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#-- Script to automate
# Forked from the original to do the opposite: Switch ssh repo urls to https
# Original here:
# Thanks to @m14t
#origin or upstream
REPO_URL=`git remote -v | grep -m1 "^$REMOTE" | sed -Ene's#.*([^[:space:]]*).*#\1#p'`
import grails.util.Environment
class BootStrap {
def app2AppMonitorService
def configServiceMonitorService
def mongoConnectionMonitorService
def oracleConnectionMonitorService
def rabbitConnectionMonitorService
Timer t
configure_permission: .*
read_permission: .*
write_permission: .*
configure_permission: .*
read_permission: .*
write_permission: .*
class myrabbitmq (
$wipe_db_on_cookie_change = $::myrabbitmq::params::wipe_db_on_cookie_change,
$version = $::myrabbitmq::params::version,
$delete_guest_user = $::myrabbitmq::params::delete_guest_user,
$erlang_cookie = $::myrabbitmq::params::erlang_cookie,
$config_cluster = $::myrabbitmq::params::config_cluster,
$cluster_nodes = $::myrabbitmq::params::cluster_nodes,
$rabbitmq_vhost = {},
$rabbitmq_user = {},
$rabbitmq_user_permissions = {},
ktreese /
Created February 24, 2016 22:16
/etc/profile.d/ for stlpug
# This file is sourced by all *interactive* bash shells on startup,
# including some apparently interactive shells such as scp and rcp
# that can't tolerate any output. So make sure this doesn't display
# anything or bad things will happen !
# Test for an interactive shell. There is no need to set anything
# past this point for scp and rcp, and it's important to refrain from
# outputting anything in those cases.
if [[ $- != *i* ]] ; then
ok -- so I follow, and think I the fix is to put your hieradata into a different hierarchy. The short answer, I believe, is to add calling_class/%{calling_class} to your hierarchy:
VGT puppetmaster ~ # cat /etc/hiera.yaml
# managed by puppet
- yaml
- node/%{fqdn}