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Created February 22, 2015 21:18
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@prefix rr: <>.
@prefix rml: <> .
@prefix ql: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix oslo: <>.
@prefix adms: <>.
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix vcard: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix adms: <>.
@prefix locn: <>.
@prefix schema: <>.
@prefix eCH-0071: <> .
@prefix bfs: <>.
rml:logicalSource [
rml:source "ech_sample.xml";
rml:referenceFormulation ql:XPath;
rml:iterator "/eCH-0071:nomenclature/cantons/canton" ];
rr:subjectMap [
rr:template "{cantonId}";
rr:class eCH-0071:Canton ;
rr:predicateObjectMap [
rr:predicate eCH-0071:cantonAbbreviation;
rr:objectMap [
rml:reference "/canton/cantonAbbreviation";
] .
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