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Last active December 2, 2022 23:41
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  • Save ktsaou/42b7a2f617faf709cd20b090c332a9ec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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spinlock vs mutex benchmark
// compile with:
// gcc -O2 -o spinlock spinlock.c -lpthread && ./spinlock
// verification and spinlock stats can be enabled with this:
// gcc -O2 -DSPINLOCK_VERIFY_AND_STATS=1 -o spinlock spinlock.c && ./spinlock
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#define __USE_GNU
#include <pthread.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <uuid/uuid.h>
#include <spawn.h>
#include <uv.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
#define assert_with_message(x) for ( ; !(x) ; assert(x) )
pid_t gettid(void) {
static __thread pid_t cached_tid = -1;
if(unlikely(cached_tid == -1))
cached_tid = (pid_t)syscall(SYS_gettid);
return cached_tid;
#define USEC_PER_SEC 1000000ULL
#define NSEC_PER_SEC 1000000000ULL
#define NSEC_PER_USEC 1000ULL
typedef unsigned long long usec_t;
usec_t now_usec(clockid_t clk_id) {
struct timespec ts = { 0, 0 };
if(unlikely(clock_gettime(clk_id, &ts) == -1)) {
printf("clock_gettime(%d, &timespec) failed.\n", clk_id);
return 0;
return (usec_t)ts.tv_sec * USEC_PER_SEC + ((ts.tv_nsec % NSEC_PER_SEC) / NSEC_PER_USEC);
// static const struct timespec work_duration = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1 * NSEC_PER_SEC / 1000 };
static const struct timespec work_duration = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0 };
size_t counter = 0;
bool stop_stress = false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct netdata_spinlock {
bool locked;
size_t spins;
size_t sleeps;
pid_t locker_pid;
void __netdata_spinlock_init(SPINLOCK *spinlock) {
void __netdata_spinlock_lock(SPINLOCK *spinlock) {
static const struct timespec ns = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1 };
size_t spins = 0;
size_t sleeps = 0;
while(__atomic_test_and_set(&spinlock->locked, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)) {
do {
if(unlikely((++spins % 8) == 0)) {
nanosleep(&ns, NULL);
if(unlikely(++spins == 8)) {
spins = 0;
nanosleep(&ns, NULL);
} while(__atomic_load_n(&spinlock->locked, __ATOMIC_RELAXED));
pid_t last_locker_pid = spinlock->locker_pid;
if(last_locker_pid != 0) {
printf("spinlock locker pid is %d, but expected it to be unlocked, my pid is %d\n", last_locker_pid, gettid());
// we have the lock
spinlock->locker_pid = gettid();
spinlock->spins += spins;
spinlock->sleeps += sleeps;
void __netdata_spinlock_unlock(SPINLOCK *spinlock) {
pid_t last_locker_pid = spinlock->locker_pid;
if(last_locker_pid != gettid()) {
printf("Spinlock should be locked by my pid %d, but it is locked by pid %d\n", gettid(), last_locker_pid);
spinlock->locker_pid = 0;
__atomic_clear(&spinlock->locked, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
size_t stress_test_spinlock(size_t id) {
//printf(" >> Thread %zu started as tid %d\n", id, gettid());
size_t count = 0;
while(!__atomic_load_n(&stop_stress, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)) {
if(work_duration.tv_nsec || work_duration.tv_sec)
nanosleep(&work_duration, NULL);
return count;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
size_t stress_test_mutex(size_t id) {
//printf(" >> Thread %zu started as tid %d\n", id, gettid());
size_t count = 0;
while(!__atomic_load_n(&stop_stress, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)) {
if(work_duration.tv_nsec || work_duration.tv_sec)
nanosleep(&work_duration, NULL);
return count;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pthread_rwlock_t rwlock = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER;
size_t stress_test_rwlock(size_t id) {
//printf(" >> Thread %zu started as tid %d\n", id, gettid());
size_t count = 0;
while(!__atomic_load_n(&stop_stress, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)) {
if(work_duration.tv_nsec || work_duration.tv_sec)
nanosleep(&work_duration, NULL);
return count;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pthread_spinlock_t pspinlock;
size_t stress_test_pspinlock(size_t id) {
//printf(" >> Thread %zu started as tid %d\n", id, gettid());
size_t count = 0;
while(!__atomic_load_n(&stop_stress, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)) {
if(work_duration.tv_nsec || work_duration.tv_sec)
nanosleep(&work_duration, NULL);
return count;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// stress test controller
struct worker {
size_t (*callback)(size_t id);
pthread_t thread;
size_t id;
size_t count;
usec_t duration_ut;
double cpu_pc;
void *run_worker(void *ptr) {
pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL);
struct worker *me = ptr;
struct rusage start_ru, end_ru;
usec_t start_ut = now_usec(CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, &start_ru);
me->count = me->callback(me->id);
getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, &end_ru);
usec_t end_ut = now_usec(CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
me->duration_ut = end_ut - start_ut;
unsigned long long user_cpu = end_ru.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + end_ru.ru_utime.tv_usec - start_ru.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + start_ru.ru_utime.tv_usec;
unsigned long long system_cpu = end_ru.ru_stime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + end_ru.ru_stime.tv_usec - start_ru.ru_stime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + start_ru.ru_stime.tv_usec;
me->cpu_pc = (double)(user_cpu + system_cpu) * 100.0 / (double)me->duration_ut;
return me;
void run_test(size_t (*function)(size_t id), const char *name) {
int threads_num[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 24, 48, 96, 128 };
int runs = sizeof(threads_num) / sizeof(int);
static const struct timespec ns = { .tv_sec = 5, .tv_nsec = 0 };
printf("\n%s:\n", name);
for(int i = 0; i < runs ; i++) {
int threads = threads_num[i];
struct worker workers[threads];
memset(workers, 0, sizeof(workers));
stop_stress = false;
counter = 0;
for(int p = 0; p < threads ;p++) {
struct worker *w = &workers[p];
w->callback = function;
w->id = p;
int ret = pthread_create(&w->thread, NULL, *run_worker, (void *)w);
if(ret != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to create thread %d, pthread_create() failed with code %d\n", p, ret);
nanosleep(&ns, NULL);
__atomic_store_n(&stop_stress, true, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
size_t total_count = 0, min = 0, max = 0, avg = 0, deviation = 0;
double total_cpu = 0.0;
usec_t duration_ut = ns.tv_sec * USEC_PER_SEC;
for(int p = 0; p < threads ;p++) {
struct worker *w = &workers[p];
int ret = pthread_join(w->thread, NULL);
if(ret != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to join thread %d, pthread_join() failed with code %d\n", p, ret);
total_count += w->count;
total_cpu += w->cpu_pc;
if(w->duration_ut > duration_ut)
duration_ut = w->duration_ut;
if(!p) {
min = w->count;
max = w->count;
else {
if(w->count < min)
min = w->count;
if(w->count > max)
max = w->count;
avg = total_count / threads;
deviation = (max - min) * 100 / avg;
printf( "Run No %3d: %3d threads, locks %10zu (%10zu %s), "
"spins %10zu, sleeps %10zu, "
"rate %8.2f Mlocks/s, cpu %8.2f %%, deviation %5zu %%\n",
i + 1, threads, counter, total_count, (counter == total_count) ? " OK" : "ERROR",
sp.spins, sp.sleeps,
(double)total_count / (double)duration_ut,
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
(void)argc; (void)argv;
pthread_spin_init(&pspinlock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE);
run_test(stress_test_spinlock, "SPINLOCK");
run_test(stress_test_pspinlock, "PTHREAD SPIN");
run_test(stress_test_mutex, "PTHREAD MUTEX");
run_test(stress_test_rwlock, "PTHREAD RWLOCK");
return 0;
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ktsaou commented Nov 27, 2022

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ktsaou commented Nov 30, 2022

# gcc -O2 -o spinlock spinlock.c -lpthread && ./spinlock

Run No   1:   1 threads, locks  974597221 ( 974597221    OK), rate   194.92 Mlocks/s, cpu    99.91 %, deviation     0 %
Run No   2:   2 threads, locks  948791391 ( 948791391    OK), rate   189.75 Mlocks/s, cpu   101.12 %, deviation     2 %
Run No   3:   3 threads, locks  440332632 ( 440332632    OK), rate    88.06 Mlocks/s, cpu   106.30 %, deviation     4 %
Run No   4:   4 threads, locks  228736956 ( 228736956    OK), rate    45.75 Mlocks/s, cpu   116.65 %, deviation    16 %
Run No   5:   8 threads, locks  213347206 ( 213347206    OK), rate    42.67 Mlocks/s, cpu   142.03 %, deviation     9 %
Run No   6:  16 threads, locks  230688018 ( 230688018    OK), rate    46.13 Mlocks/s, cpu   203.45 %, deviation     4 %
Run No   7:  24 threads, locks  187676791 ( 187676791    OK), rate    37.53 Mlocks/s, cpu   332.59 %, deviation     4 %
Run No   8:  48 threads, locks  275675758 ( 275675758    OK), rate    55.10 Mlocks/s, cpu   502.07 %, deviation     5 %
Run No   9:  96 threads, locks  539602657 ( 539602657    OK), rate   107.88 Mlocks/s, cpu   530.91 %, deviation     7 %
Run No  10: 128 threads, locks  498986582 ( 498986582    OK), rate    99.76 Mlocks/s, cpu   654.05 %, deviation     7 %

Run No   1:   1 threads, locks  765403381 ( 765403381    OK), rate   153.08 Mlocks/s, cpu    99.89 %, deviation     0 %
Run No   2:   2 threads, locks  299278738 ( 299278738    OK), rate    59.86 Mlocks/s, cpu   199.77 %, deviation    12 %
Run No   3:   3 threads, locks  217155086 ( 217155086    OK), rate    43.43 Mlocks/s, cpu   299.66 %, deviation    17 %
Run No   4:   4 threads, locks  157010846 ( 157010846    OK), rate    31.40 Mlocks/s, cpu   399.81 %, deviation   108 %
Run No   5:   8 threads, locks  105506832 ( 105506832    OK), rate    21.10 Mlocks/s, cpu   799.60 %, deviation    85 %
Run No   6:  16 threads, locks   67917393 (  67917393    OK), rate    13.58 Mlocks/s, cpu  1598.90 %, deviation   476 %
Run No   7:  24 threads, locks   54123101 (  54123101    OK), rate    10.82 Mlocks/s, cpu  2356.42 %, deviation   222 %
Run No   8:  48 threads, locks   28575872 (  28575872    OK), rate     5.70 Mlocks/s, cpu  2373.32 %, deviation   369 %
Run No   9:  96 threads, locks   13828255 (  13828255    OK), rate     2.75 Mlocks/s, cpu  2386.74 %, deviation   369 %
Run No  10: 128 threads, locks   11190353 (  11190353    OK), rate     2.23 Mlocks/s, cpu  2387.45 %, deviation   629 %

Run No   1:   1 threads, locks  482696117 ( 482696117    OK), rate    96.54 Mlocks/s, cpu    99.93 %, deviation     0 %
Run No   2:   2 threads, locks  103870366 ( 103870366    OK), rate    20.77 Mlocks/s, cpu   199.80 %, deviation    86 %
Run No   3:   3 threads, locks  114554998 ( 114554998    OK), rate    22.91 Mlocks/s, cpu   292.44 %, deviation    21 %
Run No   4:   4 threads, locks  100017176 ( 100017176    OK), rate    20.00 Mlocks/s, cpu   357.01 %, deviation    73 %
Run No   5:   8 threads, locks  103127434 ( 103127434    OK), rate    20.62 Mlocks/s, cpu   729.46 %, deviation    36 %
Run No   6:  16 threads, locks   71758365 (  71758365    OK), rate    14.35 Mlocks/s, cpu  1502.58 %, deviation    20 %
Run No   7:  24 threads, locks   72574394 (  72574394    OK), rate    14.51 Mlocks/s, cpu  2237.83 %, deviation    15 %
Run No   8:  48 threads, locks   81104844 (  81104844    OK), rate    16.22 Mlocks/s, cpu  2362.87 %, deviation    15 %
Run No   9:  96 threads, locks   81674074 (  81674074    OK), rate    16.33 Mlocks/s, cpu  2367.37 %, deviation    17 %
Run No  10: 128 threads, locks   81011371 (  81011371    OK), rate    16.18 Mlocks/s, cpu  2367.67 %, deviation    15 %

Run No   1:   1 threads, locks  299776571 ( 299776571    OK), rate    59.95 Mlocks/s, cpu    99.88 %, deviation     0 %
Run No   2:   2 threads, locks   83328329 (  83328329    OK), rate    16.67 Mlocks/s, cpu   199.78 %, deviation    13 %
Run No   3:   3 threads, locks   61992632 (  61992632    OK), rate    12.40 Mlocks/s, cpu   279.92 %, deviation     1 %
Run No   4:   4 threads, locks   53071418 (  53071418    OK), rate    10.61 Mlocks/s, cpu   350.57 %, deviation     2 %
Run No   5:   8 threads, locks   45696111 (  45696111    OK), rate     9.14 Mlocks/s, cpu   711.59 %, deviation    37 %
Run No   6:  16 threads, locks   30812950 (  30812950    OK), rate     6.16 Mlocks/s, cpu  1488.20 %, deviation     2 %
Run No   7:  24 threads, locks   31260630 (  31260630    OK), rate     6.25 Mlocks/s, cpu  2235.08 %, deviation     7 %
Run No   8:  48 threads, locks     250146 (    250146    OK), rate     0.05 Mlocks/s, cpu  2368.36 %, deviation    44 %
Run No   9:  96 threads, locks   22866319 (  22866319    OK), rate     4.57 Mlocks/s, cpu  2371.41 %, deviation    17 %
Run No  10: 128 threads, locks   26737758 (  26737758    OK), rate     5.35 Mlocks/s, cpu  2367.97 %, deviation    20 %

Check the CPU consumption and the deviation between threads!

This spinlock implementation is FASTER, significantly more LIGHT WEIGHT and it distributes the requests a lot more evenly!

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ktsaou commented Nov 30, 2022

On an RPI 4+

Run No   1:   1 threads, locks   92182117 (  92182117    OK), rate    18.44 Mlocks/s, cpu    99.81 %, deviation     0 %
Run No   2:   2 threads, locks   59658463 (  59658463    OK), rate    11.93 Mlocks/s, cpu   191.27 %, deviation    56 %
Run No   3:   3 threads, locks   59882611 (  59882611    OK), rate    11.98 Mlocks/s, cpu   276.56 %, deviation   192 %
Run No   4:   4 threads, locks   63552957 (  63552957    OK), rate    12.70 Mlocks/s, cpu   224.98 %, deviation    64 %
Run No   5:   8 threads, locks   61393948 (  61393948    OK), rate    12.26 Mlocks/s, cpu   248.45 %, deviation    43 %
Run No   6:  16 threads, locks   61009991 (  61009991    OK), rate    12.19 Mlocks/s, cpu   285.23 %, deviation    49 %
Run No   7:  24 threads, locks   60709171 (  60709171    OK), rate    12.13 Mlocks/s, cpu   317.08 %, deviation    62 %
Run No   8:  48 threads, locks   60131966 (  60131966    OK), rate    12.01 Mlocks/s, cpu   372.52 %, deviation    78 %
Run No   9:  96 threads, locks   58410348 (  58410348    OK), rate    11.59 Mlocks/s, cpu   391.49 %, deviation   116 %
Run No  10: 128 threads, locks   56704705 (  56704705    OK), rate    11.32 Mlocks/s, cpu   390.62 %, deviation   123 %

Run No   1:   1 threads, locks   98550825 (  98550825    OK), rate    19.71 Mlocks/s, cpu    99.90 %, deviation     0 %
Run No   2:   2 threads, locks   63753623 (  63753623    OK), rate    12.75 Mlocks/s, cpu   199.43 %, deviation    35 %
Run No   3:   3 threads, locks   62321257 (  62321257    OK), rate    12.46 Mlocks/s, cpu   297.98 %, deviation   161 %
Run No   4:   4 threads, locks   61779458 (  61779458    OK), rate    12.36 Mlocks/s, cpu   389.21 %, deviation    72 %
Run No   5:   8 threads, locks   41167905 (  41167905    OK), rate     8.23 Mlocks/s, cpu   390.50 %, deviation    73 %
Run No   6:  16 threads, locks   22802569 (  22802569    OK), rate     4.53 Mlocks/s, cpu   391.58 %, deviation   188 %
Run No   7:  24 threads, locks   19540682 (  19540682    OK), rate     3.87 Mlocks/s, cpu   392.49 %, deviation   168 %
Run No   8:  48 threads, locks    8723803 (   8723803    OK), rate     1.74 Mlocks/s, cpu   396.04 %, deviation   399 %
Run No   9:  96 threads, locks    4007949 (   4007949    OK), rate     0.79 Mlocks/s, cpu   402.18 %, deviation  1672 %
Run No  10: 128 threads, locks    4631627 (   4631627    OK), rate     0.82 Mlocks/s, cpu   401.91 %, deviation  2025 %

Run No   1:   1 threads, locks   79463948 (  79463948    OK), rate    15.89 Mlocks/s, cpu    99.64 %, deviation     0 %
Run No   2:   2 threads, locks   50387733 (  50387733    OK), rate    10.08 Mlocks/s, cpu   199.13 %, deviation    52 %
Run No   3:   3 threads, locks   34536291 (  34536291    OK), rate     6.91 Mlocks/s, cpu   271.45 %, deviation    38 %
Run No   4:   4 threads, locks   31658401 (  31658401    OK), rate     6.33 Mlocks/s, cpu   339.27 %, deviation    34 %
Run No   5:   8 threads, locks   30807647 (  30807647    OK), rate     6.16 Mlocks/s, cpu   358.45 %, deviation    55 %
Run No   6:  16 threads, locks   29003236 (  29003236    OK), rate     5.80 Mlocks/s, cpu   375.16 %, deviation    32 %
Run No   7:  24 threads, locks   28085728 (  28085728    OK), rate     5.61 Mlocks/s, cpu   382.81 %, deviation    37 %
Run No   8:  48 threads, locks   27706029 (  27706029    OK), rate     5.54 Mlocks/s, cpu   386.49 %, deviation    62 %
Run No   9:  96 threads, locks   27796542 (  27796542    OK), rate     5.50 Mlocks/s, cpu   392.30 %, deviation    97 %
Run No  10: 128 threads, locks   27495238 (  27495238    OK), rate     5.49 Mlocks/s, cpu   390.32 %, deviation    67 %

Run No   1:   1 threads, locks   51373623 (  51373623    OK), rate    10.27 Mlocks/s, cpu    99.39 %, deviation     0 %
Run No   2:   2 threads, locks   25639442 (  25639442    OK), rate     5.13 Mlocks/s, cpu   199.21 %, deviation    22 %
Run No   3:   3 threads, locks   20128989 (  20128989    OK), rate     4.03 Mlocks/s, cpu   291.42 %, deviation    66 %
Run No   4:   4 threads, locks   20635529 (  20635529    OK), rate     4.11 Mlocks/s, cpu   372.38 %, deviation    27 %
Run No   5:   8 threads, locks   16451104 (  16451104    OK), rate     3.29 Mlocks/s, cpu   374.42 %, deviation    26 %
Run No   6:  16 threads, locks    9515592 (   9515592    OK), rate     1.90 Mlocks/s, cpu   384.34 %, deviation    75 %
Run No   7:  24 threads, locks    8266489 (   8266489    OK), rate     1.64 Mlocks/s, cpu   384.88 %, deviation   118 %
Run No   8:  48 threads, locks    3699839 (   3699839    OK), rate     0.74 Mlocks/s, cpu   392.39 %, deviation   219 %
Run No   9:  96 threads, locks    2860329 (   2860329    OK), rate     0.56 Mlocks/s, cpu   398.97 %, deviation   359 %
Run No  10: 128 threads, locks    1474116 (   1474116    OK), rate     0.29 Mlocks/s, cpu   404.24 %, deviation   405 %

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ktsaou commented Nov 30, 2022

AMD EPYC 7453 28-Core Processor x 2 processors (not an idle machine)

Run No   1:   1 threads, locks 1326569716 (1326569716    OK), rate   265.31 Mlocks/s, cpu    99.94 %, deviation     0 %
Run No   2:   2 threads, locks 1286590410 (1286590410    OK), rate   257.31 Mlocks/s, cpu   108.32 %, deviation    12 %
Run No   3:   3 threads, locks 1280099869 (1280099869    OK), rate   256.01 Mlocks/s, cpu   114.07 %, deviation    16 %
Run No   4:   4 threads, locks 1266448441 (1266448441    OK), rate   253.28 Mlocks/s, cpu   120.24 %, deviation    15 %
Run No   5:   8 threads, locks 1216662420 (1216662420    OK), rate   243.32 Mlocks/s, cpu   145.78 %, deviation    21 %
Run No   6:  16 threads, locks 1143276728 (1143276728    OK), rate   228.63 Mlocks/s, cpu   194.09 %, deviation    17 %
Run No   7:  24 threads, locks 1075294625 (1075294625    OK), rate   215.03 Mlocks/s, cpu   246.64 %, deviation    27 %
Run No   8:  48 threads, locks  906365377 ( 906365377    OK), rate   181.23 Mlocks/s, cpu   402.08 %, deviation    30 %
Run No   9:  96 threads, locks  639875022 ( 639875022    OK), rate   127.86 Mlocks/s, cpu   759.73 %, deviation    56 %
Run No  10: 128 threads, locks  509513168 ( 509513168    OK), rate   101.68 Mlocks/s, cpu  1065.38 %, deviation    65 %

Run No   1:   1 threads, locks  836470739 ( 836470739    OK), rate   167.29 Mlocks/s, cpu    99.97 %, deviation     0 %
Run No   2:   2 threads, locks  129801675 ( 129801675    OK), rate    25.96 Mlocks/s, cpu   199.67 %, deviation    48 %
Run No   3:   3 threads, locks   72699405 (  72699405    OK), rate    14.54 Mlocks/s, cpu   299.75 %, deviation    24 %
Run No   4:   4 threads, locks   56771941 (  56771941    OK), rate    11.35 Mlocks/s, cpu   399.80 %, deviation    61 %
Run No   5:   8 threads, locks   36946464 (  36946464    OK), rate     7.39 Mlocks/s, cpu   799.49 %, deviation   147 %
Run No   6:  16 threads, locks   22213483 (  22213483    OK), rate     4.44 Mlocks/s, cpu  1598.50 %, deviation   238 %
Run No   7:  24 threads, locks   18294873 (  18294873    OK), rate     3.66 Mlocks/s, cpu  2397.35 %, deviation   201 %
Run No   8:  48 threads, locks   12448019 (  12448019    OK), rate     2.49 Mlocks/s, cpu  4739.11 %, deviation   646 %
Run No   9:  96 threads, locks    6482798 (   6482798    OK), rate     1.29 Mlocks/s, cpu  8355.59 %, deviation   288 %
Run No  10: 128 threads, locks    4678594 (   4678594    OK), rate     0.93 Mlocks/s, cpu  8336.90 %, deviation   449 %

Run No   1:   1 threads, locks  592234293 ( 592234293    OK), rate   118.44 Mlocks/s, cpu    99.91 %, deviation     0 %
Run No   2:   2 threads, locks  169372770 ( 169372770    OK), rate    33.87 Mlocks/s, cpu   190.04 %, deviation    34 %
Run No   3:   3 threads, locks  149135010 ( 149135010    OK), rate    29.83 Mlocks/s, cpu   277.78 %, deviation    16 %
Run No   4:   4 threads, locks  137290923 ( 137290923    OK), rate    27.46 Mlocks/s, cpu   372.87 %, deviation    17 %
Run No   5:   8 threads, locks  139647828 ( 139647828    OK), rate    27.93 Mlocks/s, cpu   766.50 %, deviation    14 %
Run No   6:  16 threads, locks  138530171 ( 138530171    OK), rate    27.70 Mlocks/s, cpu  1561.10 %, deviation    53 %
Run No   7:  24 threads, locks  135833156 ( 135833156    OK), rate    27.16 Mlocks/s, cpu  2341.83 %, deviation    41 %
Run No   8:  48 threads, locks  125167604 ( 125167604    OK), rate    25.03 Mlocks/s, cpu  4533.17 %, deviation    60 %
Run No   9:  96 threads, locks  122419292 ( 122419292    OK), rate    24.47 Mlocks/s, cpu  7532.81 %, deviation    44 %
Run No  10: 128 threads, locks  119881917 ( 119881917    OK), rate    23.95 Mlocks/s, cpu  7419.06 %, deviation    41 %

Run No   1:   1 threads, locks  577515489 ( 577515489    OK), rate   115.50 Mlocks/s, cpu    99.97 %, deviation     0 %
Run No   2:   2 threads, locks   70897773 (  70897773    OK), rate    14.18 Mlocks/s, cpu   197.97 %, deviation     2 %
Run No   3:   3 threads, locks  100096016 ( 100096016    OK), rate    20.02 Mlocks/s, cpu   269.59 %, deviation     4 %
Run No   4:   4 threads, locks   73535306 (  73535306    OK), rate    14.71 Mlocks/s, cpu   357.71 %, deviation    11 %
Run No   5:   8 threads, locks   65474954 (  65474954    OK), rate    13.09 Mlocks/s, cpu   734.34 %, deviation    14 %
Run No   6:  16 threads, locks   62848407 (  62848407    OK), rate    12.57 Mlocks/s, cpu  1508.38 %, deviation    25 %
Run No   7:  24 threads, locks   57507160 (  57507160    OK), rate    11.50 Mlocks/s, cpu  2262.38 %, deviation    12 %
Run No   8:  48 threads, locks   56545326 (  56545326    OK), rate    11.31 Mlocks/s, cpu  4475.63 %, deviation    40 %
Run No   9:  96 threads, locks   25148992 (  25148992    OK), rate     5.02 Mlocks/s, cpu  7403.88 %, deviation    35 %
Run No  10: 128 threads, locks   15254280 (  15254280    OK), rate     3.05 Mlocks/s, cpu  7664.81 %, deviation    65 %

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