles};
$t = 0 if $t == -1;
#get a random size of our particle
my $size = int( rand(36) + 20 );
my $particle = {
#randomly place the particle in our app's w and h
x => rand( $app->w - ( $size / 2 ) ),
y => rand( $app->h - ( $size / 2 ) ),
vx => rand(1) - rand(1), #Get a random X and Y velocity component
vy => rand(1) - rand(1),
m => $size, # The mass or size of the particle
n => $t, # The number the particle is
#Make a surface for our particle
$particle->{surf} = init_particle_surf( $particle->{m} );
push @{$particles}, $particle;
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