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Created July 2, 2021 02:40
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A naive implementation for computing the diff of two strings with zero external dependencies.
package diff
import (
func max(i, j int) int {
if j > i {
return j
return i
func compare(i, j int) int {
switch {
case i < j:
return -1
case j < i:
return 1
return 0
const (
surrogateMin = 0xD800
surrogateMax = 0xDFFF
surrogateGap = surrogateMax - surrogateMin
// Equiv represents a line equivalence value.
type Equiv = rune
func toIndex(equiv Equiv) int {
if equiv < surrogateMax {
return int(equiv)
return int(equiv - surrogateGap)
func toEquiv(index int) Equiv {
if index < surrogateMin {
return rune(index)
return rune(index + surrogateGap)
// Op represents an edit operation.
type Op interface {
String() string
// Common represents a shared equiv.
type Common Equiv
// String returns the pretiffied edit string representation.
func (op Common) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%c", rune(op))
// Insert represents an insert operation.
type Insert Equiv
// String returns the pretiffied edit string representation.
func (op Insert) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[32m%c\x1b[0m", rune(op))
// Delete represents an delete operation.
type Delete Equiv
// String returns the pretiffied edit string representation.
func (op Delete) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[31m%c\x1b[0m", rune(op))
// CommonLine represents a shared line.
type CommonLine string
// String returns the pretiffied edit string representation.
func (op CommonLine) String() string {
return "|\t" + string(op)
// InsertLine represents a line insert operation.
type InsertLine string
// String returns the pretiffied edit string representation.
func (op InsertLine) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[32m+\t%s\x1b[0m", string(op))
// DeleteLine represents a line delete operation.
type DeleteLine string
// String returns the pretiffied edit string representation.
func (op DeleteLine) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[31m-\t%s\x1b[0m", string(op))
// Point represents a point in the edit graph.
type Point struct {
X, Y int
// Route represents a point in the edit graph with an associated route.
type Route struct {
X, Y, R int
// Context represents a diff context.
type Context struct {
a, b []rune
m, n int
paths []int
routes []Route
reverse bool
func generate(n, v int) []int {
p := make([]int, n)
for i := range p {
p[i] = v
return p
// NewContext returns a new Context.
func NewContext(a, b []rune) *Context {
m, n := len(a), len(b)
paths := generate(m+n+3, -1)
routes := make([]Route, 0)
reverse := m >= n
if reverse {
a, b = b, a
m, n = n, m
return &Context{a, b, m, n, paths, routes, reverse}
func (ctx *Context) compute() []Op {
fp := generate(ctx.m+ctx.n+3, -1)
offset := ctx.m + 1
delta := ctx.n - ctx.m
for p := 0; ; p++ {
for k := -p; k <= delta-1; k++ {
fp[k+offset] = ctx.snake(k, fp[k-1+offset]+1, fp[k+1+offset], offset)
for k := delta + p; k >= delta+1; k-- {
fp[k+offset] = ctx.snake(k, fp[k-1+offset]+1, fp[k+1+offset], offset)
fp[delta+offset] = ctx.snake(delta, fp[delta-1+offset]+1, fp[delta+1+offset], offset)
if fp[delta+offset] >= ctx.n {
r := ctx.paths[delta+offset]
epc := make([]Point, 0)
for r != -1 {
epc = append(epc, Point{ctx.routes[r].X, ctx.routes[r].Y})
r = ctx.routes[r].R
x, y := 1, 1
px, py := 0, 0
ses := []Op{}
for i := len(epc) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
for (px < epc[i].X) || (py < epc[i].Y) {
switch compare(epc[i].Y-epc[i].X, py-px) {
case 1:
r := ctx.b[py]
ses = append(ses, Insert(r))
case -1:
r := ctx.a[px]
ses = append(ses, Delete(r))
ses = append(ses, Common(ctx.a[px]))
if ctx.reverse {
for i, op := range ses {
switch equiv := op.(type) {
case Insert:
ses[i] = Delete(equiv)
case Delete:
ses[i] = Insert(equiv)
return ses
func (ctx *Context) snake(k, p, pp, offset int) int {
r := 0
if p > pp {
r = ctx.paths[k-1+offset]
} else {
r = ctx.paths[k+1+offset]
y := max(p, pp)
x := y - k
for x < ctx.m && y < ctx.n && ctx.a[x] == ctx.b[y] {
ctx.paths[k+offset] = len(ctx.routes)
ctx.routes = append(ctx.routes, Route{x, y, r})
return y
// Diff returns the shortest edit sequence of two strings.
func Diff(s, t string) []Op {
return NewContext([]rune(s), []rune(t)).compute()
// LineDiff returns the line diff of the two strings.
func LineDiff(s, t string) []Op {
equivs := make(map[string]Equiv)
lines := make([]string, 0)
slines, tlines := strings.Split(s, "\n"), strings.Split(t, "\n")
a, b := make([]rune, len(slines)), make([]rune, len(tlines))
for i, line := range slines {
equiv, ok := equivs[line]
if !ok {
equiv = toEquiv(len(lines))
equivs[line] = equiv
lines = append(lines, line)
a[i] = equiv
for i, line := range tlines {
equiv, ok := equivs[line]
if !ok {
equiv = toEquiv(len(lines))
equivs[line] = equiv
lines = append(lines, line)
b[i] = equiv
ops := Diff(string(a), string(b))
ses := make([]Op, len(ops))
for i, op := range ops {
switch equiv := op.(type) {
case Common:
index := toIndex(Equiv(equiv))
ses[i] = CommonLine(lines[index])
case Insert:
index := toIndex(Equiv(equiv))
ses[i] = InsertLine(lines[index])
case Delete:
index := toIndex(Equiv(equiv))
ses[i] = DeleteLine(lines[index])
return ses
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