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Created April 22, 2012 06:52
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Save ktkaushik/2462133 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using Prawn in your Rails App to download and attach the pdf in your email
# This file exists in your initializers folder
# Insert this line
Mime::Type.register "application/pdf", :pdf
# Create a folder named in the app/pdfs and create this file.
class PdfGenerator < Prawn::Document
def initialize
# Default state of the pdf would state to this code
# Uncomment the below line if you wish for some custom rearrangements in the default state. like for ex
# super(top_margin: 100)
# Now start defining methods and perform operations for your PDF.
def header
move_down 30 # This will move down the start of pdf by 30 pixels.
text "My Header" , :style => :bold , :size => 14 # obviously, the size and style can be customized.
text "#{}" , :style => :bold , :size => 5 # You can use Interpolation and rails as is, obviously.
def design_a_table( table_header , table_data )
@header = table_header
@data = table_data
# I will try and show as many operations for a table as i can.
# 1st method to draw a table.
table [ [ @header ] , [ @data ] ]
# another method is :
# create a array object which has to be two dimensional no matter what.
data_to_draw_a_table = [ [ @header ] , [ @data ] ]
table( data_to_draw_a_table )
# Some beautiful customization you can do before you call table to draw a table is
data.each do |data|
table(data) do
column(0).background_color = "b7b5b0"
column(0).width = 120
column(1).width = 180
# I used this method to draw a table as well. Here you can see how you can set width of a particular column. Dont worry the Height would be set automatically.
# In order to DRY my code , i have a defined a method for width_of_table_columns.
def tasks_table( tasks )
move_down 30
@tasks = tasks
table [["#" , "Title" , "Rate" , "Hours" , "Cost" ]] , :column_widths => width_of_table_columns , :row_colors => ["b7b5b0"]
@tasks.each_with_index do | task , index |
table [[index + 1 , task.title , task.price_per_hour , task.hours_taken_to_complete_task , task.cost_by_hour_basis]] , :column_widths => width_of_table_columns
def width_of_table_columns
width = { 0 => 35 , 1 => 300 , 2=> 40 , 3 => 39 , 4 => 60 }
# This file is a library and thus it would be in lib/ folder of your rails app
module PdfGenerator
extends ActiveSupport::Concern
module ClassMethods
module InstanceMethods
def pdf_generator( download = nil )
pdf =
pdf.design_a_table( "header" , "corresponding_data")
pdf.tasks_table( "tasks" )
# To download this pdf, write this down
# Basically send_data would download the file in obviously a pdf format.
if download
send_data pdf.render , :filename => file_name_here , :type => "application/pdf"
pdf.render , :filename => file_name_here , :type => "application/pdf"
require 'pdf_generator'
class TasksController < ApplicationController
include PdfGenerator
def some_action
pdf_generator( download = true )
# A sample code of how to send the generated pdf as an attachment to your email.
require "pdf_generator"
class InvoiceMailer < ActionMailer::Base
include PdfGenerator
def your_mailer_method
# mail.attachments api is the new way to do it since Rails 3.1, i guess.
mail.attachments["invoice.pdf"] = {:mime_type => "application/pdf" , :content => pdf_generator }
# mailing configurations
:to => "",
:from => "",
:subject => "the pdf has been attached with this email"
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