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Created December 24, 2011 21:44
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ScalasticSearch - v0.0.1 (simple Scala DSL for )
val query = ScalasticSearch.boolQuery(
cond (
'nickname -> "Superman", // is equivalent to...
term('nickname -> "Superman"), // this
term("nickname" -> "Superman") // or this
'nickname -> "Superman", // is equivalent to...
term('nickname -> "Superman"), // this
term("nickname" -> "Superman") // or this
'nickname -> "Superman", // is equivalent to...
term('nickname -> "Superman"), // this
term("nickname" -> "Superman") // or this
boost = 1
package pl.project13
package elastic
import ScalasticSearch._
import ScalasticImplicits._
import java.lang.String
import collection.Seq
object ElasticDemo extends App {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val query = ScalasticSearch.boolQuery(
cond (
'nickname -> "Superman",
term('nickname -> "Superman"),
term("nickname" -> "Superman")
'nickname -> "Superman",
term('nickname -> "Superman"),
term("nickname" -> "Superman")
'nickname -> "Superman",
term('nickname -> "Superman"),
term("nickname" -> "Superman")
boost = 1
class ScalasticSearch(params: ScalasticSearchConds, boost: Int) {
def execute(){
// todo, implement me
case class ScalasticSearchConds(conditions: Seq[ScalasticQuery])
object ScalasticSearch {
// query entry points
def boolQuery(conf: => ScalasticSearchConds,
boost: Int = 1) = new ScalasticSearch(conf, boost)
// cond
def cond(conditions: Seq[ScalasticQuery]*): ScalasticSearchConds = {
new ScalasticSearchConds(conditions.flatten)
// must
def must(confs: ScalasticTerm*): Seq[ScalasticMust] = for (conf <- confs)
yield new ScalasticMust(conf.key, conf.value)
// should
def should(confs: (ScalasticTerm)*): Seq[ScalasticShould] = for (conf <- confs)
yield new ScalasticShould(conf.key, conf.value)
// must
def mustNot(confs: (ScalasticTerm)*): Seq[ScalasticMustNot] = for (conf <- confs)
yield new ScalasticMustNot(conf.key, conf.value)
def mustNot(confs: => (List[(Symbol, String)])) = for (conf <- confs)
yield new ScalasticMustNot(conf._1, conf._2)
// terms etc
def term(conf: (Symbol, String)): ScalasticTerm = term(, conf._2)
def term(conf: (String, String)): ScalasticTerm = term(conf._1, conf._2)
def term(field: String, value: String): ScalasticTerm = ScalasticTerm(conf._1, conf._2)
object ScalasticImplicits {
implicit def tuple2must(tuple: (Symbol, String)) = tuple2must(, tuple._2)
implicit def tuple2must(tuple: (String, String)) = new ScalasticMust(tuple._1, tuple._2)
implicit def tuple2mustNot(tuple: (Symbol, String)) = tuple2mustNot(, tuple._2)
implicit def tuple2mustNot(tuple: (String, String)) = new ScalasticMustNot(tuple._1, tuple._2)
implicit def tuple2should(tuple: (Symbol, String)) = tuple2should(, tuple._2)
implicit def tuple2should(tuple: (String, String)) = new ScalasticShould(tuple._1, tuple._2)
implicit def tuple2term(tuple: (Symbol, String)) = term(tuple._1, tuple._2)
implicit def symbol2string(sym: Symbol): String =
// ---------------------------------
class ScalasticMust(field: String, value: String) extends ScalasticQuery {
def term(cond: (String, String)) = new ScalasticMust(cond._1, cond._2)
def ~(conf: => ScalasticMust): List[ScalasticMust] = this :: conf :: Nil
object ScalasticMust { }
class ScalasticShould(field: String, value: String) extends ScalasticQuery {
def term(cond: (String, String)) = new ScalasticShould(cond._1, cond._2)
def ~(conf: => ScalasticShould): List[ScalasticShould] = this :: conf :: Nil
object ScalasticShould { }
class ScalasticMustNot(field: String, value: String) extends ScalasticQuery {
def term(cond: (String, String)) = new ScalasticMustNot(cond._1, cond._2)
def ~(conf: => ScalasticMustNot): List[ScalasticMustNot] = this :: conf :: Nil
object ScalasticMustNot { }
class ScalasticQuery() {
object ScalasticQuery
case class ScalasticTerm(key: String, value: String)
case class ScalasticRange(key: String, value: String)
"bool" : {
"must" : {
"term" : { "user" : "kimchy" }
"must_not" : {
"range" : {
"age" : { "from" : 10, "to" : 20 }
"should" : [
"term" : { "tag" : "wow" }
"term" : { "tag" : "elasticsearch" }
"minimum_number_should_match" : 1,
"boost" : 1.0
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