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Created March 8, 2013 05:39
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LWC13: QlDsl.xtext, Step2
grammar org.eclipse.xtext.example.ql.QlDsl with org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.Xbase
generate qlDsl ""
/* The top-most container of QL files is a Questionnaire */
/* Allows importing of qualified names of types */
'import' importedNamespace=QualifiedName;
/* QL consists of questions grouped in a top-level form construct. */
"form" name=ID "{"
element += FormElement*
/* Abstract rule for elements contained in a Form */
Question | ConditionalQuestionGroup
* - Each question identified by a name that at the same time represents the result of the question.
* - A question has a label that contains the actual question text presented to the user.
* - Every question has a type.
* - A question can optionally be associated to an expression:
* this makes the question computed
name=ID ":" label=STRING type=JvmTypeReference expression=XParenthesizedExpression?
* Groups questions within a block, optionally made conditional with an if-condition.
ConditionalQuestionGroup: {ConditionalQuestionGroup}
("if" condition=XParenthesizedExpression)? "{"
element += FormElement*
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