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Last active October 19, 2017 12:24
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DINAcon Linked Data Challenges

The goal of the 90 minutes is to get to know to SPARQL and create some useful queries from existing datasets. Your hosts are Pasquale di Donato, Matthias Mazenauer, Cristina Sarasua and Adrian Gschwend.

Other resources related to DINAcon

From our session supporters Cristina, Pasquale and Matthias

SPARQL Endpoints


  • JavaScript: RDF-Ext
    • Support chat Gitter
    • Node & Browser
    • Streaming parser/serializer
    • ES6
    • Bunch of nice abstractions for handling graphs
    • Starting point: RDF-Fetch
    • Starting point: RDF-Store-Web
  • SimpleRDF: SimpleRDF
    • Tagline: RDF should be as easy as playing with JSON objects.
    • RDF-Ext compatible (dev-branch on 1.0, to be released soon)
  • d3-sparql: d3-sparql
    • Maps RDF data types to proper JavaScript equivalents
    • Acts pretty much like d3-csv
  • hydra-box: hydra-box SPARQL to REST middleware, expose complex SPARQL queries as JSON-LD API
    • See sample with Wikidata: space-probes, code at github (documentation work in progress ;)



Swisstopo offers shapes of Swiss municipalities, districts and cantons (also known as swissBOUNDARIES 3D) as Linked Data. This facilitates greatly to visualise shapes on a Swiss map. For each municipality you also get a number of inhabitants.

BAFU Umweltdaten

BAFU Umwelt Basisdaten, example data cubes with measurements about air and soil pollution.


Note that this is on the test-server of LINDAS, not production.

COSMO predictions

12 hours forecast of temperature and global radiation for a region around Zurich. 1km grid (if not mistaken).

Station data

Various measurements (wind direction, wind peaks, air pressure, rainfall, sunshine, air temperature, humidity) of official Meteoswiss weather stations for a region around Zurich.

Stadtarchiv Uster

Geotagged pictures and according metadata of Stadtarchiv Uster, including thumbnails. Nice dataset to play with GeoSPARQL related functions. Example queries can be found in the Github repository.

Note that this is on the test-server of LINDAS, not production.

Historisiertes Gemeindeverzeichnis & STATPOP

In this data set you can get the list of Swiss municipalities and its mutations from 1.1.1960 onward. This allows one to query official names of municipalities and figure out if they are still active or not.

Public Transport stops (DIDOK)

This dataset contains a list of all public transport stops in Switzerland. It contains lat/long values and some additional metadata like name, municipality and what kind of stop it is.

A sample SPARQL query is referenced in the README.



  • Linked Data on Speed en|de
  • Mastering SPARQL en
  • Schema & Ontology Design en


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