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Last active February 28, 2022 10:39
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An example gulpfile.js with bower components and live reload support
var BatchStream = require('batch-stream2')
var gulp = require('gulp')
var coffee = require('gulp-coffee')
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify')
var cssmin = require('gulp-minify-css')
var bower = require('gulp-bower-files')
var stylus = require('gulp-stylus')
var livereload = require('gulp-livereload')
var include = require('gulp-include')
var concat = require('gulp-concat')
var browserify = require('gulp-browserify')
var gulpFilter = require('gulp-filter')
var watch = require('gulp-watch')
var rename = require('gulp-rename')
var src = {
styl: ['assets/**/*.styl'],
css: ['assets/**/*.css'],
coffee: ['assets/**/*.coffee'],
js: ['assets/**/*.js'],
bower: ['bower.json', '.bowerrc']
src.styles = src.styl.concat(src.css)
src.scripts =
var publishdir = 'public'
var dist = {
all: [publishdir + '/**/*'],
css: publishdir + '/static/',
js: publishdir + '/static/',
vendor: publishdir + '/static/'
// concat *.js to `vendor.js`
// and *.css to `vendor.css`
// rename fonts to `fonts/*.*`
gulp.task('bower', function() {
var jsFilter = gulpFilter('**/*.js')
var cssFilter = gulpFilter('**/*.css')
return bower()
.pipe(rename(function(path) {
if (~path.dirname.indexOf('fonts')) {
path.dirname = '/fonts'
function buildCSS() {
return gulp.src(src.styles)
.pipe(stylus({use: ['nib']}))
function buildJS() {
return gulp.src(src.scripts)
insertGlobals: true,
extensions: ['.coffee'],
debug: true
gulp.task('css', buildCSS)
gulp.task('js', buildJS)
gulp.task('watch', function() {, ['bower'])
watch({ glob: src.styles, name: 'app.css' }, buildCSS)
watch({ glob: src.scripts, name: 'app.js' }, buildJS)
// live reload can emit changes only when at lease one build is done
gulp.task('livereload', ['bower', 'css', 'js', 'watch'], function() {
var server = livereload()
var batch = new BatchStream({ timeout: 100 })'change', function change(file) {
// clear directories
var urlpath = file.path.replace(__dirname + '/' + publishdir, '')
// also clear the tailing index.html
urlpath = urlpath.replace('/index.html', '/')
batch.on('data', function(files) {
gulp.task('compress-css', ['css'], function() {
return gulp.src(dist.css)
gulp.task('compress-js', ['js'], function() {
return gulp.src(dist.js)
gulp.task('compress', ['compress-css', 'compress-js'])
gulp.task('default', ['bower', 'css', 'js', 'livereload']) // development
gulp.task('build', ['bower', 'compress']) // build for production
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50l3r commented Apr 20, 2017

Much thanks for this snippet.

I have a problem when i try to load vendor.js:

require is not defined

This is the part of the file:

/*global require,module*/
"use strict";
var CodeMirror = require("codemirror");

i need to use a babel gulp pipe? @ktmud can you help me?

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